Call | Category | Comments |
K5GN | SO HIGH ALL | Wow, top-of-the-cycle conditions were either frustrating (low bands), interesting (15m) or amazing (10m)! 46 hours in the chair and I'm sure I left a lot on the table. I'm still learning 'the 'phone' |
K5IZO | SO HIGH ALL | Newly installed antenna problems |
K5RX | SO HIGH 20M | Not much of an antenna - C3e at 106' and some Beverages |
K5VG | SA LOW ALL | Made 2 QSOs for grins from my station in Oregon. Also participated remotely with the W4NF team in Virginia |
K6DAC | SO LOW ALL | First license 04-2023 |
K6JO | SO HIGH ALL | Operator age 24 |
K6MUG | SO LOW ALL | 10 meters was great. 15 meters was very lonely. 20 meters wasn't worth much effort. More than 25% of my contacts were Japan |
K6NR | SO HIGH ALL | Great conditions on the high bands (I didn't spend much time below 15 meters). Signals pretty much wall to wall from 28.3 to above 29 - amazing. My yagi SWR approaches 3 to 1 just above 29 but fortunately the KPA1500 has an antenna tuner. Thanks for the QSOs! Dana |
K6QLF | MULTI-ONE LOW | This is another K6QLF Multi-OP Operation. This was a radiosport training exercise after a presentation by WQ6X for the Amateur Radio Club of Alameda (ARCA) on running the CQ W.W. contest for the 1st time. We ran an ICOM 7300 into a horizontal J-Pole atop the Oakland Yacht Club's building in Alameda. ARCA can be found on the internet at: http://ARCAHAM.Org. LooK for a write-up on this & other radiosport events: |
K6ST | SO LOW ALL | Excellent dx especially on 10m |
K6YK | SO HIGH ALL | Third try on this upload. Computer messed up the log |
K7ACZ | SA LOW ALL | Rig: IC-7610, antennas: F12 C33 at 85 ft 10/15/20 mtrs at 2100 ft above sea level, Alpha Delta sloper for 40/80/160. WRITELOG for logger Again my pet peeve is stations who send QRZ over and over without a callsign. After 10 or so QRZ I will call WHATS YOUR CALLSIGN? Half the time I have worked them before and move on. Also, the big guns who blast their call out of turn hoping to be heard over everyone else. Also, when a station asks who is the K7 or station ending in Zulu and people with calls nowhere near my call answer. It is difficult enough for me in Las Vegas to work EU stations without strong East Coast stations calling over me. In the ARRL DX contests some EU stations need western states for mults and when they hear a K7 calling them they will try to work them for a possible new mult but East Coast stations will keep calling over the top of me. Very surprised how 10 mtrs was wide open. Many stations all over the band with even QRM from too many stations close together. My best band. 15 mtrs also was op |
K7HV | SA LOW ALL | Great fun riding the roller coaster condx! |
K7KX | SA HIGH ALL | First time operating in a contest from my remote station in Montana. Created a list of action items I need to address to make station control and interfacing with N1MM more seamless. Conditions were excellent! |
K7LUC | SO LOW ALL | First license 03-2023 |
K7VIT | SA HIGH ALL | It was sure nice to have 10m so open. Perhaps too nice, and I should have spent more time making the rounds. :^) I ran assisted to help my relatively small station find some new countries. I noticed on Saturday afternoon, some frustrated person(s) posting multiple bad callsigns on the DX cluster(s). I checked out a few of the DX spots and saw the spotter's source-call was in several cases a bogus, non-existent callsign(s). Apparently, the frustrated person(s) might not have been able to work the DX call so they were going to try and spoil the fun for others. The bad spots on the DX cluster were pretty easy to recognize ... especially if one uses their ears to listen before calling the station in question. Thank you for continuing to sponsor these World-Wide fun contests. VY FB |
K8GL | SO HIGH ALL | Thank you! Mucho splatter on 20 and 15 from the activity but 10 meters was a welcome oasis, complete with DX! |
K8LF | SA HIGH ALL | Started with tower at 35FT on Saturday. Raised Tower Saturday afternoon. Anyway lots of stations very crowded. I like CW and RTTY better |
K8MR | SO HIGH ALL | Nearly all my QSOs were above 29.000 |
K8OZ | SO HIGH 10M | Just looking for some old friends. Propagation for 10 meters should be pretty good this year. Let's see how the propagation holds up |
K8ROX | SA HIGH ALL | Broken rotor, unable to spin the beam and a lousy low band sloper but managed to pull out by far my best contest score ever! Had a blast! |
K8TS | SA HIGH 15M | ops not identifying and fake posts were real bummers |
K9FRO | SA LOW ALL | Fun Contest. IC7300 and G5RV/10m Vertical Dipole |
K9JF/7 | SA HIGH 10M | Indoor Dipole at 15' QRN S-7 to S-8 with so many Solar Panels in the neighborhood |
K9JY | SA HIGH ALL | All S&P |
K9KJ | SO LOW 10M | Wasnt going to work the contest at first, but was able to get on Saturday afternoon and play |
K9LC | SA LOW ALL | Great conditions!! Had a lot of fun |
K9RO | SA LOW 20M | Heard 20+ more counties that could not here me. Many thanks to those that did and tried extra hard when I was not 59 |
K9SJP | SA HIGH ALL | First license 10-2022 2022 |
KA0PQW | SO LOW ALL | fun contest 73 Matt ka0pqw |
KA0WWT | SA LOW ALL | Great 10 Meter band opening on Saturday.....Sunday was a slog for every contact |
KA2G | SA HIGH ALL | First license 10-2023 |
KA6JAR | SO HIGH 10M | First license 08-2023 First Licensed 8/29/2023 as KO6BAX |
KB0ARZ | SO LOW ALL | I did past my goals of total contacts and total score compared to 2023!! |
KB3N | SA LOW ALL | First license 11-2021 |
KB4MG | SO LOW ALL | Love this contest! |
KB5WTX | SA LOW 10M | All contacts made with a speaker wire inverted vee dipole at 10 feet high built after the contest started |
KC1RWR | SA LOW ALL | First license 10-2022 |
KC1SDD | SA HIGH ALL | Operator age 13 |
KC1TMT | SO LOW ALL | Operator age 16 |
KC1TNO | SA HIGH ALL | First license 07-2022 |
KC1TPH | SO LOW ALL | First license 10-2023 |
KC1UEK | SA LOW ALL | First license 02-2024 |
KC1UYC | SO LOW ALL | Operator age 12 |
KC1VFX | SO LOW 10M | First license 08-2024 |
KC3STZ | SA LOW ALL | Great Contest |
KC3TYX | SO LOW ALL | First license 04-2022 Great contest! |