Call | Category | Comments |
DF7IS | SA QRP ALL | FT-817, PWR: 5 Watts, Antenna: Random wire (21,6m) |
DH0GDS | SO LOW 10M | Marvellous contest with good conditions. I like the rule, the call need to be given often enough. So should other contests do also. But some OM doesn´t know it or don´t use it. I am curious, what happens next |
DH0JAE | SA HIGH 15M | Elecraft KX3 with power amplifier and 15m-monoband-dipol |
DH6DAO | SA HIGH ALL | Nive condx nice fun |
DJ1AA | SA HIGH ALL | Limited time for contesting and activation also under call DL60RRDXA and DK0AE ICOM IC-7800, ACOM 2000A, Optibeam OB17-4 and Monoband Inv-V Dipols for 80m and 160m |
DJ2TG | SA HIGH ALL | Flexradio 6400 Antennas: Beam, GP |
DJ4MX | SA LOW ALL | Operator age 22 Amazing contest with many highlights. Condx didn’t disappoint for sure! Unfortunately I wasn’t able to travel with IS0/E73DX team, but also from home it was pure fun. Friday evening I decided to put up a shielded loop as an RX antenna for the low-bands (tnx DK4YJ), which made reception a little bit easier within the high city noise. 73, Sven DJ4MX IC-7610 100W 80m Vertical (also 160m) 40m Dipole 20m-10m 10el 5-Band Yagi (2el per band) |
DJ5NE | SA LOW ALL | My first CW contest |
DJ6OI | SA LOW 15M | QRV Just for fun , hade time only a few hours .. next time more 73 |
DK0AE | SA HIGH ALL | Limited time for contesting and activation also under call DL60RRDXA and DJ1AA ICOM IC-7800, ACOM 2000A, Optibeam OB17-4 and Monoband Inv-V Dipols for 80m and 160m |
DK0PT | SA LOW ALL | Operator age 24 |
DK2A | SA LOW ALL | 73 |
DK3UW | SA QRP ALL | very good condx especially on 10 on Sunday. Makes life much esier for QRP without any beams |
DK3WW | SA HIGH ALL | SO2R stations should be rated in an extra participant class...! |
DK4LX | SA HIGH 40M | more efficient use of assistance tools increased number of multis dramatically from last time not many sigs from SA and AF for some reason (?) |
DK4QT | SA LOW ALL | Great actiivity on all bands and good conditions. . Unfortunatly Familiy weekend has a short contest time |
DK5EZ | SA HIGH ALL | Just a few cw-contacts, but nice to see big activity on 10m. 20m was very noisy |
DK7HA | SO QRP ALL | IC-703, K3/10, 5 watt Spiderbeam for 10, 15, an 20 m, 40 m and 80 m lambda/4 verticals, 160 m invL |
DK7OG | SO QRP ALL | Sometimes challenging propagation for 5W & Stealth Attic Dipole |
DK8ZZ | SO HIGH ALL | After a looooong time I did an unassisted category. Well, S/P with Cluster is way better. Time management was not so good guessing 2.5M was possible from my modest station. I've tested some equipment for our coming TX9A DXpedition in April/May 2025 |
DL0RDG | SO LOW ALL | IC-7400 100W Ant. vertical R9 |
DL0U | SO LOW ALL | TS 850 - 2x 19,5m - Doppelzepp - Huehnerleitung |
DL0VV | SA LOW 40M | TRX: IC-7410 100W ANT: L-ANT, 32m up |
DL1AQU | SA LOW ALL | TRX FTDX 10 Antenne 2El Quad 15 and 10m Vertical foe 40m and 15m Antenne for 40-160 Double Zeep 2x28m plus feederline |
DL1DAW | SA HIGH ALL | only S&P when sparetime, the ufb condx and crowed bands were a pure joy |
DL1EFW | SA QRP 10M | RIG: SDR-TRX - 5Watt output. Antennas: home made MOXON 10m beam @11 moG, 9m Vertikal Wire via AT for QS1R local skimmer |
DL1GRC | SA LOW ALL | just for fun, only operated for a few hrs and tested the TS-890 Remote set up running on my MacBook when I was sitting in the living room -) |
DL1SBF | SO LOW ALL | Some QSQs only |
DL1THB | SO LOW 20M | Tnx fer nice contet - see you 2025 .... 73 Harald DL1THB |
DL1USB | SO HIGH ALL | 80-10M -400W,160M-100W, ANT Vertical All Band |
DL2AWA | SO LOW 40M | Rig:80W Ant:Loop |
DL2AXM | SO LOW ALL | My age:103 years |
DL2F | SO LOW ALL | FT 990 100 Watt Groundplane and Windom |
DL2PR | SA QRP 40M | Zero Motivation |
DL3AO | SO HIGH ALL | It is now 75 years since in 1949 I first took part in the CQWWC. At the age of 91, I am still enjoying the contest! CU next year ! |
DL3ON | SA HIGH ALL | Operator age 20 |
DL4FN | SA LOW ALL | IC-7610, 100W 160m/80m/40m deltaloop 20m/15m/10m 2/3ele yagi |
DL4JLM | SA HIGH ALL | Very good conditions. It was a lot of fun. See you next contest |
DL4TJ | SO HIGH 10M | Main Goal was collecting DXCC on 10m, improving score was second. Had fun and I was suprised about the behavior of the band at wakeup in the morning and closing in the evening |
DL4ZA | SO HIGH ALL | Yaesu FTdx3000 - SteppIR - Icom IC2KL - Loops |
DL5DTG | SA HIGH ALL | Flexradio 6600 Antennas: UB 6-20 / Dipol |
DL5KUD | SO LOW ALL | Station:: ICOM IC-7400 at 80 watts, Dipole of 2 x 20m, at 5 to 8m |
DL5WW | SA LOW ALL | Only Mobilantenna on balcony, 2,..m ICOM 7000, CNW-518 |
DL60RRDXA | SA HIGH ALL | Limited time for contesting and activation also under call DJ1AA and DK0AE ICOM IC-7800, ACOM 2000A, Optibeam OB17-4 and Monoband Inv-V Dipols for 80m and 160m |
DL6GCE | SA LOW ALL | It was a lot of fun. Thanks for contacts! Using my short dipole on the balcony in the big city of Munich |
DL6NBC | SO HIGH 10M | 10m-SB: Difficult echoes in the morning hours on both days within Europe on the rotary dipole great propagation fine West-Coast contacts after the band already closed to the East-Coast on Sunday evening! |
DL6RY | SA LOW ALL | First license 05-2023 |
DL7AUO | SA HIGH ALL | Flexradio 6700 Antennas: Dipols only |
DL7CX | Checklog | new dxcc on topband... so checklog |