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2024 PH


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2E0IZKSA LOW ALLFirst license 04-2023 20th April 2023
2E0LMISO LOW 10MJust joined in casually on 10m. Thanks all
2E0UBASO LOW 20MGreat to be back on HF!
2E0WFUSO LOW ALLFirst license 06-2023 Passed Exam 14/06/2023
2E1WNDSA LOW ALLFirst license 03-2023
2I0WMNSO LOW ALLAnother great contest with reasonable conditions, using 746 with homebrew wire loop antenna
3B9KWSO HIGH ALLSore throat and solar flare killed my motivation, however, enjoyed nice rate. K3, SPE 1.3k, Win-Test Buddihex for 20-10m Vertical for 40m No 80/160m antenna, turned out good decision as even 40m is useless during contest. This would be first ever entry from 3B9 for SSB part of CQ WW contest. See you all in CW next month. 73 Kazu M0CFW, JK3GAD
4G1HCYSO LOW ALLFirst license 02-2024 02-2024
4I1GRNSO LOW ALLFirst license 09-2023 September 27, 2023
4U1ITUSA HIGH ALLConditions varied but had fun
4X4HQMULTI-ONEThis is a high school clus station in Tel Aviv. ALL THE OPERSTORS ARE UNDER 16 YEARS OLD. This is our first contest activity
4X5ICSA LOW 10MFirst license 08-2023
4X6TTSA HIGH 10M10 meters, CQ WW DX 2024 what a ride! Bands were so-so, and let's be real: the older you get, the slower you get (or maybe it's just me!). Managed 17 hours out of 36 allowed - not bad, right? Pulled in just under 2,600 contacts. Honestly, I think I've earned a break till next year! 73, and catch you in 2025
5B4AQFSA HIGH ALLFirst license 10-2022
5B4AQUSO LOW ALLFirst license 11-2023
5H8HZSO LOW 20MDxped like work fron 5H by TA1HZ
5K3LSA LOW ALLA contest with very good conditions, a lot of enthusiasm and high expectations. Finally, before completing 24 hours of operation, technical problems with the equipment and the power supply left me out of any possibility
5P1NSAChecklogFirst license 02-2022
5Y5KSO HIGH ALLOperated from Safari Country 100W Yaesu FT 920 and TH6DXX at 50 feet, first time contest in several years....Amplifier blew up prior to contest. Stuck in remote rural Africa for several days after contest
6Y1VSO HIGH ALLThis is what you can achieve from Jamaica by just running with a single radio (SO1R) without even worrying about move multipliers. If you want to know why, I'll explain below. I promise not to be as lengthy as last year. While my goal this year was to attempt a serious competition (learning from last year's mistakes), several factors prevented it from happening. This time, I couldn't arrive in Jamaica as far in advance as last time, although honestly, I didn't think it was necessary since everything was left working. All I knew was that after the hurricane in July, a tree had fallen on the guys of the 160-meter vertical, knocking it down. I arrived Thursday before the contest, and the first thing I saw upon entering the property was that none of the 80M 4-square verticals were complete. I already knew I’d be spending countless hours on repairs. This time, I was alone without Roman RN5M, who was on the other side of the world with our friend Chak JT1CO. The days felt endless, starting at sunrise at 5:30 am and ending around 11 at night. I faced countless unexpected issues, the kind of things that tend to happen here, but I wasn't expecting them. While the new house and shack we're building on the property was supposed to be finished months ago, it's still not ready, and, worse yet, it has no electricity. Although the builder promised to come on Monday (and then Tuesday), it never happened, and that was why I couldn't set up or test anything until Thursday. Thankfully, while troubleshooting with the antenna analyzer and solving various issues, I thought to test the rotators, and none of them were working: neither the rotating tower nor the two ring rotors for the MonstIRs. The power supply controlling these DC motors was newly redone last year by Velimir K3JO, and while everything was disconnected, the control boards where all motor and potentiometer cables connect were still attached, so it seems a static discharge had taken its toll. After a couple of nights and hours of calls with Velimir, who guided me through measurements and tests, we managed to get it all working. Thanks, Velo! I