Call | Category | Comments |
VK2CCC | SO QRP 40M | I am so glad that I did not trust the propagation forecast, and chosen to work on 40m. 40m had an amazing opening the first night. In just a few hours I had the same number of QSOs worked as in the previous year's contest on the same band. Despite of only being a part time effort due to family commitments, it was great to work many expeditions and regulars |
VK2IG | SO LOW 10M | 10m-only entry this time - good practice for the ARRL-10, HI HI. For solar maximum, conditions were a bit 'ordinary' for most of the contest. Local propagation around VK seemed non-existent - I didn't hear any zone 29 or 30 stations, but I heard their pile-ups. In the evenings and mornings here the band was full of stations up to nearly 28200 kHz. There were lots of intra-EU and intra-NA QSOs, and the resulting distant-end QRM made it difficult to work the usual EU countries which are worked easily outside a contest. (Some EU stations seemed not too hungry - they'd hear part of my call and ask 'VK?' but then go back to CQing.) Didn't hear Africa or South America, and very little from the Caribbean. Overall, conditions didn't improve until Sunday night here, when EU stations were heard on the long path and Caribbean stations on the short path and Monday morning was good into NA, the Pacific and Japan. Still an enjoyable contest thanks to the managers running it, and the stations who answered my calls - hope to hear you all next time |
VK2NA | SA HIGH ALL | SunSDR2 PRO Antennas: Hex Beam |
VK4AFU | SO HIGH 20M | Good conditions on 20M.73 Daniel |
VK4PDG | SO QRP 15M | Totally enjoyed this years CW Contest. It was a pity that I only remembered to get on the air at the end of the contest. Thank you very much |
VK4TT | SO LOW ALL | Used 'SD' by EI5DI worked vy FB |
VK5DC | SA LOW 10M | Always enjoy working a bit of DX during this contest. My little backyard station makes it a challenge but enjoyable all the same. Thanks for putting it on for all amateurs |
VK5GG | SO QRP ALL | A part-time entry. A lot of fun and great to hear the bands full of activity. Rig was an Icom IC-7300 at 5w and a DX Commander 'Classic' fan-vertical antenna |
VK6DW | SA HIGH ALL | Great conditions this year |
VK6GX | Checklog | Only QSO, Local Thunderstorms prevented further operation in the time available |
VL2G | SA HIGH ALL | Fantastic band conditions with the low bands being very quiet for me |
VL2U | SA LOW 20M | FT-2000, Cubical Quad 20-6m, 100Watts |
VL3E | SA HIGH 160M | My TH6DXX support pole failed 6 days before the contest. It and the 40m rotatable dipole were hanging on the tower by the coax cable. The rotator had large backlash and the indicator pot was worn and unstable. One support truss wire on the TH6 had broken 12 mths earlier and the 40m dipole had lost the end element piece due to hitting trees. The station was in quite a mess, so this was never going to be a great effort. My brother and I managed to lower the TH6 to the roof and make safe in 2 hours. The next 5 and a half days I spent rebuilding it, removing the 17/30m passive elements which destroyed the pattern and gain on 15m anyway. They were way too long and heavy. Added cap hats to the 40m dipole to shorten it, so it would no longer tangle with the trees. Got the whole lot back in the air on a new G-2800 rotator which had arrived 3days prior to the mishap. Plans were in place for the tower rebuild before the incident, but not soon enough as it seems. I got everything back in the air 5 mins after the contest began. Then did some VHF/UHF builds for the local field day which was on the same weekend. 10m was in fairly good shape and nice to hear. 15m performance was so much better and I need to work out how to make the 17m elements 'invisible' to 15m. Decided to work some 160m on night 2. I was exhausted from the re-buiild at 60 years old (1.5 hrs perched on top of the tower in 28deg C has taken its toll). Some great signals from the Europeans, K3LR was only just audible but managed K1LZ who was louder and a VE. No new ones on top band unfortunately but ZA was a new one on 10m so that made the contest. My 40m rotatable dipole is still my best RX antenna on 80 and 160m. Point end-on to my local noise source and the noise drops by 10 to 15dB which is very very useful. Murphy stayed at my place all weekend so hope others did catch any of him |
VL6K | SA HIGH ALL | Not a full-time effort as life got in the way. Due to antenna issues, just 20m & 10m. 10m had poor conditions on the Sunday. IC-7300, 120W from Emtron DX2, 80m OCF dipole @ 6m |
