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2024 PH

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Call Category Comments
VA3MWSA HIGH ALLAmazing conditions!
VA3RFQSO LOW ALLFirst license 03-2024
VA3YBASO LOW ALLFirst license 08-2023
VA6BAXSO LOW ALLFirst license 05-2023
VA7DXSA HIGH 10MA very casual event that ended early in order to watch the Mexican F1 GP ... :) Condx on Friday and Saturday were excellent in particular to EU however Sunday was not that great. Flex6700, Acom2000, 4el Quad, N1MM+ Thanks to all for the Q's. See you in the CW test in Nov! 73 Neil VA7DX
VA7EETSA LOW ALLFun weekend of making contacts across the globe. 100% S&P. EU across the pole was pretty rough with the protons and k index getting up there
VA7WSDSO LOW ALLFirst license 12-2023 Rookie: 2023 Dec 04
VE1BRRSO LOW 20MFirst license 11-2022
VE1RGOSA LOW ALLFirst license 06-2022 Licensed 2022
VE2GTSO HIGH 10M10m single-band entry
VE2HTCSO HIGH ALLFirst license 11-2021
VE2ZDRSO LOW ALLWhat a nice DX condition in 2024!
VE3EVZSA HIGH ALLLicienced since 1961 and first contest. Most problem is submitting log!
VE3FCTSO HIGH ALLOperator age 16 Youth Category born Jan 18 2008
VE3JGOSO LOW ALLIn my short time in the hobby I have never witnessed the bands being so wide open. Great time and great contest. Joe VE3JGO
VE3MAFSO LOW ALLFirst Contest ever. Was a lot of fun
VE3OMVSO LOW ALLOperator age 14
VE3PNSO HIGH 160MVERY Noisy here and numerous bsod and other PC issues early morning when things got interesting
VE3VYSA HIGH ALLSingle-element wire antennas only
VE3ZZSA HIGH ALLGreat cx! Great contest!
VE4JPXSO LOW 15MOperator age 21
VE5CPUSO HIGH ALLA few hours of chasing DX
VE5PVMULTI-MULTIGreat condx on the high bands...tnx for the q's...and a big shout out to Sharon VE5WI for being such an accommodating host. 73, Gerard VE5FF
VE5SFSA LOW ALLConditions on the first day were great, however day 2 was a let down with poor propagation from SK
VE6AKSSO LOW ALLOperator age 24 Birth year 2000, great contest lots of new DX!
VE6CTSA HIGH ALLNew Call Sign for 2024. Very enjoyable and looking forward to next year and all upcoming events. Thanks Karl. VE6CT - VE6KDX
VE6IVNSA HIGH ALLThanks the bands were wide open this year
VE6NROSO LOW ALLOther commitments kept me from operating more than an hour or two at a time. But condx were good for me!
VE6SYDSO LOW ALLFirst license 01-2022
VE6ZCSO LOW ALLDecent condx made for a memorable contest. Already looking forward to 2025!
VE7BGPSO LOW ALLThe CQWW contest was a good way to pass a wet blusrty weekend
VE7DXSA HIGH 10Mthank you all that called me
VE7GDESO LOW ALLfirst time that I participated in this contest thanks making it possible to operate in this contest
VE7MHISO LOW ALLWell, who thought a parked mobile station, with a handful of 1/4 wave, mono-band, whip antennas could have this much (tiring) fun! I've learnt so much since first entering this 'test I think four years ago. I popped out twice when I wasn't presenting at the ARO candidate exam prep course to snag some countries on Friday evening PDT. I ended up hanging out in the parking lot by the memeorial gardens, the noise floor being quite low. Home about midnight. Sat and Sun I put in fairly long days. 40 m was sparse overall, 20-10 m doing the grunt work. One station, on taking a moment to say, 'Nice signal' was very surprised when I thanked him for the confirmation of that, and that I was (parked) mobile. I did have some rather frustrating moments of Reality Checks, having to acknowledge that the NA East coast had a big advantage re European contacts. So, I worked who I could returning occasionally to what sometimes were former pile-ups. Thank you to all who played nicely, used good annunciation, even if economical. I had watched the score climbing, and didn't set any expectations. Nonetheless I was severely stoked to see it pop over 100k just in the last minute. I doubt it will hold as there is at least one dupe. 73 all
VE7RSVSO LOW ALLBetter conditions for me this year, worked further into SE Asia areas, but not much heard from Europe at my operating QTH this time
VE7WNKSA HIGH ALLCDX were excellent for a while, best I have seen in a contest in a while. 10 to EU flopped, but otherwise decent
VE7ZDHSO LOW 20MFirst license 06-2024 2024-06-12
VE9CZSA LOW ALLA big thank you for all stations that spotted me! Your help was extremely important. I only used 100 watts and a wire (EFHW)
VE9EXSA HIGH ALLIt was a pleasure to participate and hear a few familiar voices. I don't operate a lot, but I more than doubled the number of my lifetime 10 m QSOs I only have a G5RV for 10 m which I scrambled to put back up before the contest. From my QTH, zones 27 and 34 are tough and still elusive
VE9QRSO QRP ALL10m was so hot that I made 5 QSOs with 900mW and didn't even know it! Next year will there be a QRPp power category?
VJ2JSO HIGH 10MImpressive conditions, especially with a pair of 6 over 6 OWA yagi's in play
VK2LEESO LOW ALLgreat contest - excellent conditions -
VK2WANSO LOW ALLFirst license 11-2022
VK3GZYSA LOW ALLAustralian Foundation Call operating 10W
VK3JCCSO LOW ALLIts my first time and my log wasnt done live I apologise for my lateness. In future I will use VKCL live
VK3KTTSA HIGH ALLgood fun for a few qso's needed for year and all time
VK3TDKSO LOW ALLFirst license 11-2021
VK3YSO HIGH 10MBest 10m propagation since the 1980's
VK4CJFSO LOW 40MFirst license 12-2022

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