battled the scorching sun, extreme humidity, and even torrential rain while working on the 80M 4-square. I had to replace the four stack matches with the new ones I brought from the USA and splice dozens of cut cables. I set up a wire vertical for 160M from the top of the SteppIR tower, ran a Beverage antenna through the jungle, found a 7/8'� hardline nearly sliced by a machete, dealt with corroded connectors, and even a malfunctioning potentiometer on one of the ring rotors that forced me up the tower at 10:30 pm Thursday night, finishing around midnight. And so many others... On Wednesday, I finally arranged with George 6Y5GC to use his house again, something I probably should have done from day one since everything from the old shack had been gathered up, tangled together, and shoved into boxes to be moved to the new house. It was a complete nightmare trying to identify which cable was which. Starting from scratch was an understatement—I was digging through a mess to find any sense of order. At this point, I knew I didn't have the 160 vertical, and the top (of 2) monobander for 15M wasn’t working. Maybe the old M2 baluns needed replacing, but there wasn’t time to lower it and find out. The rest, according to the antenna analyzer, seemed to be working. After identifying and connecting hundreds of cables, connectors, and jumpers to the antenna server, I hooked up an IC-7800 as R1 and a K4D that I brought in a 90 lb. suitcase filled with other gear from the USA, including a Microham MK2R+ with cables specifically bought for this contest. Once everything was connected, I tested the amps on the higher bands, and except for a few minor issues, everything seemed okay—until I tried 40 meters. The lower SteppIR MonstIR wouldn’t tune on 40, or any other band. I spent hours trying to manually calibrate it element by element, but I never got satisfactory results. I was up all Thursday night (early Friday) troubleshooting, configuring the Microham USB Router software for the MK2R+, and dealing with an issue where the software showed one status, but the hardware behaved differently. My plan was to stay awake until 7 am and then sleep as much as possible before the contest, but I didn’t intend to go to bed worrying about malfunctioning equipment. I reached out to my friend Milen LZ5DB, my go-to for troubleshooting on this kind of issues, and he told me to go to sleep and that he’d log in remotely to fix it. I slept almost nine hours, and when I got back to the station, everything sounded terrible through the MK2R+, with distortion on one side so I definetely bought a bad unit. (Mental note: ALWAYS test used gear before need using it.) The day before, I was glad to get an from Tom W2SC/8P5A wondering if I was here, as he hadn't heard me and was checking if everything was ready for the contest since our last conversation in Dayton. I mentioned some of these antenna issues to him and even considered a single-band entry on 20 meters, where I knew both antennas worked. When I finally sat down to listen a few hours before the contest, the top SteppIR also showed high SWR. I quickly asked George for help setting up a 40M vertical in the yard with a fiberglass pole, four radials, and a long coax cable. We adjusted it, and that became my primary 40M antenna for the first night, installed just 45 minutes before the contest. For the second night I played A LOT with the controller, finding a fair amount of reflected power but who knows how that antenna was performing... Since the MK2R+ wasn’t working well and had a strange distortion on one side, I unplugged everything and connected only headphones and the foot switch to the IC-7800. I didn't even realize what I was missing when 15M opened up during the contest's first hours. My 438 QSOs in the first hour of 2023 were on my mind, and I figured 20 would be the money band, so I stayed there, which turned out to be a poor strategy. When I tried to switch to 40, the top MonstIR wouldn't tune, and the amp went into protection mode. Frustrated, I decided to stick to 20 and try to make it a single-band entry, maybe even aim to win it. But then I reminded myself to have fun and not get bogged down by the score or multipliers. I