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2024 CW

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Call Category Comments
HA9TASA LOW 15MIC-7000, vertical
HB9AFHSO LOW 10MSatisfied with the logged QSO just using my inproviced Indoor Delta Loop and limited time window in the contest. Stategie searching for new Zone or Dx-Country
HB9ARFSO LOW ALLElecraft K3 100 Watts Force 12 C-4s (2 elements on 14/21/28 MHz shortened Dipole on 7 MHz) Kelemen Dipole for 3.5 and 1.8 MHz
HB9AYZSO QRP ALLNice to work Japan, USA and Canada with simple 5 Watts and LW Antenna
HB9BUNSA HIGH ALLFlex 6600M, RF-Kit RF2K-S Antennas: Hexbeam 20/15/10, Dipole 160/80/40
HB9CICSA LOW 10MExcellent propagation. Worked 92 DXCC with high number of DX
HB9CVQSA QRP 10MNear by Contest station DD1A (South Germany, Singen, near Lake Constanz) , were I am a CW crew member, could not be activated this time, based on unfinished repair jobs and too many operators on sick leave. Therefore I participated as SOP QRP from home. What an experience...reminds me of Low band CW QSOing from the car , a station wagon automobile, while driving. QRP setup: FTDX101MP 5W , Steppir DB18E (3 el. Yagi), see https://www.qrz.com WX: 20cm snow , 10m band closed around 19:00Z , pretty good condx on 10m. Was my first ever CW QRP contest ... be aware, patience is needed -). -Bonus: Good for operator skill training as a big gun!
HB9HUSSA LOW ALLFirst license 12-2022
HB9HZUSO LOW 20MVery difficult antenna conditions for my home QTH. Happy to get a few QSOs in
HB9IJCSA HIGH ALLSince 2022, I have a new power amplifier, the OM Power OM 2000+. My Ameritron AL-800 is in the cabinet all the time except for the CQWWCW. It is good for the tube to work a least one time each year. It dit the job!
HB9TPTSO LOW 10Monly Dipole Windom-42m,up-12m.simply a few qso on sunday
HK3CQSA LOW ALLEnjoyed a lot. TNX to CQWW and QSO's. Until next time.73!Long life to CW/CW forever.HK3CQ
I1BPUSO LOW 40MTS590sg ant: w3dzz
I2IOJSO LOW ALLGreat fun !
I4JEESO LOW 80MThe best contest of the year, I'm happy to have participated even with my small operational and hard skills thanks
I5ABVSO LOW ALLFirst license 11-2021
I5YKQSO LOW ALLrtx...ftdx10 100w ant...magn loop
IB9TMULTI-ONEWe had two goals for this contest in which we participated in the High Power category.The first one was to take advantage of the predictable good propagation conditions, to have a lot of fun making good pileups, which are usually not possible in the Low Power category the second was to improve our personal HP top score, set operating the IR9Y call in 2011. We achieved the first one with great satisfaction for all operators. Unfortunately we will have to move our second goal to next year, since we have been unable to improve
II0YSO LOW ALLpoco tempo a disposizione.......solo x essere presente
II2PSA LOW ALLVery fun! TU 73
II2QSA HIGH ALLVery good contest weekend. Bands were in very good shape, except 10m on Sat morning where a lot of EU signals were not workable and affected by strong echo. Despite the highe solar cycle, also low bands were in good shape and quiet from noise. 40M were amazing! Heard stations coming strong from far east and SA on 80m not hearing my answers :( Thanks for QSOs, 73's Luca IK2PFL
II4BSA HIGH ALLI had a goal to reach 2,000 QSOs, and I really enjoyed this contest. I'm very happy to celebrate my first time achieving this with full-time participation. I worked hard to optimize the wire antennas (very simple dipoles) along with a 3-element Yagi. Best regards and 73 from II4B (Op. IK4AUY)
IK0ISDSO LOW ALLaltri impegni peccato
IK0WRBChecklogI worked just new ones and new for band/mode
IK1GKHSO LOW ALLPower 10 W - Antenna LW 20 meter - Dipol 80 Full Size All H.M. 35 Mtrs UP Ic 7200
IK2AITSO LOW ALLSeventy years ago my first cq ww cw contest. It was year 1954 I was 18 my call was I1YCZ/Trieste Free Territory. The final was an 8o7 and the antenna a windom. Today at 88 my call is IK2AIT my rig an IC7300 and the antenna an end fed. I have too much TVI HI 73 Gio
IK2CLBSA HIGH ALLrig: flex 6300 PA 500w ant: 160 shunt fed tower (30mt) 80 2 phased vertical dipoles 40 2 el yagi (30 mt) 20-15-10 triband dipole
IK3SGLSO LOW ALLBeautiful contest. Just worked occasionally, with a piece of wire and 100w. More than satisfied. 73&91 de Daniel IK3SGL/OA9DVK
IK3SWBSA HIGH ALLI wish I had more time available. Excellent propagation
IK3VUTSA HIGH ALLmy first ww cw nice!!! LUCA IK3VUT
IK4XQTSO LOW ALLic 736 25 w ant. mag. loop baby indoor!
IK5BOH/2Checklogsunsdr Antennas: dhf6
IK5OJBSA LOW 20Mmy rig: yaesu ft 710 pwr 100 w ant. 3 elem yagi. 73 Mario
IN3KFFSA LOW ALLMy first CQWW with the new station (and new callsign), it was a pleasure hear all these stations! 73 de Fabio IN3KFF
IO4AMULTI-ONE LOWWhat a great time! Thanks to all station working us. CW FER EVER
IO5TSA QRP 160MLow propagation in 160m, lot of fun and thanks to the wonderful operators for copying my tiny signal. 73 de Steve
IO8WSA LOW ALLsun sdr Antennas: Yagi
IP0ASO HIGH 160MI decided to try 160m for the first time in difficult conditions. Less activity, noisy band, bad propagation (high band wide open)...I chose the non assisted category to see what I can do without DX cluster. Thank you all for the QSOs and I am looking forward to the January CQ160m. 73 de Rich IS0JHQ / IP0A
IP9TSO HIGH 10MAfter the SOP effort in the SSB leg with my personal 1992 (IT9A) record beaten, I tried to beat the CW old local (IT9) record made in 1991 from my home (IT9A) by my old friend Giuseppe Giunta, IT9VDQ (643.968 points). Same QTH. Same operating conditions, same antennas and same pwr, old style w/o help by DXClusters or infernal machines. Pileup and signals are not the same as in the old days but record is beaten with over 100 Kpoint more (declared)
IQ4FESO HIGH ALLAs usual any year, a GREAT contest : huge participation and a lot of fun for everybody !
IQ5AESA HIGH 80MHad Fun :)
IS0/E73DXMULTI-TWOContest DXPedition by members of the Bavarian Contest Club and friends Thanks for all the QSOs with our M/2 fieldday style setup on Sardinia. For the IS0/E73DX Team Philipp, DK6SP
IS0ESGSO QRP ALLRig:KX3 Power 5 Watt, ant:Home made Vertical Monopole radial less + Vertical ESG2024FULL + 4 radials. No computer, ballpoint pen and paper Log only
IT9VCESA LOW 160MDue to personal commitments I attended only for an hour and with the propagation almost closed

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