Call | Category | Comments |
EI5DI | SO LOW 10M | SD WinKey K3 |
EI8KW | SA LOW 40M | Operator age 15 |
EI8LC | SA LOW 40M | First license 07-2022 Licenced 29th July 2022 |
EI8X | MULTI-ONE LOW | 1st attempt at MS from EI8X. New EI MSLP record. Storm BERT passed over us at the weekend. One rotor shear pin broke, fixed Sun AM. First visit by Colin MI5I. Henning OZ2I, 3rd visit. Good Buzz |
EI9E | MULTI-ONE | Engineering and support provided by: EI7FJ EI2HQ EI9HQ EI8KN |
ES1AN | SA LOW 20M | FT-710, 100W, single band vertical, for logging |
ES3MAR | SA LOW ALL | First license 04-2022 Licensed since 04.2022 |
EU1AI | SA HIGH 80M | Tnx for CQ WW Contest |
EW1FM | SO HIGH ALL | First license 05-1976 TNX & 73! |
EW1TO | SO LOW 15M | TS430S 100W ANT GP |
EW3LN | SO HIGH 40M | Power 300 wt. @ ant. Inv.Vee |
EW8G | SO QRP ALL | 5 wattas qrp |
F1MLN | SO HIGH 10M | strong wind no electricity |
F4IGG | Checklog | FT991A AND WOLF SDR 40 WATTS |
F4LHZ | SA LOW 15M | First license 12-2023 |
F4WEM | SA LOW ALL | very Happy with my resul using a G5RV at the balcony in the apartment.. Thanks to everyone that stretched the ears to copy me. See next one |
F5IND | SA QRP ALL | yaesu ft991a/ ant log yagi cuscraft x9 /v.inverted.40 /dipole40/80/loop40 |
F5IQJ | SO QRP ALL | Elecraft K2 - 5 W - Antenne verticale Gap Titan |
F5LCU | SO LOW ALL | IC-7300 + kelemen dipoles |
F5MUX | Checklog | What can I do with a vertical antenna and 500 W during the CQ WW CW Contest 2024 ? Each contact will be a multiplier, try to make more than 100 DXCC countries on each band with an old Cushcraft vertical R8 3 feet above the ground and a fishing pole on 40 m. Not a single CQ during the 21 hours, only turn the VFO (S/P) and looking for mults with DXcluster assistance. Congrats to you for being able to hear me, sometime on the 4 bands, with this modest setup |
F5NTZ | SA LOW 40M | Tks all for this good contest |
F5OHM | SA HIGH 15M | Only 15m this year. Always a pleasure |
F5OQK | SA LOW ALL | FlexRadio 6400 Antennas: Delta Loop 83m |
F5OZC | SO LOW ALL | IC-7300 W3DZZ |
F5SGI | SA HIGH ALL | Wowww! ZL7YL on 40m! |
F5SJC | SO LOW ALL | 73 |
F6ARC | SO HIGH 15M | Only 2 active elements on my homemade multiband antenna, 47 ft above ground |
F6BNH | SA HIGH ALL | resart in cw takes time to come back for run . Start S&P then on saturday afternoon take 2 hours of run a good exercice. good prpagation saturday but less than ssb in october and propagation down on sunday signal low and openings less than saturday. Very pleased to work kh6j on 15m very good operator thank's so much. good year but a pitty to work with only 4 BTV see you next year (if god give me the opportunity) or see you in other contests Bernard F6BNH |
F6EEQ | SA LOW ALL | Not many contacts, but fun ! |
F6GCP | SA HIGH ALL | Focus on 10 and 15m... just for the fun |
F6KMB | MULTI-ONE LOW | Vive les enfants de jean BART ! |
F6KOP | MULTI-MULTI | FTdx5000 ant monoband vertical dipole bog |
F6KUU | MULTI-ONE LOW | First CW contest in the club since many years. Not many contacts, but we were here ! |
F8KGW | MULTI-ONE | The 10m was really amazing ! |
F8KLY | MULTI-ONE LOW | a contest that motivates operators see you next year 73 team f8kly |
F8OOI | SO LOW ALL | Great contest as always! |
FO/NX1P | SO LOW 10M | I can check off a ham radio bucket list item! 10m single op on top of a volcano on a South Pacific island facing north over the Pacific Ocean during the sun spot peak of 2024. Almost a continuos pile up for the 8 hours I operated |
FR8UA | SA LOW 15M | 100 W - 3 elements 15 HY-GAIN fixed 320° |
FS/KC9EE | SA QRP ALL | Tried QRP for this one. Decided to NOT stay at our usual PJ7EE villa due to next door construction. Opted to pack light and just bring the kx3 and some wire. Unfortunately, I could only manage a decent aerial for 10-20. 40 meters was NVIS so worked a few zone 8 & 9 on 40. Hope to be back at PJ7EE for CQWPX SSB with the K3, 12 meter mast, and a lot more wire. 73, FS/KC9EE |
G0SKW | SO LOW 40M | Loved the contest, hopefully learnt from a few mistakes from last year |
G0TSM | SA LOW 10M | Some casual Search & Pounce.. 100W/4 ele Yagi at 8.5M high due to storm |
G1G | SA LOW 20M | Started QRP but struggled so changed rig after 3 hours then 100 watts into a Cobwebb @ 17ft |
G3L | SO QRP 10M | Great Contest & Good conditions, some of the operators were not thinking of the up & COMING CW CONTEST OPERATORS SENDING AT SPEEDS OVERS 30WPM EVEN 1 OR 2 UP TO 50'S.NOT NESSESSARY.: CU NEXT YEAR GOD WILLING 73 DERRICK G3LHJ.: |
G3NKS | SO LOW ALL | Great condx on the higher bands. Stations who responded to my 30wpm CQs at 40wpm were wasting their and my time - discourteous too |
G3OJL | SA LOW ALL | Stations everywhere !! could be more like this regularly ?? |
G3Q | SA HIGH ALL | Very rusty ! However, a most enjoyable contest |
G3RTU | SA LOW ALL | Managed to spend more operating time and really enjoyed the contest, thanks to all. 73's |
G3TKF | SA LOW 10M | A short session on 28Mhz - then the antenna developed a fault (gales) - so continued on a short wire antenna |