Call | Category | Comments |
JA2YKA | MULTI-ONE LOW | I enjoyed the contest |
JA3BXF | SO HIGH 10M | I enjoyed the contest |
JA3EQC | SO LOW 10M | Thank you nide CQ WW SSB contest! |
JA3IBU | SO HIGH ALL | 10m condix was vy FB |
JA3KKE | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JA3LIL | SO HIGH 10M | I enjoyed the contest |
JA3PFY | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JA3UWB | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JA4GXS | SA HIGH 10M | I enjoyed the contest |
JA4JLT | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JA4LCI | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest. Thanks a lot |
JA4MLR | SO LOW 15M | First license 05-1970 Appreciate all staffs and partner STNs very much |
JA4XHF/3 | Checklog | Enjoyed FB Condx. Thanks |
JA5ICH | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JA5SUD | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JA5WNH | SA HIGH 40M | I enjoyed the contest |
JA6CNX | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JA6CVR | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JA6FFO | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JA6HZN | SO HIGH 15M | sosv |
JA6ONQ | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JA6PTH | SO HIGH 10M | I enjoyed the contest |
JA7ODY | SO HIGH 15M | All except 21MHz are check logs. I enjoyed the contest |
JA7QVI | SO HIGH 10M | I enjoyed the contest |
JA7UES | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest on 10m! |
JA8IJI | SO HIGH ALL | incredible good condition on 10m Band |
JA8RJD | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JA8RUZ | SO HIGH ALL | Goog progation ON 10m |
JA9BJS | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JA9CXV | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JA9ECO | SO LOW 15M | I enjoyed the contest very much |
JA9EJG | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest. TNX FER QSOs 73 |
JA9GEW | SO LOW 15M | I enjoyed the contest |
JA9TQY | SO LOW 10M | I enjoyed the contest |
JA9XAT | SO LOW 10M | Only 1 QSO ! |
JE0CBS/1 | SO QRP ALL | I'm enjoyed contest with 5watts output |
JE1GZB | SO LOW 10M | I enjoyed the contest |
JE1QHP | SO HIGH 15M | I enjoyed the contest |
JE1RXJ | SO HIGH 15M | I enjoyed the contest. But I didn't operate all band |
JE1SPY | SO LOW 160M | I paticipate in 160m low power. Japan's 160m SSB band has only 30KHz witdh, from 1845 to 1875KHz(LSB lower limit is 1848KHz). On the other hand, domestic local rag chews are always held during the contest. Local lag chews in Europe and the United States are performed at frequencies of 1880 KHz or higher, but in Japan, SSB DX WINDOW and domestic lag chews are mixed. Furthermore, DX SSB stations cannot be called because SSB is prohibited below 1845 KHz. Western stations will surely earn points if they use the Internet etc. to find frequencies that are not lag chewed in Japan and have them run CQ! My score was 154 in 2020, 171 in 2021,209 in 2022. 30 in 2023.Only 12 in 2024 |
JE1UPB | SO LOW 10M | I enjoyed the contest |
JE1XUZ | SA HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JE2DOD | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JE2FJI | SA HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JE2GUV | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JE2HXL | Checklog | I enjoyed the contest |
JE2LPC | SA HIGH 15M | I enjoyed the contest |