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2023 CW

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Call Category Comments
M7VACSO LOW ALLOperator age 23 DOB: 13/01/2000
M7XSA HIGH 10MFTDX5000+Amp, 4 ele Yagi at 14M high. S-7 local noise from the East (Europe/Asia/VK) and S-5 from the SW (SA) makes it hard going and I had to use a noise canceller when beaming East. Conditions were fair on Saturday but stations in YB were just not heard, which is unusual. On Sunday the YBs were back but the band didnt open to the USA properly and only a handful of stations were worked and it was very unusual to only hear the US big guns on scatter. Thanks to all involved with organising this contest
M9BSA LOW ALLOperator age 19 Youth: 9th Nov 2003
MD4KMULTI-ONEWe decided this year not to travel, but use our station in GD. Time before the contest was spent preparing our station, and putting up additional antennas. Conditions seemed generally very good on Saturday although the 40m start seemed quite slow. Sunday seemed a different story the High K index meant it was harder going 15/10m were later to start too. We really enjoyed putting GD on the map, see you next time !
MI5JYKSO QRP ALLhard going for qrp with the high levels of activity really enjoyable contest. conditions on sunday weren't the best at times. Need to look at top band for '24
MI7CDLSO QRP ALLFirst license 02/21
MM0AOQSO HIGH ALLweather Terrible . Lost several hours due to antenna issues Failure of remote antenna switching and computer issues not long after starting. Hopefully things go better next year.Conditions good on Saturday but slow on Sunday
MM0KEOSO LOW 20MFirst license 12-2022
MM2NMULTI-ONESaturday 10m amazing, Sunday was in the doldrums
MM3TSO HIGH 10MSaturday was best condx on 10m for a while. Sunday was bust due to aurora
MM7BWKSA QRP 10MIcom 705 and monoband EFHW for 10m
MM7DMWSO QRP ALLFirst attempt at QRP and was pleasantly surprised at how many contacts I was able to achieve
MM7WKKSO LOW ALLFirst license 05/2023 ROOKIE
MM9ISA HIGH ALLGood condx Saturday. Sunday not so great but still good fun. Thanks for all the Qs
N1APISA LOW ALLI fought with a broken SteppIR all weekend! Still made some amazing contacts. I was surprised by the opening to the Pacific Saturday evening. Best I've heard in years
N1MHVSO HIGH ALLHad a lot of fun with this
N1SEPSA HIGH ALLEnjoyed the contest!
N2BZDSO LOW 10MGreat Propagation on 10 m Worked 5 continents Many strong South American stations after sun down
N2DASA LOW ALLTnx fer the QSOs!
N2FTSO HIGH ALLIt wasn't for lack of trying to get my new temporary triband vertical array done in time for the contest. My antenna analyzer was delayed in shipment and the as-built did not match the model so I had last minute work to do. I also took down my iinverted vee at 33 feet and put up a temporary 40m tree vertical two hours. Many thanks to the hams in PVRC that contributed surplus aluminum for the four vertical antennas and to N6BT for technical guidance
N2LDVSO LOW ALLgreat band conditions
N3AIUSA HIGH ALLAntenna was 80m fullwave loop fed with ladder line
N3AMLSA HIGH ALLFirst license 12-2020 12/20
N3BMXSA HIGH ALLFirst license 10-2021 Rookie Ground mounted 6btv 50 radials
N3EMASO LOW ALLHad a blast! Not as much fun as 1990 in Guam but still had fun. Quality amazing operators all over the world. Honored to be able to enjoy this hobby. The magic that is radio always is amazing to me!!!
