Call | Category | Comments |
W7RY | SA QRP ALL | Only operated for 16 hours. Conditions were really good! Although the polar flutter was horrible on late Sunday afternoon. What a cool thing to work the world, with 5 watts and a dipole (on 80 and 40) and a small tri-bander at 40 feet from a city lot in Southwest Missouri. LOTS of stations on the air. Thanks to those who endured my constant calling but you have to be pretty aggressive when running 5 watts. 73, Jim W7RY |
W7VO | SA HIGH ALL | Great band conditions! Thanks to everybody for the Qs. Rig: FT1000D/Henry 3KA amp Ant: 3 ele SteppIR, 40M shorty-forty, dipole for 80M, 1/4 sloper for 160M |
W8IQ | SO QRP 10M | Ten Meters took me back to the great sunspot cycle of the 1950s |
W8JWN | SA HIGH ALL | 10 meters was cooking! I also got many countries on 40 as well |
W8KNO | SO LOW ALL | All Search and Pounce |
W8RU | SO LOW ALL | Great conditions. Wish I had more time to operate. Thanks for the QSOs and 73! -Ron (W8RU) |
W9PA | SA HIGH 10M | Just One Day Operation |
W9RE | SO HIGH ALL | Great conditions, great ops and the greatest contest going |
W9YK | SA HIGH ALL | glad to be heard using wires |
W9YV | SA LOW 20M | One QSO for DXCC Galapagos credit |
WA1N | SO LOW 10M | First license 08-2024 |
WA2AEY | SO LOW ALL | Great conditions, lots of DX. I was very happy with all the DX I worked on 80 meters,alot of them new ones for me |
WA2LMC | SA LOW ALL | Set a personal record for myself. Had fun and the bands were great. See everyone next year |
WA3KCP | SA HIGH ALL | Go FRC! My first serious attempt with modest station (IC7300 100w 40M, ALS606 600w 20/15/10M, vertical) & exploiting the operator assisted software features (N3FJP). Amazing what one can do with some preparation, encouragement, determination, inspiration ... ok, and some favorable conditions (both here at the QTH & up in the sky)! |
WA6KHK | SA HIGH ALL | Not in new QTH yet. Only used vertical. 72 footer has been down for 3 weeks! |
WA6URY | SO HIGH ALL | Operated remote from Tokyo, Japan |
WB2AMU | SO LOW 80M | My 80 Meter antenna was loading up pretty good in the CW portion, and I was happy to make QSOs on the band during the solar peak. It was fun! |
WB6CIA | SA HIGH ALL | tnx fer the QSOs |
WB7QMR | SA LOW ALL | Flex6300, Hamstick or MadDog coil vert, SDC-skimmer |
WB7UOF | SO LOW 10M | Not much time to operate, but jumped in to give some guys a few points |
WD6T | SA HIGH ALL | Casual SO during breaks from N6RO M/M, but it's my most quasi-serious Single Op in WW yet, as I'm almost always doing multis. Loved it |
WD8DSB | SO LOW ALL | Part time effort using just wire antennas and my 44 year old Kenwood TS-180s. Almost all search and pounce, and was also a part time operator at at W9VW. Just wanted to make 100 QSO's but then set a goal of 100,000 points which was easy to achieve since 10 meters was in such good shape. Lots of fun. 73, Don wd8dsb |
WE6Z | SA HIGH ALL | Awesome band conditions |
WG3J | MULTI-TWO | had a great time band condx were the best in years cant wait to do it again |
WI0WA | SO HIGH ALL | Operator age 20 Date of birth: June 13, 2004 *NOTE: W0AAE was monitored by N0NI for the duration of the contest.* |
WN6A | SA HIGH ALL | First license 04-2022 Entering as a ROOKIE |
WO2X | SA HIGH ALL | Tried to get on contest but with torn tricep in left arm found it too much pain and tough one handed |
WO7T | SA QRP 10M | Having started the contest on Saturday morning on 10M, it led to me never leaving 10M, for the period of time I could commit and run QRP in the contest. Was aiming for DXCC in a single weekend but just made it to 84 countries worked all on 10M |
WP3C | SO LOW ALL | I did 24 hours to participate in the 'Classic' category but I did 2BISQ. I didn't read the rules before the contest :( |
WQ6X | SA QRP ALL | This was another ad-hoc QRP operation running REMOTE from Ramona California (SDG) utilizing a 3-EL Stepp-IR, 2-EL Shorty-40 and 80m Coaxial Bazooka, all peaked out at around 55' above the hilltop QTH. Running FULL-BLOWN Stereo CW (see my Blogs on this) in conjunction with the K3's DNR circuit (which is AWEsome on Cw) made for some amazing ear-chair copy. 10 & 15 meters stayed open past 10pm Friday evening and was open at 8am when I came back on after a productive 40/80 shift to Asia. While many OPs experienced Sunday as also awesome, for WQ6X remote from Ramona it was a HO-Hummer. While I ran many frequencies, because of my 5-watt power level, stations with BIG AMPLIFIERS often moved 'next door' and took things over. NoT surprising, they made FEW QSOs on those frequencies and left. Be nice to us QRP stations, we often have desirable callsign prefixes (like WQ6) that other stations are looking for. LooK for a write-up on this GiG at: |
WR4I | SO QRP ALL | worked JA's w/qrp! First in years! |
WT2P | SA HIGH ALL | Operated the NJ4P station |
WU4G | SO QRP 10M | Skookumlogger, Flex 6600M, 40M EDZ fed with ladder line. This one really pushed my CW copying abilities. I'm sure I messed up a few. More practice |
WV4AM | SA LOW ALL | Operator age 14 Absolutely just astounding. Everything. Conditions, signal strengths, just everything. First contest that I got 1,000,000 points in, very proud of myself. I said I'd never get 1,000,000 points on my own. Here I am now. . . Grandpa (W9SN) let me use his remote station for the contest located in Allardt, TN. He was also using the station, but 15m only, so I couldn't use 15m. But I still had a blast on 20m/10m. Got many new band-countries with this contest. Thank you to all and 73's, hope to see you in the next contest! -Jacob, WV4AM |
WV7MS | SO LOW ALL | First license 02-2022 |
WX8S | ES | Made some improvements to remote base setup since CQWW DX SSB last month. Having a rotatable Hexbeam antenna was a treat! Hoping to soon have a true SO2R capable setup once I get the hardware and bugs worked out |
XE1AY | SO LOW 15M | I enjoyed the contest only searching countries on 15 m. YB and V85 they couldn't hear me |
YB9DE | SA HIGH 40M | Rotator broken due to strong wind, so my antenna only to North direction |
YC1GDF | SO LOW 15M | TNK CQ WW DX CW Contest 73 GL |
YC1LJT | SA LOW 15M | Operator age 24 |
YC1REA | SO QRP ALL | Gokiiilzzz !!! |
YC3CZV | SA HIGH ALL | Operator age 21 |
YC4SIZ | SO QRP 15M | GL....73 |
YC5YC | SO LOW ALL | Keep up the good Job! Thanks all, 73 de YC5YC |
YD2UWF | SA LOW 15M | Operator age 21 |
YF3AJJ | SA HIGH 10M | First license 07-2022 licensed as a radio amateur 27-07-2022 |