Call | Category | Comments |
DJ1AA | SA HIGH 10M | ICOM IC-7800, ACOM2000A,Optibeam OB17-4 (6 Ele. on 10m), only 2h playing time |
DJ1HWE | SO LOW ALL | First license 09-2022 |
DJ1PW | SA HIGH ALL | First license 01-2023 |
DJ2TG | SA HIGH ALL | Flexradio 6400 Antennas: Beam GP |
DJ4MX | SA LOW ALL | Operator age 22 |
DJ6DO | SA LOW ALL | Great event, several new stations and meeting of 'old' friends ! |
DK1YH | SA HIGH ALL | Operator age 21 |
DK5DS | SO LOW ALL | First license 10-2023 2023 |
DK7UDO | SO LOW ALL | please take this 2. Log , thx |
DK8YS | SO LOW 10M | First license 08-2023 First CQ WW SSB Contest, was much fun! |
DK8ZZ | SA HIGH ALL | Just for run, incredible runs using a small tribander |
DK9BT | SO LOW ALL | First license 02-2023 |
DK9MOS | SO LOW ALL | LICENSE 2013-06-08 |
DL0GEO | SO LOW 20M | FUN as always. But - if you have only a half of your tonge..... QSO's can be difficult. But enjoyed my QSO's. CU next year |
DL0MT | SA HIGH ALL | Operator age 18 |
DL0OO | SO LOW ALL | First license 13.05.2023 A License, 13.05.2023 |
DL1AMC | SO LOW ALL | First license 11.25.2022 A Lizenz 01.13.2024 |
DL1ASA | SA HIGH ALL | only some points |
DL1D | MULTI-ONE LOW | Lambdahalbe(R) Verticals for 10m, 15m and 20m. 1 Longwire for 40m, 80m and 160m. Some first time operators |
DL1IJU | SA LOW ALL | First license 06-2022 Rookie 14.06.2022 |
DL1MER | SO LOW ALL | First license 04-2024 |
DL1OT | SO LOW ALL | Thank you for the great contest |
DL2ACH | SO LOW ALL | First license 07-2023 Date of license 26.07.2023 |
DL2BAX | SO HIGH ALL | First license 04-2024 |
DL2RPN | SO HIGH ALL | Kenwood TS-890S + Acom 1010, 40m HyEndFed, Classic overlay (24h) Very good condx on all bands, especially on 15m and 10m (open to the whole world). Could work a lot of nice DX. Tnx to all and cu next year - 73 de Chris |
DL2RTJ | SA HIGH ALL | ... some QSOs just for fun |
DL2RZG | SO LOW 10M | Nice conds and activity on 10m |
DL3O | MULTI-ONE LOW | Was great fun |
DL3SDW | SA LOW ALL | It was so much fun with this great propagations this year, meeting so many stations on air. Nice to see full bands. Enjoyed using my Xiegu G90 and realizing what's possible with only 20W! |
DL3SKF | SA HIGH ALL | One Shared RIG with DL4SKF and DG7SCB 79m Doublet and Spiderbeam.. TNX to DL1CG and DL6SEV for their Great Support We'll be back in WPX-SSB 2025 with 2 Stations |
DL3YDP | SO LOW ALL | IC-756 Pro III,Ant: GPA-404/dipole |
DL4AI | SO LOW ALL | First license 04-2022 30th Apr 2022 first licensed |
DL4FDB | SO LOW ALL | First license 12.02.2022 License Date: 12.02.2022 |
DL4JC | SA HIGH ALL | First license 09-2023 |
DL4JLM | SA HIGH 10M | Very good conditions on 10m so I decided to operate 10m only. It was fun taking part a few hours and picking some DX |
DL4SKF | SA HIGH ALL | One Shared RIG with DL3SKF and DG7SCB 79m Doublet and Spiderbeam.. TNX to DL1CG and DL6SEV for their Great Support We'll be back in WPX-SSB 2025 with 2 Stations |
DL4ZA | SO HIGH ALL | Yaesu FTdx3000 - Icom IC-2KL - SteppIR - Loops |
DL5CTE | SA LOW 20M | First license 10-2024 Licenced at 12.Oct 2024 (12.10.2024) |
DL5EP | SA HIGH ALL | First license 06-2023 My first License is from 16.06.2023 |
DL5NI | SO LOW ALL | First license 11-2023 |
DL5OTT | SO LOW ALL | First license 05-2024 May 2024 the first Licence |
DL6BCX | SO LOW ALL | FTdx10 G5RV, my first major contest, fun |
DL6PL | SO LOW ALL | First license 03-2024 |
DL6RY | SA LOW ALL | First license 05-2023 |
DL6WWM | SO LOW ALL | First license 04-2022 |
DL7AUO | SA HIGH ALL | Flexradio 6700 Antennas: Dipols only |
DL7ED | SO LOW ALL | 80m was horrible again, why do you tune your voice until it ist not understandable??????? Nice conditions at the short Bands, good Contacts with my Vertical antenna sorry at 160m i do only have a diy Vertical no PA |
DL7EDU | SO QRP ALL | Just an antenna test |