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CQ World Wide DX Contest

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2024 PH

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Call Category Comments
KI5ZNSSO LOW ALLOperator age 15
KJ0NESSO LOW 10MFirst license 07-2024
KJ5IBYSO LOW 10MOperator age 21 Operator age 21 1/2 At the beginning of the contest I didn't understand the CQ 2/2 Zone part and may have sent incorrect locations my apologies Birth year is 2003
KJ7AGQSO LOW ALLOperator age 18
KK4BZSA LOW ALLRadio Icom IC-7300, Antenna Home Brew 134 ft OCF Dipole at 34 ft above ground in trees. No tuner, no rotator, no amp, no fuss - just operating when able, which was less than one quarter the time of the contest
KK4DXSO HIGH 10MI enjoyed the contest immensely. My first in fact. Although I did not operate the full 24 hours, I am excited about the next contest where I can operate longer. I will definitely do this again
KK4RSA HIGH ALLI was amazed by the number and creativity of the bad spots
KK7CJVSO LOW ALLFirst license 12/2024
KK7KQPSO LOW 10MFirst license 02-2023
KK7NRJSO LOW 10MFirst license 07-2023 First solo contest!
KK7PWSA HIGH 20MGreat fun! BIG tnx to CV1A for the multi with 1 minute left! :) Go WWDXC!!
KK7PZESO LOW ALLFirst license 12-2023 Tech License: 12-14-2023, General License: 01-25-2024
KK7QHFSA HIGH ALLOperator age 17 Rookie, 01-04-24 Youth, 09-08-2007
KK8CSO LOW ALLOperator age 22 Op was born in 2002
KL7YKSO HIGH ALL10m was amazing!
KM2RFSO LOW ALLFirst license 01/2022
KM4PIHSO LOW ALLExcellent contest
KM4RKSA LOW ALLAwesome conditions!
KN4ETDSO LOW ALLRegarding the log entry for QSO with TI5A: I made an error when logging TI5A's zone which I discovered later on in the contest. Since I'm entering unassisted I did not go online (QRZ) to get his zone. I think he should get credit for the QSO, so in order to pass the Log Check algorithm I've entered a bogus zone of '1'
KN4HGISA LOW ALLFantastic time and I learn more about my gear, logging, operating and contesting each year in CQWW than in any other event. Great spirit and fighting the solar issues, local weather and openings on 10 and 15 that were MASSIVE was a challenge and great fun! Thanks to the organizers for all you do! 73 de KN4HGI Alan
KN6SJQSO LOW ALLFirst contest!
KN6VQSA LOW ALLFirst license 09-2022
KN6VTCSA HIGH ALLFirst license 09-2022 First licensed September 14, 2022
KN6ZHJSO LOW ALLFirst license 04-2023 Rookie: First licensed April 11th, 2023
KN6ZVISO LOW ALLFirst license 05-2023
KN6ZZISA HIGH ALLFirst license 05-2023
KO3ZDESA LOW 10MFirst license 07-2024 Licensed on 07-25-2024
KO4ILSSO HIGH ALLOperator age 21 2002
KO4WXESA LOW 10MFirst time doing the contest. It was amazing. Will push me to get higher license to get more bands!!!!
KO6DRMSO LOW 15MFirst license 03-2024
KO6FSMSO LOW ALLFirst license 08/2024
KP4AAMULTI-ONEClub contest points 25% Minnesota Wireless Assn 25% Bavarian Contest Club 50% Non-Elite Contesters Consortium
KQ2MSO HIGH ALLIncredible long-lasting openings and great DX. I NEVER thought 6,000 qsos were possible from my station! Tnx for the qso's and the mults! 73 Bob, KQ2M
KQ3QSO LOW ALLFirst license 03-2022 First time participating. It was fun
KQ4DRXSO LOW ALLFirst license 10-2022 10-12-2022
KQ4JYGSA LOW ALLFirst license 07-2023
KQ4MYCSO LOW ALLFirst license 12-2023
KQ4MZZSO LOW ALLFirst license 12-2023
KQ4UGUChecklogFirst license 08-2024
KR1ASO LOW ALLOnly reached once for the rotor control while using the 40m vertical
KR4EZSO HIGH ALLThanks for this contest
KS7TSO LOW ALLFirst of all congrats to all the EU stns on 10, 15 and 20 who copied my 100w. with my beam fixed on VK! The rotor wont turn ccw yet wrkd the whole world anyway. Of course due to poor cndx getting some stns was tough. Second I never heard the kind of activity from stateside as there was in this contest as most of the dx had endless W pileups and activity on 10 went all the way up to 29.1! That was EU on Sat. But on 10 Sun. I lost all prop to EU til 1700, only 4 stns came in
KU2MSO HIGH 15MGreat conditions Friday night, but by Saturday 3 of 4 usable antennas were broken, which presented an interesting challenge!
KV4ZYSO LOW ALLCasual operating just for fun
KX1QSO LOW ALLWonderful contest! Operated portable from a campground in Massachusetts
KX2TSA HIGH ALLAs one of the top contesters of the YCCC once said 'There is no Meters like Ten Meters' and this weekend was the band to be on! Thank the many contesters all over the world this weekend for getting on and spreading the DX Joy, seeya all next year God willing!
KZ2ISA HIGH 10MAfter a little medical thing, doctor told me to take it easy. So I decided to 'just' do 10 meters. Had fun and didn't have to deal with the competition on other bands
KZ4BESA HIGH ALLOperator age 20 2004
KZ4CPSA HIGH ALLFirst license 11-2024
LA/SM6XHMSO QRP ALLSmall vertical antenna on balcony when visiting Norway on work

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