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2024 CW

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Call Category Comments
DF7ISSA QRP ALLFT-817, PWR: 5 Watts, Antenna: Random wire (21,6m)
DH0GDSSO LOW 10MMarvellous contest with good conditions. I like the rule, the call need to be given often enough. So should other contests do also. But some OM doesn´t know it or don´t use it. I am curious, what happens next
DH0JAESA HIGH 15MElecraft KX3 with power amplifier and 15m-monoband-dipol
DH6DAOSA HIGH ALLNive condx nice fun
DJ1AASA HIGH ALLLimited time for contesting and activation also under call DL60RRDXA and DK0AE ICOM IC-7800, ACOM 2000A, Optibeam OB17-4 and Monoband Inv-V Dipols for 80m and 160m
DJ2TGSA HIGH ALLFlexradio 6400 Antennas: Beam, GP
DJ4MXSA LOW ALLOperator age 22 Amazing contest with many highlights. Condx didn’t disappoint for sure! Unfortunately I wasn’t able to travel with IS0/E73DX team, but also from home it was pure fun. Friday evening I decided to put up a shielded loop as an RX antenna for the low-bands (tnx DK4YJ), which made reception a little bit easier within the high city noise. 73, Sven DJ4MX IC-7610 100W 80m Vertical (also 160m) 40m Dipole 20m-10m 10el 5-Band Yagi (2el per band)
DJ5NESA LOW ALLMy first CW contest
DJ6OISA LOW 15MQRV Just for fun , hade time only a few hours .. next time more 73
DK0AESA HIGH ALLLimited time for contesting and activation also under call DL60RRDXA and DJ1AA ICOM IC-7800, ACOM 2000A, Optibeam OB17-4 and Monoband Inv-V Dipols for 80m and 160m
DK0PTSA LOW ALLOperator age 24
DK3UWSA QRP ALLvery good condx especially on 10 on Sunday. Makes life much esier for QRP without any beams
DK3WWSA HIGH ALLSO2R stations should be rated in an extra participant class...!
DK4LXSA HIGH 40Mmore efficient use of assistance tools increased number of multis dramatically from last time not many sigs from SA and AF for some reason (?)
DK4QTSA LOW ALLGreat actiivity on all bands and good conditions. . Unfortunatly Familiy weekend has a short contest time
DK5EZSA HIGH ALLJust a few cw-contacts, but nice to see big activity on 10m. 20m was very noisy
DK7HASO QRP ALLIC-703, K3/10, 5 watt Spiderbeam for 10, 15, an 20 m, 40 m and 80 m lambda/4 verticals, 160 m invL
DK7OGSO QRP ALLSometimes challenging propagation for 5W & Stealth Attic Dipole
DK8ZZSO HIGH ALLAfter a looooong time I did an unassisted category. Well, S/P with Cluster is way better. Time management was not so good guessing 2.5M was possible from my modest station. I've tested some equipment for our coming TX9A DXpedition in April/May 2025
DL0RDGSO LOW ALLIC-7400 100W Ant. vertical R9
DL0USO LOW ALLTS 850 - 2x 19,5m - Doppelzepp - Huehnerleitung
DL0VVSA LOW 40MTRX: IC-7410 100W ANT: L-ANT, 32m up
DL1AQUSA LOW ALLTRX FTDX 10 Antenne 2El Quad 15 and 10m Vertical foe 40m and 15m Antenne for 40-160 Double Zeep 2x28m plus feederline
DL1DAWSA HIGH ALLonly S&P when sparetime, the ufb condx and crowed bands were a pure joy
DL1EFWSA QRP 10MRIG: SDR-TRX - 5Watt output. Antennas: home made MOXON 10m beam @11 moG, 9m Vertikal Wire via AT for QS1R local skimmer
DL1GRCSA LOW ALLjust for fun, only operated for a few hrs and tested the TS-890 Remote set up running on my MacBook when I was sitting in the living room -)
DL1THBSO LOW 20MTnx fer nice contet - see you 2025 .... 73 Harald DL1THB
DL1USBSO HIGH ALL80-10M -400W,160M-100W, ANT Vertical All Band
DL2AWASO LOW 40MRig:80W Ant:Loop
DL2AXMSO LOW ALLMy age:103 years
DL2FSO LOW ALLFT 990 100 Watt Groundplane and Windom
DL2PRSA QRP 40MZero Motivation
DL3AOSO HIGH ALLIt is now 75 years since in 1949 I first took part in the CQWWC. At the age of 91, I am still enjoying the contest! CU next year !
DL3ONSA HIGH ALLOperator age 20
DL4FNSA LOW ALLIC-7610, 100W 160m/80m/40m deltaloop 20m/15m/10m 2/3ele yagi
DL4JLMSA HIGH ALLVery good conditions. It was a lot of fun. See you next contest
DL4TJSO HIGH 10MMain Goal was collecting DXCC on 10m, improving score was second. Had fun and I was suprised about the behavior of the band at wakeup in the morning and closing in the evening
DL4ZASO HIGH ALLYaesu FTdx3000 - SteppIR - Icom IC2KL - Loops
DL5DTGSA HIGH ALLFlexradio 6600 Antennas: UB 6-20 / Dipol
DL5KUDSO LOW ALLStation:: ICOM IC-7400 at 80 watts, Dipole of 2 x 20m, at 5 to 8m
DL5WWSA LOW ALLOnly Mobilantenna on balcony, 2,..m ICOM 7000, CNW-518
DL60RRDXASA HIGH ALLLimited time for contesting and activation also under call DJ1AA and DK0AE ICOM IC-7800, ACOM 2000A, Optibeam OB17-4 and Monoband Inv-V Dipols for 80m and 160m
DL6GCESA LOW ALLIt was a lot of fun. Thanks for contacts! Using my short dipole on the balcony in the big city of Munich
DL6NBCSO HIGH 10M10m-SB: Difficult echoes in the morning hours on both days within Europe on the rotary dipole great propagation fine West-Coast contacts after the band already closed to the East-Coast on Sunday evening!
DL6RYSA LOW ALLFirst license 05-2023
DL7AUOSA HIGH ALLFlexradio 6700 Antennas: Dipols only
DL7CXChecklognew dxcc on topband... so checklog

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