Call | Category | Comments |
G3V | MULTI-TWO | Thanks to all the organisers. A very enjoyable contest. Looking forward to next year. 73 |
G3VPW | SA HIGH ALL | Was just going to do a little S&P to look for new band slots. Started 11 hours after the start. Had set up a local skimmer and just spent the whole contest doing S&P, no runs atall, worked every new zone/country in the begining then later in the contest worked everything heard. Actually then got keen and eventually spent nearly 28 hours on all bands. Just used my Elecraft K3 +Expert 1K-FA at ~400w into my SteppIR BigIR vertical. Used a random remote tuned wire on 160m with 100w only, I do not use Top Band normally. Never done an All Band Single Op. CQWW from the home QTH before but enjoyed the event tremendously, will do the same next year but PLAN the sessions. Never had a quiet time despite only having one antenna |
G3VYI | SO LOW ALL | thanks fer test mike |
G3WRR | SO LOW ALL | Not a serious entry - just a bit of fun! 10m really did the biz thia year |
G3YMC | SO QRP ALL | A fun weekend as usual. FT710, 5W, 75ft longwire |
G3YRZ | SO LOW 40M | 40m was wide open to the USA and I managed a small effort. Great to hear so many of you! |
G3ZGC | SO HIGH ALL | 160m poor here, other bands good. 10m superb. Especially Sunday when a pipeline to USA Zone 3 |
G4DBW | SO LOW ALL | Not at my best after hospital visit earlier in the week. All 6 bands in good shape - unassisted meant long spells of CQ'ing ... plenty of business to keep me going. Wished I had felt stronger to do more hours |
G4DDL | SO LOW ALL | lots of fun and quite good conditions |
G4ENZ | SA LOW ALL | Amazing conditions - very busy bands |
G4N | SA LOW 40M | Better conditions than I expected, very enjoyable but need to improve my CW skills for contesting |
G4OZG | SA QRP ALL | 5 watts, KX3, 80/40 trap dipole at 25ft 20M vertical at 10ft 10M 5/8th vertical at 6ft It was a bit of a struggle but good fun |
G5BBL | SO QRP ALL | Enjoyable contest. Thanks to everyone for the contacts and patience |
G5D | SA LOW ALL | Tall Trees CG |
G6AD | SA HIGH ALL | Only S&P operating with a Hexbeam at 25ft |
G7C | SO HIGH 40M | Just a bit of fun outside of family commitment times, Anan7000DLE MKII, LDMOS Amplifier, GAP Titan vertical |
G8GHD | SO LOW ALL | Storms over weekend, tested my doublet antenna. Still managed a few contacts! |
GE3VQO | SO LOW ALL | Not a winning entry. Just a chance to air my alternative callsign |
GM0EGI | SO HIGH 15M | Single band with my vertical antenna, was trying for dxcc but only got 94 countries, did hear a few that got away, Good fun |
GM0HUU | SO QRP ALL | K1EL OQtransciever 1. 5W QRP to half-G5RV on 40m. G7FEK on 10m |
GM2V | SO HIGH 15M | Great contest! 73 Chris |
GM3ZRT | SA HIGH ALL | Great contest! See you all next year! |
GM4JYB | SO LOW ALL | IC-7300, Inv-L for 160, dipole for 40, AV-620 for 20, 15 and 10m. Reasonable conditions, not great, from far north of Scotland. Thanks to all for the fun |
GM4UYZ | SA LOW 20M | Well planned operating well never happened... what is that they say about best laid plans |
GM5A | SA HIGH 10M | Excellent conditions. Missed out on two zones but great fun chasing the multipliers |
GM5BDX | SA HIGH ALL | DX10, Dipoles, Acom 1010 |
GM5DDX | SA LOW ALL | First license 01-2022 |
GW4OGO | Checklog | SunSDR2pro Antennas: Hex Beam and doublet |
GW7W | SO LOW ALL | Really enjoyed this contest and worked all bands |
GW9J | SO LOW ALL | Part time effort, with just one radio so1v and wire dipoles for low bands |
HA1KHJ | SA HIGH ALL | Operator age 19 |
HA1NB | Checklog | Operator age 14 The frequencies are wrong, because i had technical issues, that's why I'm send only Checklog |
HA2ZB | SA LOW ALL | Very good contest with excellent propagation. Thank you all! |
HA3DX | MULTI-ONE | Rig RUN1: YAESU FTDX3000, PA:HENRY 3K Premier,MFJ-989C tuner, Rig RUN2: YAESU FT2000, PA: ME1200H, Antennas TX: 5-el monobander Long John Yagis for 28-21-14 MHz, Lazy-H antennas for 7MHZ (NW-SE/SW-NE), 4 Square for 7MHz (TNX to HA5IW es HA5VJ), 6-way 2 element vertical phase system for 80m by a HA5IW, single Quads for 3,5 MHz (NW/SE)/(SW/NE), Delta loops for 160m(NW-SE) (SW-NE) full size,verticaly polarized Inverted L K2AV FCP for 160M. Antennas RX: Unfortunately, we had no receiving antennas at this time. RUN1-RUN2 TX-RX filters,control boxes and antenna switches are all HA5IW products. Mr Murphy visited us again. We had RUN1, PA failure. Henry PA's roller inductor jammed 2 times. Unfortunately it has become completely unreliable. Nice activity, good CONDX and enjoyable contest! Thanks for all QSO's! Vy 73's es DX! HA3DX team |
HA3FMR | Checklog | Rig: FT-991A (90W) Ant: Windom |
HA3HK | SO LOW ALL | Great contest |
HA3MAR | SA HIGH ALL | Operator age 15 |
HA4A | SO HIGH 80M | FTDX101D + OM3500HF + Superarray Vertical + Inv Vee |
HA5AX | SA LOW ALL | First license 03-2024 ROOKIE - Licence: March 2024 |
HA5GF | SA HIGH 15M | Only with a simple lamdba/4 GP on the top of the roof, 15 m high |
HA5SF | SA QRP ALL | First license 11-2022 |
HA5UA | SO HIGH ALL | Amazing propagation and activity.Enjoy every min. during @25h operation.Miss 160M antenna |
HA6KG | SA HIGH ALL | First license 03-2022 |
HA6NL | SA LOW 40M | ICOM756pro 100w delta loop |
HA6NN | SA LOW ALL | We have had such nice band conditions a bit long ago |
HA8AT | SO LOW 20M | Regional Radio Sportclub Puspokladany |
HA8L | SA LOW ALL | Flexradio 6600 Antennas: Beam |
HA9MDN | SA LOW ALL | Balcony 3 band GP antenna worked well |