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2024 PH

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Call Category Comments
JR8QFGSO LOW 10MIC-7300 Dipole Antenna
JS1BIBSO HIGH 15MI enjoyed the contest
JS1KQQSA HIGH ALLGood contest with good condition
JS2EHUSO LOW 40MI enjoyed the contest
JS2ITISO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JS2IWESO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS2MYRSO LOW ALLFirst license 04-2022 I received my license on April 26th 2022. I'm so happy to get connected with 74 entities in the weekends. Thanks so much!
JS2NYJSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS6UMOSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
K0ATYSO LOW ALLIt was a fun DX contest. Thanks! 73 Mike k0aty
K0DSLSO LOW ALL100 W and a Comet CHA-250B vertical
K0ILSA LOW ALLSearch & Pounce only using Cushcraft R5 vertical
K0KMVSO LOW ALLFirst license 05-2024 First Licensed 2024-05-31
K0LTSO LOW 10MFirst license 05-2022 initial license May 2022
K0TCSA HIGH ALLI'm not much of a phone operator, but I really enjoyed this contest
K0VAASA LOW ALLNot sure QSO with 4M5A was completed due to bad conditions. Last QSO with LN8W is a duplicate
K0VHSO HIGH 10M10m only using 6BTV
K0VIKSA LOW ALLFirst license 04-2022
K1JWCSA LOW ALLFirst license 03-2023
K1KASA HIGH ALLThe fantastic conditions kept me glued in my seat more than usual. By Saturday night my score was what I'd usually be happy with for an entire contest. Had a few nice runs which I had to cut short when my voice would die. An old op problem. I resorted to clicking a lot, trying to make those needed red and green squares in N1MM disappear. Probably did too much of that at the expense of just making more QSOs. But it was all great fun. I never ran out of people to work or multipliers. Thanks all for the Qs. Thanks to the Sun for holding off that predicted solar storm. 73 Dave K1KA K3S, KPA1500, JK Mid40Tri (10-40), Dipole (80), Inv. L (160)
K1LTSO HIGH ALLA few random contacts without any particular plan or goal
K1TKTSO LOW ALLFirst license 04-2024 first license call sign was kc1unr granted 4/2/24
K2CJSA HIGH ALLPersonal best for CQWWDX SSB!
K2GOSA HIGH ALLRemote operation from HP Panama City. 73 de HP1XT
K2MNSO LOW ALLUsed an indoor fan dipole and 90 Watts
K2PISO QRP ALL10M had activity from 28300 all the way up to 29300, something I've not seen in a many years. Great to hear so many loud stations on 10 and 15. CW next! 73 K2PI
K3CCRMULTI-TWOK3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care retirement community at FM 18OW in MD, just east of DC. N3UM and W5MPB did Multi-2 HP in 2024 CQ SSB. We last did CQ SSB Multi-2 in 2021. We hoped to beat our 2021 claim 966 Qs and 1.06 M score. We did, by a lot 1.9 X the Q pts and 1.4 X total mults for 2.66 X the score claim. SFI of 200+ but Kp of 3-4 in dark hours made it mostly about high bands 10 M was super hot. Three one-band DXCCs, on 20 thru 10 M! At 00Z start on 20 M N3UM ran at 63/hr, but got just 13 Qs. Rate was better clicking spots 143 total 20-M Qs by 0159Z. He then got 34 40-M Qs 02-03Z, 38 80-M Qs, and 2 on 160 M by 0442Z QRT. W5MPB at start got 57 15-M Qs 00-01Z. He then hopped bands for a total of 14 more 15-M Qs, 47 40-M Qs, & 53 20-M Qs by 0442Z QRT. On agn 1055-1311Z, W5MPB got 114 Qs on 15 M. He went to 20 M and found it slow 9 Qs by 1500Z. Back on 15 M was better he got 21 Qs in 25 min 1504-1529Z, & quit to eat. N3UM on agn 1158- 1311Z got 17 Qs on 20M & 5 on 40 M slow. But in our first time on 10 M 1320-1500Z he clicked spots for 123 Qs, 74/hr fast! He got 29 more at 67/hr 1535-16Z & quit to eat. W5MPB back 1638-1708Z got 31 15-M Qs. Then 1711-2113Z he got 174 10-M Qs and 41 15-M Qs, and quit to eat. Our C3 for 15 and 10 M has 1 feed it’s best if 1 Op does both bands & QSYs every ~7-15 min. Our KPA-1500 does the QSYs fast. W5MPB was the 1 op 65% of our total Qs were on 10 & 15 M. Back on at 1849Z N3UM got 62 20-M Qs & 23 15-M Qs, then ate 2202- 2257Z. From 2258-0027Z he got 53 40-M Qs, 33 in a run at 72/hr. VK on 10 M at 0047Z, a last 7 15-M Qs, & 1 80-M Q by QRT. Back at 2200Z W5MPB got 20 10-M Qs, 12 15-M Qs, & 46 20-M Qs by QRT. Kp of 3-4+, so QRT at 0129Z to return early. Good move from 1108-1526Z N3UM got 60 20-M Qs and quit to eat. W5MPB 1109-1222Z got 50 Qs on 15M. And, 1157-1704Z 296 Qs (!) on 10 M, and quit to eat. Back at 1846Z from a non-ham cleanup chore, N3UM got just 35 Qs on 20 M by 2023Z, so he left. W5MPB only was FB, with good rates on 10 & 15 M from 1707-2159Z he got 118 10-M Qs & 48 15-M Qs. By 2311Z he got 17 last 20-M Qs and 3 last 40-M Qs. Few non-dupes were left
