Call | Category | Comments |
OH2PQ | SO HIGH ALL | Lost the 160 m antenna a day before the contest - the sloper snapped during a snow storm |
OH3MF | SO LOW 10M | Tnx for nice QSOs |
OH3Z | SA HIGH ALL | First time participated CQWWCW year 1964 together with late OH3ZN at his station. My call was OH3ZQ then. It seems that it is 60 years of contesting now.. I'm using this OH3Z contest call as memory of those sweet 'n bitter teenage years back in home town |
OH5GIO | SA HIGH ALL | Just operating and training CW contest for few hours, awesome propagation! |
OH5MQ | SO LOW ALL | RIG: Kenwood TS-440S PWR: 80 W ANT: 10 m - Loop, 15 m - Half square, 20 m - Dipole, 40 m - Dipole |
OH5UQ | SO LOW 40M | TS-590 95W BTV-5 VERT |
OH6NPV | SA LOW ALL | This is the log containing all my qsos. This replaces the log already submitted with the confirmation no 2092997. 73, Rauno, oh6npv |
OH8CW | SA HIGH ALL | Good conditions! Used FT101+Juma PA1000 about 400-800W. Antennas: 80m loop and 20m gp |
OH8KA | SA HIGH ALL | IC-7400, FinGin 1kW FET amp, Butternut HF9V 80-10m, KT34A 20-10m at 1m hi! |
OK1FKD | SA QRP 80M | ELECRAFT K2-5W, ant. LW 42m |
OK1GSB | SO QRP ALL | IC-7300, 5 W, G5RV + N7DDC Tuner, 10m Dipole |
OK1LO | SO QRP 10M | IC-756ProIII,5W,4el.yagi |
OK1USP | SA LOW 80M | Kenwood TS590SG G5RV 4to6m |
OK2BFN | SA LOW 80M | IC 746, 40m long wire ant |
OK2MBP | SO LOW ALL | Rig[s]IC-756PROIII-100W,Antena[s]3el.YAGI,LW82m |
OK2PF | SA HIGH ALL | Flex 6500 Antennas: FD4, ECO 3x3 |
OK2QA | SA HIGH ALL | Good DX conditions from EU this year. Had tons of fun and little sleep |
OK2QP | SA LOW ALL | rig TS-570D, ant wire length 20m up 26m |
OK2WY | SA LOW ALL | SunSDR2 DX Antennas: FB-33, 80m horizontal loop |
OK4AS | Checklog | TRX FT-817 AER Vertical V7+ |
OK4NEO | SA LOW ALL | First license 04-2024 Alinco DX-77 100W, (40m - 10m) EFHW, 160m+80m inverted vee dipole |
OK4Y | SA HIGH 10M | 73 op OK7NV |
OK5ET | SA HIGH 160M | FTDX3000 + PA 350W vert. 21m + 4 small RX ANTs |
OK5TFC | SO QRP 40M | X6100 + 10m whip @20m UP |
OK7O | MULTI-ONE | RUN: FT1000MP MarkV, PA Acom 2000A, 6el./10, 5el./15, 4el./20, 3el./40, dipol/80,160, beverages MULT: FT1000MP MarkV, PA Alpha 91, 10el.LogPer/20-10, 2el./40, vertical/80,160, beverages |
OL3M | SO QRP ALL | Icom7300, 5W, Doublet |
OL4W | SA QRP 40M | KX3 5W LW33m |
OL6D | SA HIGH 80M | Flex6400 Antennas:Vertical |
OM2ADM | SA LOW ALL | First license 11-2023 20m , 100W |
OM2DT | SO LOW ALL | TS590Sg, Lw |
OM2ITO | SO LOW ALL | First license 03/2023 |
OM3CDN | SO LOW 15M | Rig: FT-991A, output 90 W. Antena: Endfed 5 B |
OM5ALL | SA LOW 40M | Ftdx3000, 3x phased GP in line, RSPdx |
OM7AT | SO LOW ALL | TNX, 73! |
OM8HG | SO LOW 40M | Kenwood 95w, ant GP HF6V |
OM8ON | SO LOW ALL | FT-2000 Dipole |
ON5WL | SO LOW 80M | Every year this is a very good contest with much activity and good operators. I liked working in CW and I am looking out for next contests. Till next year. 73 Leon ON5WL |
ON7TQ | SA LOW 15M | Icom 7600 Mobile antenna on the balcony : 5 meter from the ground |
ON8DX | SO LOW ALL | 65 watts Windom |
ON9PA | SA LOW ALL | First participation. Did my best to decode the fast operating run station |
OU2V | SA QRP 10M | super cndx - so nice |
OZ3ACB | SA LOW ALL | Great CONDX - Great FUN! |
PA0INA | SA HIGH ALL | Great conditions. A fun to participate in. Thanks for organizing |
PA0RDT | SA QRP ALL | RIG: RGO-ONE PWR 5W, ANT: doublet 2 x 16m, 12m up, keying: K1EL Winkeyer USB, 9A5N single lever paddle, logging: N1MM with Spectrum Window via RSP1A connected to a RGO-ONE RF-out port |
PA0ZAV | SO LOW ALL | good condx! FUN |
PA1B | SO QRP ALL | As a QRPp enthusiast I made QSO's with very low power with S&P When signals go up to S9+10 dB, I reduce my power below 100 mW, with the use of the very accurate PA1B attenuator See Blog&Site I made 35 QRPp and 2 QRP QSO's on an end fed All with S&P I made QSO's with 80 mW (9) and 36 mW (3) and 1 QSO with 3,6 mW 21 QSO's were made with 360 mW and 800 mW (1) 2 QSO's were made with 3 W Thank you for the great activity in the contest |