N3KFSA HIGH ALLHaving 10 meters open was great fun. Doubled last year score, but still looking for that elusive 1 meg plus score. Hopefully the sunspots hold up and I get it next year
N3RSSA HIGH ALLLow bands were challenging this year with the high K index. Saturday was much better than Sunday on all bands. Had fun and thanks to the sponsors plus all the stations that called in, especially those who took the time to spot me. It really makes a difference! 73 de Sig, N3RS
N3RWSO HIGH 10MSome stations do not give call sign often enough
N4CWSA HIGH ALLWOW! A DX-er's dream on Saturday!!! Not so on Sunday
N4DTFSA LOW ALLGreat fun on 10 and 15 Sunday afternoon!
N4IWSO LOW ALLThis was my first somewhat serious effort for a phone contest using N1MM, so I spent quite a bit of my time setting up and using the program. I am continually blown away by its capabilities. I started out using my voice for everything but soon realized that I could easily make recordings and use the function keys. After doing this, it became more fun. My contacts were all S&P. I tried to run a few times but no-one ever answered me, I assume because of my puny signal and the fact that I am a USA zone 5 station. 10 and 15 meters were amazing, 20 was crowded and 40 was a ridiculous mess. Most of my available time was during the day so 80 and 160 were mostly dead and inefficient. I had fun and the Flex station performed flawlessly except that the computer locked up 3 times for unknown reasons, which never happens. So far I am blaming N1MM since it is the only new thing in the mix, but we will see after more testing and study
N4JNSA LOW ALLThat was fun!
N4NMMSA LOW ALLOperator age 15 Rookie 6/4/21 Youth 6/23/08
N4NTTSA LOW ALLFirst license 11-2020
N4RAFSO LOW 10MFirst license 06-2021 28Jun2021
N4SFCSA HIGH ALLWas only going to try and run for 8 hours and see how I could do this year starting on Saturday. Bands were to good not to give it a real go this year. Station was Yaesu FT-991a with AL-811 amp into a fixed MA5B towards europe and a 80-10 Off center fed dipole at 35 feet. Had a great time and look forward to next year's contest. Was able to make contacts on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. 10 meters was on fire Sunday. Thanks for all the contacts 73 from Cocoa Florida, Steve N4SFC
N4TZSA HIGH ALLNo rotating antennas, so part-time effort
N5GISA HIGH ALLGreat contest using a ButterNut Verticle for the entire event!
N5KFSO HIGH 15MA little part time work
N5NENSO LOW ALLunassisted this time, and my poor antennas don't help at all. Still had fun
N5RELSA HIGH ALLGreat band conditions, lousy weather outside and added several new countries to the log. Success!
N6AJSA LOW ALLHad a great time with the bands open. Staying on 10 meters most of the time
N6ANSO QRP 10MPortable from Flint Peak. 5 watts, half square antenna fed with CAT5e single twisted pair. Conditions Friday were good. Around 02Z local police decided I should not be on the summit and used a helicopter to chase me off. Oh, please! I went back anyway on Saturday and Sunday when conditions were not as good and managed to make more QSOs. The last few hours were windy which meant my half square verticals would not stay aligned, probably creating artificial QSB. The antenna worked well otherwise. I had fun working a number of new countries and zones with my QRP setup Thanks for the QSOs! 72, David N6AN
N6ARSA HIGH ALLWow! The conditions on 10, 15, and 20 were just phenomenal. B0A was loud for hours on 20 as was JT5DX. Had three commitments that limited my time during some critical openings. Hard for me to find a place to run on any band but 10. Did have a 221 contact hour from 15 to 16Z on Saturday on the very high end of 10 m SSB band. Other than that, mostly S/P
N6AVSA HIGH ALLI had a blast doing my first serious solo contesting since the 1980's!
N6HISO QRP 10MQRP, 5 Watts to a 20 foot end-fed wire, thrown into a tree. SSB is not really my thing, but this was still a fun contest. This was a part-time effort. My goal for this contest was simply to see how many countries I could work on 10m. I ended up working 23 Countries, and all continents. My hearty congrats and THANKS to all for your patience. Crossing my fingers for good propagation for CQWWCW! GO ARIZONA OUTLAWS! -73- John N6HI

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