Call | Category | Comments |
DL7ZO | SA LOW ALL | First license 07-2023 |
DL8AAE | SA HIGH 10M | Unfortunately this year again, I felt it necessary not to support war making countries by working stations from these countries. I am aware that I was not 100% consequent because I worked the zone multipliers if necessary. I know as well that I will not change the world and I missed a huge part of qso points, but I feel better this way. Fun in this contest was not as good as the other years due to the lack of discipline of station operators. A splattering bandwidth of 15 kHz is not apprpriate these days. And if the new multiplier station is calling the OG station only and RA3M is insisting to be picked up the only thing I could say is Russia is not in Finland since 100 years anymore and hopefully will not be in the future, as well as in Alaska and other parts of this planet |
DL8AI | SA LOW ALL | First license 02-2023 Licenced in 02-2023 |
DL8RDL | SA HIGH ALL | What a condition for a CQWW! So incredible! NOT incredible: nearly all stations shout 'QRZ' instead of their own call at the end of a QSO. Guys, there are so many regulations in those contest-rules. Why not thinking about a new rule like: 'Each station MUST state its own callsign at the end of EACH QSO'. We should use a rule like this in each of those contests we all work in. The contest-world would become a better one. My opinion. And your´s? -) 73 de DL8RDL |
DL8SDC | SO LOW ALL | IC7300 + R5 Cushraft 100 Watt |
DL9LA | SA HIGH ALL | First license 05.2022 Date of License 05.2022 |
DL9MFY | SO LOW 10M | Ant vertical three feet short |
DL9PW | SA LOW ALL | First license 04-2023 ROOKIE LIC.DATE 24.04.2023 |
DL9YY | SA HIGH ALL | First license 04-2022 |
DL9ZBN | SO LOW 10M | Hi there, I only made 50 qsos. So there is more off-time than busy-time. Many thanks and 73 de DL9ZBN / Kurt |
DM1SV | SO HIGH ALL | First license 04-2023 Class A License 04-2023 |
DM3WK | SO LOW ALL | Thanks for your job |
DM4MX | SO LOW ALL | 2023-05-03 ROOKIE |
DM4WH | SA LOW ALL | First license 09-2022 01.09.2022 |
DM5CQ | SA LOW ALL | In remember to my daughter Sophie. Born on 9/11/01 passed away 8/27/24. In Love! Dad! |
DM7XX | SA HIGH ALL | Operator age 19 |
DN9FM | SO LOW 10M | First license 06-2024 |
DN9MEM | SO LOW 10M | First license 08-2024 |
DN9YTG | SO LOW 10M | First license 08-2024 080824 |
DO1ARD | SA LOW ALL | First license 06-2022 ROOKIE 2022 |
DO1DPL | SO LOW 10M | First license 04-2024 |
DO1HEY | SO LOW ALL | First license 07-2024 ROOKIE 01.07.2024 |
DO1HTR | SA LOW ALL | First license 04-2024 2024 |
DO1MNA | SO LOW ALL | First license 08-2023 |
DO1NI | SO LOW ALL | Operator age 24 |
DO1UTE | SA LOW ALL | First license 02-2024 Lizenzierungsdatum 06.02.2024 |
DO2ANW | SO LOW 15M | First license 12-2022 |
DO2AST | SO LOW 15M | Rookie 19.10.2022 |
DO2RG | SO LOW ALL | First license 11-2023 Rookie, License since 11.2023 |
DO2SWE | SO LOW ALL | First license 11-2023 ROOKIE |
DO3HI | SO LOW 15M | First license 04-2024 2024-04-25 License |
DO3MOS | SO LOW 10M | First license 04-2023 Licensed since April 2023 |
DO3OI | SO LOW ALL | First license 11-2023 License sind Nov. 2023 |
DO4ADK | SO LOW ALL | First license 04-2024 |
DO4GB | SO LOW ALL | First license 06-2023 |
DO4SSH | SO LOW ALL | First license 12.2022 licensed since 5.12.2022 |
DO4TP | SA LOW ALL | I`m happy so far, last year the conditions were a little better :-) vy 73 de thorsten, DO4TP |
DO5DOM | SA LOW ALL | First license 06-2024 first licensed : 25.06.2024 |
DO5LC | SO LOW ALL | Operator age 15 2009 |
DO5NW | SA LOW ALL | First license 07-2024 |
DO6JAN | SO LOW 10M | First license 04.2022 |
DO6MRC | SO LOW ALL | First license 05-2023 Sorry i forgot the ROOKIE in my first upload |
DO7MAX | SO LOW ALL | Operator age 15 YOUTH |
DO8DT | SO LOW ALL | First license 05-2023 |
DO8JL | SO LOW ALL | Operator age 22 YOUTH (2002) |
DO8PAT | SO LOW ALL | First license 02-2024 |
DO8TF | SO LOW ALL | First license 03-2022 |
DO9FAB | SO LOW ALL | First license 04-2024 17.04.2024 |
DP5P | SO LOW ALL | Mni tnx for so much nice QSOs even with my small station, 2-ele-yagi for 10m - 20m, 2 x 12.5m linear loaded dipole or 40m -160m, 100 Wtts. I've enjoyed the good conditions and so many operating stations. Vy 73 de Torsten, DL1MHJ aka DP5P |