shifted to all-band to make the most of the hard work I’d put in and, after six hours on 20, switched to 80M, where I got a fantastic pileups with strong signals from Europe and North America. Even my 160M wire vertical with one radial was working, and the short Beverage was perfectly quiet and sharp! After about 30 hours on the air, I started feeling sleepy. Since I was here to enjoy myself, I took a one-hour nap, then showered, made coffee, and caught up on Argentine news on my phone. Back in the shack, I checked the live score and saw Tom had pulled ahead by nearly 800 QSOs. As 15 and then 10 meters opened up, I felt refreshed and enjoyed dense pileups and the thrill of the final stretch. Only during some non-dense pileup situation during sunday afternoon I asked some guys to try other bands, but that was two or three times. Despite the pre-contest setbacks, everything went smoothly until Sunday around noon BAM! Power outage. Almost the same time as last year when I lost antennas, but this time it was electricity. George wasn’t around, so I paced back and forth, trying to remember how to start the generator. I finally did and operated with no more than 300/400w for seven hours until the contest ended. Power returned 20 minutes before the finish. Believe it or not, this is a short summary of my ten days in Jamaica. I could go on about all the funny, sad, good, and bad moments. The station definitely needs a major overhaul in antennas, cabling, and cable elevation to avoid machete damage while protecting them from the harsh UV rays here. Lastly, congratulations to Tom W2SC/8P5A for yet another outstanding performance, and it made me extremely happy to see him post his score online after our nice conversation in Dayton with Felipe NP4Z. Many thanks to everyone who helped me get here. First, to Krassy for putting up with my craziness and persistence. To Velimir K3JO for working hard the weekend before I arrived, keeping everything in order, and lending his mastermind when things went wrong. To Milen LZ5DB for his invaluable tips and guidance. To Felipe NP4Z for the constant support and motivation! To George 6Y5GC for his hospitality and help. To my beloved girlfriend for reminding me that this is my hobby—something I love and should enjoy, even if I take it seriously. When things don’t go as planned, I don’t need to let it get me down it’s all part of the experience. Thanks to everyone for the Qs! See you next! 73 Manu 6Y/LU9ESD (6Y1V)
7A0CMULTI-TWOThank you for CQWW the for an exciting event. Kami anak JakSel, gitu loh!
7E3EEM26-27 oktober 2024. EXPLORER. many thanls to all stations made valid QSO with us, GL, 73'S de 7E3E
7K1MAG/2SO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest. I have operated in JA2 area
7K1VKUSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
7K4GURSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest.4hour
7K4XNNSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
7L1DSTSO QRP ALLI enjoyed the contest
7M2FTRSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
7M3LDCSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
7N2UQCSO LOW 10MI could enjoy the good contest. Tnx for a fine contest again. IC-7600, Dipole-Ant
7Q5MLVSO HIGH ALLFirst ever contest, great fun giving away multipliers
9A/KQ4GUISO HIGH ALLOperator age 16 Contest was great an I enjoyed being 9A/KQ4GUI. Made many more QSOs this time :)
9A3BWPSA HIGH ALLOperator age 16
9A4KJSO LOW 10MBest regards
9A5AFFSA LOW ALLFirst license 01-2023 My first 1000 QSO contest :) Running using HL2 with XIEGU 100W PA, on 100Ah battery with solar panels. Multiband vertical ground mounted antenna and 10-15m 2el yagi
9A5YMULTI-TWOFantastic weekend :) Cu next time
9A9OSA LOW ALLJust playing few ours with dipols and Hex beam
9M2CKGSO LOW ALLgood luck for the contest
9M8JEMtks & c u agn 73 88 de 9m8j
9N7AASO HIGH 10MThe number of stations with really bad audio is just amazing. Cheap transceiver clones? Two countries in Asia stick out by a distant margin!
9W2BAFSO LOW ALLGood Luck & 73
A41DVSA LOW ALLOperator age 23 Birth Date 30/07/2001
A41FASA LOW ALLFirst license 12-2022
A65RWSO LOW 15MFirst license 06-2024


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