VP2EBB | SO HIGH 20M | Great contest, great fun all weekend and enormous pile ups until partial island blackout 4 hours from the end. Struggled on back up power. Anguilla is a beautiful island - thanks for all the QSO's! 73 Bob GU4YOX - VP2EBB |
VP9I | MULTI-TWO | No M2 LP category, so operating where legal limit is less than 1500W (i.e, VP9, VP2V, and others) are at a competitive disadvantage. We have to submit as M2 HP, when operating 100W is definitely not the same as a 1500W station calling a multiplier in a pileup. CQWW has the LP category in MS, why is M2 never updated to include LP, when it has become such a popular category? |
VU2GRM | SA LOW ALL | Thanks to the organizers for conducting the contest.. Look forward sprint contests too |
VU2MZT | SA QRP ALL | First license 12-2022 GREAT FUN |
VU2YQ | SO LOW 10M | End Fed antenna |
VU3SPD | SA LOW ALL | VU Contest Group, worked with my newly installed CobWeb Antenna at 35ft above the 3rd floor on the 10m and 15m Bands, Great to work some EU, Asian and IoTA stations |
VY1JA | SO HIGH ALL | Rebuilding station. This contest only inverted V @22 ft and vert gp at `15 ft to base. Omni-7 TT rig with Really great RF2K-S loafing at 750W. 222f |
VY1KX | SO LOW ALL | Once again it was a pleasure to take part in CQWW CW |
W0ETT | SO HIGH ALL | Only part time effort. Very good bands, especially 15m. Glad to work many old and new friends - enjoyed all the good CW. 73 Ken, W0ETT Colorado Rig: IC-7300 and HL-550fx with 400w to TH7DX at 23m |
W0MN | SA LOW ALL | Pretty good 10 and 15 conditions |
W0PSY | SA HIGH ALL | TS590SG, KPA1500 venerable TA-33 @ 35 Feet and an OCF dipole for 40. My usual S&P made for great fun. Those sun gods were sure doing their magic. Thanks to all for the Q's |
W1AST | SO HIGH ALL | Just returned from hospital stay & got on the air for a short time. The bands were HOT. Wish I had more energy for more time! |
W1DYJ | SA LOW ALL | Hurt leg Friday night -- Quit, only 1+ hour of operation |
W1HIS | SO HIGH ALL | Antenna for all bands: Inverted-V, apex at 50 ft height |
W1HRB | SA LOW ALL | First license 07-2022 Date of first licensure: July 6, 2022 |
W1QK | SO LOW 15M | Awesome 15M band conditions and activity. Thanks for the contacts. Thanks to the WWROF for sponsoring the contest and processing the results. 73, Dan - W1QK |
W1RM | SA HIGH ALL | Still doing it after 58 years |
W1TO | SA HIGH ALL | Some time when I wasn't operating at K1TTT |
W1WEF | SO HIGH ALL | At 87 I have to decide if the leg cramps I get from sitting for a long ime are worth it anymore. I just love CW and contesting and hate to have to make this decision. At least I can still do CWTs! JACK |
W1ZZ | SA LOW 10M | FTdx10 running 80 watts into a 10 meter LOOP antenna, about 17 feet high |
W2IY | SA HIGH ALL | Murphy struck Saturday afternoon....station was off the air until Sunday afternoon. Better luck next year! |
W2LPL | SA HIGH ALL | Was only able to put in a few hours, but had a blast. So much activity on all bands |
W2MSA | SA LOW ALL | CQWW DX CW 2024 was fun, I beat my highest score of 88k in 2022 and made up for my low score of 3k in 2023 with a new score of 182k. I still needed help with some of the speed demons out there, but I did find many bad spots when listening to the stations sending. I operated S&P on 10, 15, 20 & 40 with my Icom 7300 and EFHW antenna and took many breaks throughout the weekend. I'm hoping to run in a contest one of these days when my skills are up to par. 73, de W2MSA |
W2NPT | SA LOW 10M | Single op is member of FRC, thus 100% of score to FRC |
W2NTN | SA HIGH ALL | Great to see all the activity and good operators! This was again a very enjoyable part-time operation for me using the 80-10 dipole antenna. Always nice to see folks from around the world, working together to make the contest a success! |
W3RE | SA HIGH ALL | Operated at NT3V part of the time. Family funeral kept Saturday full of other activities. evening |
W3RJ | SO LOW ALL | IC-7300 40 meter inverted V @ 30 feet 80 meter EFHW wire @ 20 feet |
W3SQ | SA HIGH ALL | Heavy snow lost all dipoles and then power |
W4EE | SA LOW ALL | Great CW activity |
W4GO | SO QRP 10M | Portable operation on SOTA summit Big House Mountain, W4V/LX-016 |
W4IPC | SA HIGH 40M | Operator age 22 |
W4VIC | SA HIGH ALL | Thanks for the Qs. 73, Vic W4VIC |
W5GCX | SA HIGH 40M | Great Conditions, Dipole played Well |
W6SC | SA HIGH ALL | Fun times! Glad to be a part of another sunspot cycle peak |
W7DRA | SO LOW ALL | what you can do with an hw16 and a dipole up 25 feet |