K3HWSA LOW ALLAin't no maters like ten meters.....this was a longer effort than I originally thought I would have with many family emergencies going at the same time but things calmed down. Due to those emergencies a work trip was canceled that would have only had me on Friday night and Saturday. I had the entire weekend for the most part while managing the kids, wash, and dogs in between. Conditions were some of the best I have experienced with only 2014-2015 comparing. Working stations on 10 meters from 28.3-29.2 is a kick. Favorite contact was working UP2L on 15 meters at 23:20z at 5/9 plus 10. For my tiny low power station that was a good one along with 3B9, TO7K, VK, ZL, JA, and others. Heard some I could not work like VR2 and B1 but the pileups were too deep. Everything worked as it should but need to get my delta loop and Tri bander up a bit higher on the military mast. I have weird issue with the wiring in the house since we moved back from the fire and it is all rebuilt. The breaker goes out when I am on 40 meters and on occasion 15 meters. I have read there is a problem with new breakers picking up RF as a short and going off. That is why I do not have any 40 or 80. This might have to wait until next year to fix as I do not have the cash for an electrician at this point. Had a good time, nonetheless. 73 and thanks for DX for pulling me out. 73 de K3HW .. (Microphone will now be buried in the backyard behind the shed until spring)
K3KSO HIGH 20M'K3K celebrated 2024 National Feral Cats at K3TW - MEOW!'
K3MMSA HIGH ALLJust a little offtime action from the home station
K3SWZSO HIGH ALLPersonal Best! Countries: 102 Zones: 28 What happened to 160 Meters??
K3TWSA QRP 10M'It was great to have 10m wide open again and activity well above 29 MHz.!'
K3ZJSO HIGH 10MPower loss mid-contest created log data access problems. After two hours trying unsuccessfully to find and use backup file, I re-started using new callsign WR8AA instead of K3ZJ to avoid duping a lot of stations. But changing callsigns was no fun, so I quickly changed strategy and resumed with K3ZJ limited mostly to calling CQ, making callers responsible for dupes. While running was productive, I had lost QSOs and mults during the two hours of down time and lost more by mostly not S&Ping during the last half of the contest. Sincere appreciation and thanks to Tim, N3QE, for finding the first day�s backup log and joining it with the second day�s log. Despite the logging failure, I enjoyed the great propagation and saying hi to so many friends. My goal of exceeding my 1988 score in the same category from the same station probably will not survive log checking but it was fun trying
K4CCTSO LOW 10MMy first contest. My first time using a logging software. Just learning. I hope I did this correctly
K4CUZSO LOW 20MThe TS 520 is my contest go to rig!
K4HYDSO LOW ALLFirst license 04-2024 04-16-2024
K4IESO HIGH ALLWas doing well until the control chip in the DB-11 antenna blew Saturday night
K4JPDSO HIGH 40Mgood conditions. spent most on contest S&P as very little room available for run frequency. some EU stations were 40+ over S9 both nights!
K4KJTSA LOW ALLFirst license 10-2024
K4KYNSO LOW ALLGreat contest! Enjoyed all the contacts
K4OJWSO LOW ALLFirst license 02-2024
K4RAASO LOW ALLFirst license 03-2024
K4REISO LOW ALLMy 1st time for contesting
K4TMCSO LOW 10MElecraft K3+ with Heil HC-4 mic element Two MFJ-1890 10M Moxon in home attic, one at 20 ft and one at 26 ft
K4TWTSO LOW ALLFirst license 04-2024
K4VVSO LOW ALLIndoor (attic mounted) tri-band yagi (A3-S)
K5AYOSO LOW ALLFirst license 07-2023 ROOKIE - 07/22/2023
K5ENSSO LOW ALLThis was just a casual effort but it was one of my first CQ WW events. This effort was entirely S&P. I made 45 contacts across 2 bands (10M & 15M) in 30 counties (15 on each band) and 19 CQ Zones (9 on 15M and 10 on 10M). I u sed the Voice 'keyer' of my IC-7300 quite a bit

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