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CQ World Wide DX Contest

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2024 PH

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Call Category Comments
W3RESA HIGH ALLOperated at NT3V primarily but did a few hours from my home station
W3URLSA LOW ALLFirst license 10-2023 Licensed 10/24/23
W4ABMULTI-ONE LOWGood condx. 2 ops, part time for fun
W4BBSO LOW ALLOperator age 24 24 years old. Thank you to everyone for a great contest!
W4EEYSA HIGH ALLGreat propagation! Super fun! Thanks everyone for the contacts. 73 de W4EEY
W4FYBSA LOW ALLFirst license 05-2022 1st Licensed 05/17/2022 as KQ4ALH
W4MVSO LOW ALLFirst license 05-2023 First licensed on 05/15/2023 under call sign KQ4GQN
W4QNWSO HIGH 40Mmega thanks to Tom w8ji for a fab contest experience. With 53 years of contesting this was the first at a mega antenna site. WOW is not enough
W4RNSA HIGH ALL$3K+ rigs adjusted to splatter all over the band. What a ridiculous thing to allow, unpenalized
W4VICSA HIGH ALLThanks for the Qs. 73, Vic W4VIC
W5GCXSA HIGH ALLWOW, Incredible Conditions
W5GTGSO LOW 10MMy first CQ WW DX Contest
W5HISA LOW ALLExcellent conditions all around!
W5THTSO HIGH ALLWhere did 20 meters go?
W6JPGSO LOW ALLsingle operator no cat overlay
W6ZLSA LOW 10MGot on just to work ZL7IO on 10m
W6ZXSO LOW ALLBest conditions on 10 meters I'm seen in decades !
W7AYQSO LOW 10MFirst license 02-2023 First licensed 2023-02-22. Operated portable from Molalla River State Park (POTA US-2844)
W7FWHSO LOW ALLFirst license 03-2024
W8RKWSA LOW 10MFirst license 11-2021 ROOKIE OVERLAY: First licensed 11-30-2021
W8TJMSA HIGH 10MThanks for another fun CQWW!
W9ADNSA LOW ALLOperator age 20 Very exciting contest, first time using my Tri-bander and learning how to use it properly for a contest!
W9ANSO LOW ALLVery enjoyable contest and great operating event
W9CGSA HIGH ALLMy first ever submission in over 55 years of amateur radio
W9KEYSA HIGH ALLWire antenna in backyard trees. First time to exceed 1000 Q's
W9MXQSO LOW 10MFun to see 10-meters open - I made it my only band
W9RESO HIGH ALLAlways super fun and a lot of activity from across the world
W9USOSO LOW ALLFirst license 04-2022 Rookie 04/06/2022
W9YKSA HIGH ALLglad to be heard with wires
WA1FCNSA LOW 40MWell I thought I would give this category a try as it has been several years sice I last chose it. Well after 3 hours I said forget it. I don't have the stamina for this. Well call it fate, good luck or whatever. 2 PM local time Saturday Bable TV, home phone and yes Internet all stoped. Service was restored 11:00 Am Monday morning. !! I would of been in a assisted category with NO assistance. I'll bet I do not turn off the lights early in next months CW version of this event !
WA1KPRSO LOW ALLFirst license 09-21-2024 9/21/2024
WA2AEYSO LOW ALLCoditions for the contest were EPIC the whole weekend! I was extremely happy to get JT0, HZ1 and 3B9, among several others. Dx was S9+ most of the contest. When it opened to South America ,they were S9+10,20 and 30 over for HOURS! The last hour it opened to Japan and Asiatic Russia.I think I did pretty well for 100 watts and a dipole.No assist for me, I did it the old school way and found everything on my own.Im hooked on DX contesting now!
WA2CNVSO LOW ALLIt was a great contest!! Bands were all wide open, especially 10M!!
WA3KCPSO HIGH ALLGreat fun! Really geeked out on the N3FJP phone macros, such that many QSOs were completed with 2 function keys (mapped to IC7300 TX SSB memories) glad to have the microphone at the ready! Takeaways: do it again! purchase legit headset! time to replace the 50+ yr old vertical antenna yet?
WA4CBSO LOW ALLFirst license 01-2023 after the contest I realized that I went by my call sign zone 5 for my cq zone. I'm actually in cq zone 4. I gave out 5 during my contacts and setup my log with zone 5. I hope this doesn't negatively impact my score
WA5LFDSO HIGH ALLG5RV at 35 feet with 200w. Bands were all pretty good with exception on 40m which was pretty quiet toward EU. 10m was open worldwide, working EU/SA/JA at the same hour
WA5PJASO HIGH ALLFirst license 02-2024
WA5WFESA LOW 10MGreat conditions. Lots of good operators and good DX
WA6KHKSA HIGH ALLTook down my 80 foot tower last week end and getting ready to move to a new QTH only 5 miles away
WA6URYSO HIGH ALLOperated remote from Tokyo, Japan
WA7AASA HIGH 10MAwsome propagation on all higher bands. I don't remember the last time 15 m was open to all continents at the same time like it was on Saturday evening for a while. It was also nice to see all bands packed with stations so much it was difficult to find a calling frequency - a refreshing change from all that FT8 garbage lately. The highlight of the contest must have been when two yokels decided to heckle me on 28.650 while I was calling CQ contest, saying how they 'don't lahk the kon-taste up here'. I barely resisted the urge to ask them if they may be late for a Klan meeting, but only because I had to answer the JA/YB pile-up
WA7BNMSO LOW 15MRadio-to-log software not working during early QSOs, so default 21200 frequency specified in log
WA8KANSA HIGH ALLBlessed with church attendance and family birthday dinner on Sunday. WA8KAN
WB0LQCSO LOW 10MTremendous fun for one old man!! Turning the dial to above 29.2 is great!!
WB0TEVSA HIGH ALLAll Search and Pounce, only working new mults
WB4EChecklogI was portable in MD. 90W battery power on 20M push-up vertical
WB5SKMSA HIGH ALLFirst license 04-04-2023

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