Call | Category | Comments |
M9B | SA LOW ALL | Operator age 20 |
M9T | SA LOW ALL | 10m was rocking! Over 1MHz-worth of stations at times. Always new stuff to work, even for a small station. 100% S&P |
MI1M | SA QRP 10M | 10m band was wide open not seen so many stations for quite some years |
MM0DXL | SO LOW ALL | Thanks for the contest |
MM1E | SA HIGH 20M | Limited entry using remote station |
MM4D | SA HIGH ALL | Conditions started OK on 10m then took a dive late on Saturday and never really recovered. Originally intending a single band entry due to antenna limitations. Only a part-time effort....I cant seem to whip up the enthusiasm for SSB contests any more! Roll on the CW test. Thanks to all for Qs 73 de John, GM4ATA aka MM4D |
MM7WKK | SA LOW ALL | First license 05/2023 |
MM8Z | SO LOW 15M | Flex 6600 Antennas: SteppIR BigIR |
MM9I | SA HIGH ALL | What a great weekend of radio fun. Thanks for all the QSOs |
MW7DUI | SO LOW ALL | First license 09-2022 SEPTEMBER-02-2022 |
N0JTG | SO LOW ALL | First license 2022 |
N0MMA | SO LOW 40M | Only had time to get one antenna up, went with what we had. Lots of fun and action |
N0OEP | SO LOW ALL | 20 watts portable |
N0UU | SO HIGH ALL | Best conditions for a long time for me |
N0WOP | SO LOW ALL | First license 08-2023 |
N1CCC | SO LOW ALL | I played on and off very casually this year, and spent some time working on an antenna build. Thanks all and 73 from Kansas City! |
N1DC | SO LOW ALL | Amazing conditions especially on 10M ! |
N1FTP | SA LOW ALL | All time best for me. Bands were great. Lots of fun |
N1HTS | SO LOW ALL | Few hours of S&P. Headset adapter failed so had to switch headsets |
N1JFU | SO LOW ALL | Only operated for 4 hours |
N2BZD | SA LOW ALL | Great Propagation on all bands and directions |
N2FT | SA HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest in spite of dealing with some equipment issues |
N2LOL | SA LOW ALL | Operator age 15 Born in 2009, 15yo |
N2TDT | SO LOW ALL | Haven't been on in many years, Only operated for a little while, was fun, see you next year. Put up a vertical in a tree about 10 feet off the ground |
N2TO | SO LOW ALL | Thanks to all the DX stations who worked me |
N3KF | SA HIGH ALL | Fantastic weekend. Unfortunately had a commitment for Saturday pop up. So was not able to do the time I wanted too. Hopefully conditions are still wonderful next year. Really irritated me we had an intentional QRMer posting busted calls on the cluster. I thought we were better than that |
N4CW | SA HIGH ALL | Part-time effort, but it was great fun chasing mults! Thanks to the sponsors and all the participants all over the world! |
N4DEX | SO LOW ALL | First license 03-2023 |
N4DTF | SO LOW 15M | a casual effort on 15m conditions were good to Europe and Asia. Always fun! |
N4IJ | SA LOW 10M | Good condx on 10m. Most countries I can =remember working on a weekend |
N4IW | SA LOW ALL | Ever since I had significant knee surgery a week ago, my BIC time has been severely limited due to discomfort when in the radio chair. That being said, I was not able to participate as much as I had hoped. My money bands were 10 and 15 meters all on Saturday in short spurts. I am amazed at some of the scores put up by so many people! Congratulations! |
N4MCC | SA LOW ALL | Great contest this year. Wish it had a wires only category |
N4ML | SA LOW ALL | Operator age 20 Age 20 born in 2004 |
N4ZQA | SO LOW 10M | Best contest of the year. Great operators |
N5GI | SA HIGH ALL | OP Setup: Kenwood TS-890 SPE Expert 1.5K-FA Butternut HF-9V ground mounted vertical with 12 radials |
N5HC | SA HIGH ALL | Last minute effort. But I’m happy I did. It was pretty amazing |
N5JMK | SA LOW ALL | First license 08-2023 |
N5LFE | SA HIGH ALL | Mostly looking for DXCC countries rather than points this year. I think I worked 6-7 new ones |
N5NEN | SA HIGH ALL | 4-500W to hustler BTV ground mounted |
N5YS | SA LOW ALL | Great band conditions and great ops make for a great contest! 15m was smoking! Thank you to all the ops for the QSO |
N6ACA | SO LOW ALL | My main rig went tango uniform and I attempted this at 20watt on my POTA rig. 73 N6ACA |
N6DW | SA HIGH ALL | A problem with the computer interface contest effectively ended my effort |
N6HI | SO QRP ALL | QRP, 5 Watts to a 20 foot end-fed wire, thrown into a tree. This was a part-time effort. I jumped on when I could, but I'm sure I missed some of the best propagation times. 28 QSOs total, some using ½W. (only 3 of my 17 Countries) Propagation conditions were a bit less than I expected, but in the end I did beat my last years score (but less Countries) My hearty congrats and THANKS to all for your patience and the QSOs, and a chance to test if my microphone works. Crossing my fingers for good propagation for CQWWDXCW! GO ARIZONA OUTLAWS! -73- John N6HI |
N6QLS | SA HIGH 10M | TKS to Pier W1NA for hosting me at his super station in Cape Cod MA |
N6RV | SA LOW ALL | My DB18E was stuck on 17 meters but could tune all bands but 20 meters with a tuner. Unfortunately High Power was not in the cards. It did perform fine on 40 meters but running Low Power was a struggle. I miss the runs and it was the best conditions so far this cycle! |
N6VOH | SA HIGH ALL | Had a great time with this contest |
N6XI | SO HIGH ALL | Just testing some new software |
N7EPD | SA HIGH ALL | A very part time effort |
N7GND | SO LOW ALL | Operated portable and with only battery power from POTA US-4385 Umatilla National Forest |