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2024 PH

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Call Category Comments
JJ0TUCSO LOW 10MOperator age 22 YOUTH_2002_06_19
JJ0VFVSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JJ0VGDSO LOW ALLOperator age 17 I enjoyed the contest. April 24, 2007 17 Years Old
JJ0WIESO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JJ0XUN/3SO QRP 10MPortable from Minouragatake, SOTA summit JA/KT-078, near Kyoto. KX3 running 5 watts feeding a homebrew 17' doublet made from aircraft grade jacketed twisted pair. Hand sent and logged on my phone. I shared the peak with a local who was practicing his samurai technique with a wooden sword. 'Japan Japan Zero X-ray Uniform November portable three' proved to be very difficult to copy. Kudos to Danny, K7SS, who would not give up. After many, many overs he pulled my full call through. I am amazed by the amount of extraneous rf crud there is on the 10/15/20 meter bands in Japan. I imagine it is similar throughout Asia. We are lucky in CA. Apologies to Levi, K6JO, for the inadvertant dupe 13 minutes after the first QSO. His was notably loud on the band. Best DX west was RK4FD, and K5GN on 15 to the east. I added the four QSOs I made on 10/27 so those stations don't lose points for a nil
JJ1IMGSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JJ1ONKSA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JJ1PZYSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JJ1XHBSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JJ2CDLSO LOW 10MDear DX station, I look forward to seeing you again next year! 73 FTDX10 out100W 4ele-Yagi
JJ3TBBSO LOW ALLRIG is TS-850S and ANT is GP /DP Power output is 50 watts or less
JJ7PMSSO HIGH ALLMAX 200W claimed age as of 76 I hope to enroll next time
JK1CNLSO QRP 10MI really enjoyed the contest
JK1EETSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JK1ESRSO LOW 40MI enjoyed the contest. PWR=50watts/KEY Hi-MOUND HK-705 TWIN DELTA LOOP(7MHz/3.5MHz)/4ele YAGI(21MHz/28MHz)
JK1FUISO LOW ALLOperator age 18 For the first time I encountered LP and SP open at the same time. It was excited for hear a lot of EU!
JK1HBWSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JK1HFBSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JK1HIXSA HIGH ALLCondition was excellent. Hope same or more better condition next month CW
JK1IXSSO LOW 15MOperator age 22 I birthed in 2002
JK1JJLSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JK1NJHSO HIGH 15MI enjoyed the contest
JK1PSQSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest. I'm glad there is a classical category. This time, the change in conditions due to the sun was large, and on the second day, due to the rainy weather, it was difficult to adjust the antenna. However, I am glad that we were able to QSO decently. I would like to thank everyone who QSO with me. 73
JK1SBPSO LOW ALLFirst license 01-2023 Jan-2023
JK1SFPSO LOW ALLFirst license 02-2023
JK1VBKSO LOW 10MI enjoyed the contest
JK1WSHSA HIGH 10MI enjoyed the contest
JK1ZIPSO LOW ALLOperator age 14 I enjoyed the contest. My age is 14 years old
JK6DXDSO HIGH 15MI enjoyed the contest
JL1AGYSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JL1AQASO LOW 10MFirst license 05-2024
JL1IHFSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JL1LOFSO LOW 40MI enjoyed the contest
JL1UTSSA QRP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JL1WRVSO HIGH 10MI enjoyed the contest
JL2XKK/1SO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JL3AYPSO LOW 20MI enjoyed the contest
JL4OUXSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JL8PZOSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JM1EMXSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JM1PIHSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JM1XBDSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JM2LHBSA HIGH 15MI enjoyed the contest
JM3FUWSA LOW ALLI got many new entitys !TU
JM3QISSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JM6URLSO LOW 10MI really enjoyed contest
JM7SKESA HIGH ALLPropagation of 10m was nice. It was so much fun!
JM8RWJSO LOW ALLI enjoyed this contest.tnx
JM8SCHSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JN1FAOSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest

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