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2024 PH

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Call Category Comments
M9BSA LOW ALLOperator age 20
M9TSA LOW ALL10m was rocking! Over 1MHz-worth of stations at times. Always new stuff to work, even for a small station. 100% S&P
MI1MSA QRP 10M10m band was wide open not seen so many stations for quite some years
MM0DXLSO LOW ALLThanks for the contest
MM1ESA HIGH 20MLimited entry using remote station
MM4DSA HIGH ALLConditions started OK on 10m then took a dive late on Saturday and never really recovered. Originally intending a single band entry due to antenna limitations. Only a part-time effort....I cant seem to whip up the enthusiasm for SSB contests any more! Roll on the CW test. Thanks to all for Qs 73 de John, GM4ATA aka MM4D
MM7WKKSA LOW ALLFirst license 05/2023
MM8ZSO LOW 15MFlex 6600 Antennas: SteppIR BigIR
MM9ISA HIGH ALLWhat a great weekend of radio fun. Thanks for all the QSOs
MW7DUISO LOW ALLFirst license 09-2022 SEPTEMBER-02-2022
N0JTGSO LOW ALLFirst license 2022
N0MMASO LOW 40MOnly had time to get one antenna up, went with what we had. Lots of fun and action
N0OEPSO LOW ALL20 watts portable
N0UUSO HIGH ALLBest conditions for a long time for me
N0WOPSO LOW ALLFirst license 08-2023
N1CCCSO LOW ALLI played on and off very casually this year, and spent some time working on an antenna build. Thanks all and 73 from Kansas City!
N1DCSO LOW ALLAmazing conditions especially on 10M !
N1FTPSA LOW ALLAll time best for me. Bands were great. Lots of fun
N1HTSSO LOW ALLFew hours of S&P. Headset adapter failed so had to switch headsets
N1JFUSO LOW ALLOnly operated for 4 hours
N2BZDSA LOW ALLGreat Propagation on all bands and directions
N2FTSA HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest in spite of dealing with some equipment issues
N2LOLSA LOW ALLOperator age 15 Born in 2009, 15yo
N2TDTSO LOW ALLHaven't been on in many years, Only operated for a little while, was fun, see you next year. Put up a vertical in a tree about 10 feet off the ground
N2TOSO LOW ALLThanks to all the DX stations who worked me
N3KFSA HIGH ALLFantastic weekend. Unfortunately had a commitment for Saturday pop up. So was not able to do the time I wanted too. Hopefully conditions are still wonderful next year. Really irritated me we had an intentional QRMer posting busted calls on the cluster. I thought we were better than that
N4CWSA HIGH ALLPart-time effort, but it was great fun chasing mults! Thanks to the sponsors and all the participants all over the world!
N4DEXSO LOW ALLFirst license 03-2023
N4DTFSO LOW 15Ma casual effort on 15m conditions were good to Europe and Asia. Always fun!
N4IJSA LOW 10MGood condx on 10m. Most countries I can =remember working on a weekend
N4IWSA LOW ALLEver since I had significant knee surgery a week ago, my BIC time has been severely limited due to discomfort when in the radio chair. That being said, I was not able to participate as much as I had hoped. My money bands were 10 and 15 meters all on Saturday in short spurts. I am amazed at some of the scores put up by so many people! Congratulations!
N4MCCSA LOW ALLGreat contest this year. Wish it had a wires only category
N4MLSA LOW ALLOperator age 20 Age 20 born in 2004
N4ZQASO LOW 10MBest contest of the year. Great operators
N5GISA HIGH ALLOP Setup: Kenwood TS-890 SPE Expert 1.5K-FA Butternut HF-9V ground mounted vertical with 12 radials
N5HCSA HIGH ALLLast minute effort. But I’m happy I did. It was pretty amazing
N5JMKSA LOW ALLFirst license 08-2023
N5LFESA HIGH ALLMostly looking for DXCC countries rather than points this year. I think I worked 6-7 new ones
N5NENSA HIGH ALL4-500W to hustler BTV ground mounted
N5YSSA LOW ALLGreat band conditions and great ops make for a great contest! 15m was smoking! Thank you to all the ops for the QSO
N6ACASO LOW ALLMy main rig went tango uniform and I attempted this at 20watt on my POTA rig. 73 N6ACA
N6DWSA HIGH ALLA problem with the computer interface contest effectively ended my effort
N6HISO QRP ALLQRP, 5 Watts to a 20 foot end-fed wire, thrown into a tree. This was a part-time effort. I jumped on when I could, but I'm sure I missed some of the best propagation times. 28 QSOs total, some using ½W. (only 3 of my 17 Countries) Propagation conditions were a bit less than I expected, but in the end I did beat my last years score (but less Countries) My hearty congrats and THANKS to all for your patience and the QSOs, and a chance to test if my microphone works. Crossing my fingers for good propagation for CQWWDXCW! GO ARIZONA OUTLAWS! -73- John N6HI
N6QLSSA HIGH 10MTKS to Pier W1NA for hosting me at his super station in Cape Cod MA
N6RVSA LOW ALLMy DB18E was stuck on 17 meters but could tune all bands but 20 meters with a tuner. Unfortunately High Power was not in the cards. It did perform fine on 40 meters but running Low Power was a struggle. I miss the runs and it was the best conditions so far this cycle!
N6VOHSA HIGH ALLHad a great time with this contest
N6XISO HIGH ALLJust testing some new software
N7EPDSA HIGH ALLA very part time effort
N7GNDSO LOW ALLOperated portable and with only battery power from POTA US-4385 Umatilla National Forest

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