Call | Category | Comments |
GM1T | SO LOW ALL | First time operating in this contest. Thanks to all I worked and best 73s. Learned how to use N1MM, excellent logging program |
GM2T | MULTI-TWO | Another fantastic contest. In all my years we haven�t seen 10M so busy Main Issue we had was that we couldn't get the 15M beam to be resonant so had to abandon it and put our A3S up which worked a dream. We had two young lads (brothers) come along and operate -David MM7YDG aged 11 (he had recently passed his Foundation exam) and his brother Michael 2M0ILZ aged 14. He took to running like a duck to water. From the teams� perspective it made the whole event worthwhile seeing the youngsters take part. We hope it is the first of many |
GM3TAL | SO LOW 10M | F2 propagation generally excellent. Spent more time listening than sending. Didn't hear much from Pacific this occasion |
GM4FDM | SA HIGH 10M | SunSDR2 DX Antennas: Cushcraft A4S |
GM4NNC | SO LOW 10M | Great to work on 28 MHz aftre a long time Splatter from some over driven station collosal |
GM4V | SA HIGH 10M | Portable effort from clifftop site with sea path West through North, to East. Band was in good shape until the CME on Sunday, though still able to work NA/SA on skew path, roughly 90deg from direct. Hard at times to find a spot to CQ. Lots of narrow audio which was hard to read, and also muffled audio from many Asian stations. Compromised setup with antenna at just 20ft AGL but still seemed to work well |
GM4VYQ | SO LOW ALL | Band conditions were the best we’ve had for a while. 10m was excellent |
GM5BDX | SA HIGH 10M | Fixed Dipole at 8m. FTDX10. Acom 1010 |
GM5DDX | SA LOW ALL | First license 01-2022 |
GW8KBO | SO LOW ALL | OPERATING HOURS: 26H10M QSO POINTS: 998 NO.OF ZONES:(3.5:4),(7:7),(14:10),(21:8),(28:22) Total 51 NO.OF COUNTRIES: (3.5:8),(7:22),(14:36),(21:31),(28:60) Total 157 |
HA0IK | SO LOW 20M | First license 11-2022 2022.11.02 |
HA0SA | SO LOW ALL | First license 07-2024 |
HA1ICE | SO LOW ALL | First license 12-2023 |
HA1NB | SO LOW 10M | Operator age 14 |
HA2PWR | SO HIGH ALL | First license 01-22 first Amateur Radio licence: January 2022 |
HA3DX | MULTI-ONE | Rig RUN1: YAESU FTDX3000, PA:HENRY 3K Premier,MFJ-989C tuner, Rig RUN2: YAESU FT2000, PA: ME1200H, Antennas TX: 5 el monobander Long John Yagis for 28-21-14 MHz, Lazy-H antennas for 7MHZ (NW-SE/SW-NE), 2 el NVIS for 7 MHz (N-S) 4 Square for 7MHz (TNX to HA5IW es HA5VJ) 6-way, 2 element, vertical phase sys, for 80m by a HA5IW Single Quads for 3,5 MHz (NW/SE)/(SW/NE) 2 el NVIS for 3,7 MHz (N-S)remote tuned dipol (TNX to HA5IW) Delta loops for 160m(NW-SE) (SW-NE) full size,verticaly polarized Inverted L K2AV FCP for 160M Antennas RX: Single wire Beverages,100m to 285 degrees and 160m to 50 degrees,300m to 250 degtees(TNX to Jan OK2ZAW!) Beverages complemented by a HA5IW preamplifier. RUN1-RUN2 TX-RX filters,control boxes and antenna switches are all HA5IW products Mr Murphy visited us, we had RUN2, PA failure. 4,7 nF high voltage capacitor short circuit, but we managed to replace it. 5 hours RUN2 and rest periód missed. Nice activity, good CONDX and enjoyable contest! Thanks for all QSO's! Vy 73's es DX! HA3DX team |
