Call | Category | Comments |
OH0V | SA HIGH ALL | Thank You to K2MGA for creating CQ contests. Thank You to all for the QSOs |
OH1SIC | SO LOW ALL | 73 de OH1SIC/SM5SIC Goran |
OH2PQ | SO HIGH ALL | Big thanks to OH2BAH for letting me use his QTH |
OH3CYT | SA LOW ALL | Operator age 16 Rookie: 09.08.2023 Youth: 2007 |
OH3DIG | SO LOW 10M | First license 06-2024 |
OH3MF | SO LOW 15M | Tnx for nice QSOs ! |
OH5MQ | SO LOW 10M | RIG: Sommerkamp FT-250 PWR: 80 W ANT: vertical loop |
OH5UQ | SO LOW ALL | TS-590 95W BTV-5 |
OH6IO | Checklog | Propagation less good second day,but more activity |
OH8K | SA HIGH 10M | Ok result with just a fixed full wave vertical wire loop between the trees |
OH8TS | SA HIGH ALL | First license 04-2022 Licenced 21.04.2022 |
OK1DKR | Checklog | My old N6TRcontest log totally colapsed after three hours and as I was not able to restore after two hours trying I wokw up my contesting in the CQWW for the first time! |
OK1LEV | SO HIGH ALL | Operator age 21 |
OK1LO | SO QRP 10M | IC-705, 4el. yagi, 5W |
OK1NYD | SO LOW ALL | 12 hours |
OK1SI | SA LOW ALL | Only wire through the window to the tree about 15m |
OK2BFN | SA LOW 80M | IC746, LW 40m |
OK2BRX | SO LOW ALL | IC 7300, 100W, DIPOL+3 band-3 el.y |
OK2DUB | SA LOW 10M | First license 03-2022 |
OK2MBP | SO LOW ALL | Rig[s]IC-756PROIII-100W,Antena[s]3el.YAGI,LW82m |
OK4DZ | SA LOW ALL | The eleven-year cycle is apparently at its peak. Conditions on the upper bands were great! I enjoyed it |
OK6HT | SA LOW ALL | First license 09-2024 13.9.2024 |
OK7O | MULTI-ONE | RUN FT1000MP MarkV, PA Acom 1000 - 1kW MULT FT710, PA Alpha91 - 1,2 kW 6 el./10, 5 el./15, 4 el./20, 3el./40, dipol/80,160 10 el. LogPer, beverages |
OK8CX/P | SO QRP ALL | 4h on a GMA summit with my endfeed at 8m and 5 watts from ft818 |
OL4W | SO QRP 40M | KX3 5W LW33m |
OM1ATB | SO LOW 15M | First license 03-2023 First license 03-2023 |
OM1BAT | SO LOW ALL | First license 05-2024 |
OM1BTC | SA LOW ALL | First license 05-2024 03.05.2024 |
OM1CMD | SA LOW ALL | First license 04-2024 04-2024 |
OM2DT | SO LOW ALL | ts590sg,lw |
OM2EMT | SO LOW ALL | Operator age 22 |
OM5HIT | SA LOW ALL | First license 05-2024 |
OM6RT | SA LOW ALL | First license 04-2024 |
OM7AT | SO LOW ALL | TNX, 73! |
OM7PY | SO QRP 10M | SDR QRP TCVR 2X 3el Yagi |
OM8JP | SO LOW 20M | 3 band wire dipole / 60 W |
ON2VHF | SO LOW 10M | YAesu FT991, boomerang antenna on balcony |
ON3AR | SO LOW ALL | Broke all records this year !!!. Great propagation on all bands !!! |
ON3UI | SA LOW ALL | First license 07-2022 26/07/22 |
ON3VS | SO LOW 10M | always a nice contest |
ON3YDM | SO LOW ALL | ROOKIE 2024/04/04 |
ON4FF | SA HIGH 15M | Returning to amateur radio and radio sports after 20 years has been both challenging and rewarding. Special thanks to Patrick (ON4HIL) and Marc (ON6CC) for their invaluable support and contesting tips |
ON5RZ | SA LOW ALL | Never called CQ, only hunting -) Endfed antenne and 2 ele Moxon on 10 @10 mtr. asl on a ICOM7300 20 and 80 could have been better, too much RFI |
ON5XX | SA HIGH 10M | Hello, This is just a check log. I was away most of the weekend but managed to work some nice ones on 10m. 73 de ON5XX Joel |
ON6EC | SO LOW ALL | Yaesu FT-891 with 100W. Antenna 1/4 wave ground plane. Can one work DXCC in one weekend, with modest setup? |
ON6NL | SA LOW ALL | Planned a M/2 with my friend Leo as we both had family obligations but he did not make it so I changed to SO(A) on Sunday. Rig: IC7610 Ant: KT34a and dipoles |
ON7CL | SO LOW ALL | Did not expect to have so many qso's, the conditions were excellent, the antenna did a good job, just need better antenna's for 40/80/160. I had a lot of fun, see you in next contest. 73 |
ON7VZ | SA LOW ALL | Thanks all operators for the contacts. Not easy with a G5RV |
ON8NT | SO QRP ALL | nice contest, lot of activity |
OO4O | SO HIGH ALL | Wow! Super conditions on 10m like in 1979 and 2011. Band full of signals from all over the world. Think best conditions in 40 years of contesting. Best ever contest |