Call | Category | Comments |
VA3MW | SA HIGH ALL | Amazing conditions! |
VA3RFQ | SO LOW ALL | First license 03-2024 |
VA3YBA | SO LOW ALL | First license 08-2023 |
VA6BAX | SO LOW ALL | First license 05-2023 |
VA7DX | SA HIGH 10M | A very casual event that ended early in order to watch the Mexican F1 GP ... :) Condx on Friday and Saturday were excellent in particular to EU however Sunday was not that great. Flex6700, Acom2000, 4el Quad, N1MM+ Thanks to all for the Q's. See you in the CW test in Nov! 73 Neil VA7DX |
VA7EET | SA LOW ALL | Fun weekend of making contacts across the globe. 100% S&P. EU across the pole was pretty rough with the protons and k index getting up there |
VA7WSD | SO LOW ALL | First license 12-2023 Rookie: 2023 Dec 04 |
VE1BRR | SO LOW 20M | First license 11-2022 |
VE1RGO | SA LOW ALL | First license 06-2022 Licensed 2022 |
VE2GT | SO HIGH 10M | 10m single-band entry |
VE2HTC | SO HIGH ALL | First license 11-2021 |
VE2ZDR | SO LOW ALL | What a nice DX condition in 2024! |
VE3EVZ | SA HIGH ALL | Licienced since 1961 and first contest. Most problem is submitting log! |
VE3FCT | SO HIGH ALL | Operator age 16 Youth Category born Jan 18 2008 |
VE3JGO | SO LOW ALL | In my short time in the hobby I have never witnessed the bands being so wide open. Great time and great contest. Joe VE3JGO |
VE3MAF | SO LOW ALL | First Contest ever. Was a lot of fun |
VE3OMV | SO LOW ALL | Operator age 14 |
VE3PN | SO HIGH 160M | VERY Noisy here and numerous bsod and other PC issues early morning when things got interesting |
VE3VY | SA HIGH ALL | Single-element wire antennas only |
VE3ZZ | SA HIGH ALL | Great cx! Great contest! |
VE4JPX | SO LOW 15M | Operator age 21 |
VE5CPU | SO HIGH ALL | A few hours of chasing DX |
VE5PV | MULTI-MULTI | Great condx on the high bands...tnx for the q's...and a big shout out to Sharon VE5WI for being such an accommodating host. 73, Gerard VE5FF |
VE5SF | SA LOW ALL | Conditions on the first day were great, however day 2 was a let down with poor propagation from SK |
VE6AKS | SO LOW ALL | Operator age 24 Birth year 2000, great contest lots of new DX! |
VE6CT | SA HIGH ALL | New Call Sign for 2024. Very enjoyable and looking forward to next year and all upcoming events. Thanks Karl. VE6CT - VE6KDX |
VE6IVN | SA HIGH ALL | Thanks the bands were wide open this year |
VE6NRO | SO LOW ALL | Other commitments kept me from operating more than an hour or two at a time. But condx were good for me! |
VE6SYD | SO LOW ALL | First license 01-2022 |
VE6ZC | SO LOW ALL | Decent condx made for a memorable contest. Already looking forward to 2025! |
VE7BGP | SO LOW ALL | The CQWW contest was a good way to pass a wet blusrty weekend |
VE7DX | SA HIGH 10M | thank you all that called me |
VE7GDE | SO LOW ALL | first time that I participated in this contest thanks making it possible to operate in this contest |
VE7MHI | SO LOW ALL | Well, who thought a parked mobile station, with a handful of 1/4 wave, mono-band, whip antennas could have this much (tiring) fun! I've learnt so much since first entering this 'test I think four years ago. I popped out twice when I wasn't presenting at the ARO candidate exam prep course to snag some countries on Friday evening PDT. I ended up hanging out in the parking lot by the memeorial gardens, the noise floor being quite low. Home about midnight. Sat and Sun I put in fairly long days. 40 m was sparse overall, 20-10 m doing the grunt work. One station, on taking a moment to say, 'Nice signal' was very surprised when I thanked him for the confirmation of that, and that I was (parked) mobile. I did have some rather frustrating moments of Reality Checks, having to acknowledge that the NA East coast had a big advantage re European contacts. So, I worked who I could returning occasionally to what sometimes were former pile-ups. Thank you to all who played nicely, used good annunciation, even if economical. I had watched the score climbing, and didn't set any expectations. Nonetheless I was severely stoked to see it pop over 100k just in the last minute. I doubt it will hold as there is at least one dupe. 73 all |
VE7RSV | SO LOW ALL | Better conditions for me this year, worked further into SE Asia areas, but not much heard from Europe at my operating QTH this time |
VE7WNK | SA HIGH ALL | CDX were excellent for a while, best I have seen in a contest in a while. 10 to EU flopped, but otherwise decent |
VE7ZDH | SO LOW 20M | First license 06-2024 2024-06-12 |
VE9CZ | SA LOW ALL | A big thank you for all stations that spotted me! Your help was extremely important. I only used 100 watts and a wire (EFHW) |
VE9EX | SA HIGH ALL | It was a pleasure to participate and hear a few familiar voices. I don't operate a lot, but I more than doubled the number of my lifetime 10 m QSOs I only have a G5RV for 10 m which I scrambled to put back up before the contest. From my QTH, zones 27 and 34 are tough and still elusive |
VE9QR | SO QRP ALL | 10m was so hot that I made 5 QSOs with 900mW and didn't even know it! Next year will there be a QRPp power category? |
VJ2J | SO HIGH 10M | Impressive conditions, especially with a pair of 6 over 6 OWA yagi's in play |
VK2LEE | SO LOW ALL | great contest - excellent conditions - |
VK2WAN | SO LOW ALL | First license 11-2022 |
VK3GZY | SA LOW ALL | Australian Foundation Call operating 10W |
VK3JCC | SO LOW ALL | Its my first time and my log wasnt done live I apologise for my lateness. In future I will use VKCL live |
VK3KTT | SA HIGH ALL | good fun for a few qso's needed for year and all time |
VK3TDK | SO LOW ALL | First license 11-2021 |
VK3Y | SO HIGH 10M | Best 10m propagation since the 1980's |
VK4CJF | SO LOW 40M | First license 12-2022 |