HA3MAR | SA HIGH ALL | Operator age 15 |
HA4A | SO HIGH 40M | FTDX101D + OM3500HF + Superarray Vertical / Kelemen Inv Vee |
HA5AX | SO LOW ALL | First license 03-2024 This little FT-991A works quite well, but I have to pull the antenna out of the attic (hi hi) |
HA6KG | SA HIGH ALL | First license 03-2022 |
HA6NL | SA LOW 40M | ICOM756pro 100w delta loop |
HA8CQ | SO LOW 10M | IC-746, Wire dipol |
HB3XGP | SO LOW ALL | First license 10-2023 |
HB3YEN | SO LOW 15M | First license 04-2024 My first contest :))) |
HB3YIE | SA LOW ALL | First license 10-2024 |
HB9AA | SO LOW ALL | Elecraft K3 100 Watts Force 12 C-4s ( 2 elements on 20/15/10m and shortened Dipole on 40m ) Kelemen Dipole for 3.5 and 1.8 MHz |
HB9AMO | SA LOW 10M | Low Power with dipole antenna. Using nly Search & Pounce (S&P) during all contest |
HB9BTI | SO HIGH 15M | TS 2000 Kenwood / 700 Watt / 10 Element Wire-Yagi Optibeam |
HB9BUN | SA HIGH ALL | Flex 6600M Antennas: Hexbeam, Endfed Dipole |
HB9CU | SA QRP ALL | FT-450D 5W and ATAS-120A |
HB9GKM | SO LOW ALL | Excellent conds on 15 and 10m Band during the contest |
HB9H | MULTI-ONE | Besides the rainy Weekend we have experienced great propagation condition. It was a real fun! |
HB9HLI | SA LOW ALL | Unfortunately I didn't have enough time for the CQWW so I activated it as 'just for fun'. The 10m was exceptional, a delight, what a pity not to have been able to do it more seriously. It was also an opportunity to test the not1mm software, which is the only one to run natively on my Linux PC. I hope to do better next year |
HB9HYM | SO LOW ALL | RIG: Yaesu FTDX-10 100W for 10 to 40m, FT-847 100W only for 80m ANT: V-Dipole for 10/15/20/40m - Halfsloper 80m |
HB9TRR | SA HIGH ALL | Thanks for Contact and QSO, CU soon. 73 de HB9TRR, Peter |
HF0TT | SO LOW 20M | First license 03.06.2023 |
HF2B | SA LOW ALL | Operator age 12 years old |
HF5WIM | SO QRP 10M | Saturday was great on 10M. Sunday much more difficult for QRP because of A/K indexies. Thank you so much to all who recieved my tiny signal. 73 de Wim |
HF6UWU | SO LOW ALL | Operator age 19 birth year: 2005 TRX: ANT: endfed 40m-10m |
HG6C | SA QRP 20M | FT 107M 5 W 3 ELE YAGI |
HG6L | Checklog | ICOM756pro 100w delta loops |
HJ3CAN | SO LOW ALL | First license 05-2022 25/05/2022 licencia |
HJ3ESF | SO LOW ALL | First license 07-2023 |
HK1X | SA HIGH 10M | Very good contest as always, excellent propagation, I didn't work at any contest station, just only my IC-746 radio, Ameritron amplifier and a Hexbeam. I worked at my house in the city and the noise was terrible 5/9, but I had fun like never before because the software helped a lot. Many thanks to all the friends who worked with me. A hug and see you at CQWWCW 2024. 73s Pedro HK1X |
HQ9X | MULTI-TWO | Yankee Clipper Contest Club gets 5/6 of this score |
I0KNQ | SO HIGH 10M | it was my first 10 meter contest good propagation,fun , thanks to everyone for linking me to the next edition 73 paul i0knqguaranteed |
I1GXV | SO LOW 10M | Better propagation on Saturday than Sunday and lot of fun achieving my personal record for this contest in spite of limited time, as usual, for family duties |