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2024 CW

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Call Category Comments
M0CVOSO LOW ALLSaturday 10m was rocking but Sunday there was terrible QSB during Storm Bert
M0KHXSA LOW ALLFirst license 03-2023 First licensed: 31 March 2023
M0RNRSA HIGH ALLGood fun giving points away in this contest. Enjoyable few hours on the radio
M0WJESA LOW 20MCasual entry during a weekend away with friends. 100W barefoot from Ic7300 to quarter wave monopole in the garden
M0XUUSA LOW ALLOne more interesting weekend. Topband and 10 meters were difficult with no proper antennas. Something to work on for next time. As always participated for 24 hours
M1AFQSO LOW ALLmade change not being a contester as such, i enjoyed it,
M1DDDSA HIGH ALLOnly a couple of hours search and pounce. Single 9:1 EFLW at 7m
M2GSA HIGH 10MThis is the best CQWW I have ever done 10m was absoultly brilliant
M2OSA LOW 20M100w -
M4NSA LOW ALLFLEX6400 to a Doublet. Great contest of course. Thanks for all the QSOs. Very wet and windy here in part of the UK - and ladder line doesnt't like it much!! So a lot of re-tuning at times
M5MSA LOW ALLDidn't expect to do this one but a cold and arrival of new kitten had us grounded. ATU decided to let in water, so I was left with 20/15/10 verticals. Bands seemed good and I enjoyed several short sessions in between other duties
M6WSA LOW ALLWas hoping to better my 2014 score but nowhere near
M7NSA HIGH 10MWe had a gale - 'Storm Bert'- bent mast survived
M9BSA LOW 15MOperator age 21
MD4KSO HIGH ALLAntennae were not at full height due to predicted storms and actually limited the choice of directions at times. Conditions were good but there were terrible echos on some stations on HF ! Guess conditions can be too good. Enjoyed the contest overall but was very tiring pile ups immense at times from an EU location!
ME5GSO HIGH 15MStorm damage to antenna only one day of operation
MI0BPBSA HIGH ALLGreat conditions, thanks for running contest. 73 Andrew
MM0TSO HIGH ALLConditions good. Was surprised to work JT5DX and EX9A on 80
MM2TSA HIGH ALLthanks for all qso great week end 73 Phil GM0LIR
MM3TSO HIGH 10MThanks to all who worked me
MM8ZSA QRP 40MFlex 6600 Antennas: SteppIR BigIR
MM9ISA HIGH ALLWell that was great fun. Happy with the score. Thanks for all the Qs
MW0IDXSO HIGH ALLBand conditions in good shape this year, especially 10m. S&P only. SD logging worked great
N0SMXSA HIGH 10MElecraft K4, KAT500, KPA500, EndFed Sloper @ 35ft
N0UYSO HIGH ALLyagi feedline trouble so did it all on 40m vertical
N1AUSA HIGH ALLGreat conditions and participation
N1DCSO LOW ALLMy best CQ WW CW score ever. 660K points on Saturday and 1.2M on Sunday Incredible conditions on Sunday. I had a 500 QSO run on 10M in less than 4 hours
N1SPSO LOW ALLBands were great- I just didn't have enough free time!!!
N2BZDSO LOW ALLGreat Propagation to Indian Ocean and Asia 20 M was open all night and 10 M open until local 9 pm
N2DYTSO QRP 15M5 Watts Flex 1500 - Indoor loop 4th Floor Apt
N2FTSA HIGH ALLIn spite of two intermittent problems (one MAY be fixed) and an unusual problem with my computer keyboard, this was my most successful contest performance. I increased my score by 38% compared to 2023 and increased my Q's by 30% and the zones and countries by 10% and 2% respectively. I operated about the same number of hours as last year. Because I live in an HOA, my antennas are all temporary. I put them up a day or two before the contest and take them down the day after. So there is usually the fun of assembling and retuning everything under time pressure. For the DX tests, I hang a 40 meter quarter wave wire in my only tree with two elevated radials and load the radiator and radials for 80 with loading coils that can be easily bypassed with jumpers and alligator clips for band changes. It's good to get out of the chair occasionally. I also used the portable parasitic vertical tribander (based on N6BT's ideas) pointed at Europe, but I did pick up the 15m reflector and move it to point the 'beam' at JA Sunday evening. The reflectors also have jumpers with alligator clips to disable them if I want to temporarily switch to ommidirectional mode to work SA. I've been trying to find the 'unsolved' intermittent for a while. It manifests as a decrease in receive sensitivity that sometimes clears when I transmit. I've tried sectionalizing the problem, and have theories, but I thought it was solved when I cleared the other intermittent - I had tuned all the antennas for resonant frequency and SWR the day before the contest, and then on the day of 'the show', the SWR went crazy and the amp started throwing faults. That cleared when I replaced the coax which didn't like the rain?. The receiver de-sense intermittent didn't appear at all during Sweepstakes, but it came back during this contest and was very annoying by the end. The final problem was with my computer keyboard. It is the type with lighted keys. I realized a few minutes before the contest that the lights had stopped working and I couldn't see the letters on the keys. My fabulous XYL found the manual on-line and we got the lights back on, but some of the keys stopped working altogether. Luckily I had a spare keyboard from my future SO2R upgrade. The keyboard 'fun' cost me about a half hour of operating time. Highlights were my longest successful runs ever. I think one was about 90 minutes on 15 meters. I always love working Japan because it's hard to do here in the HOA, and when 15 opened to Japan with booming signals, I was able to move the reflector and S&P a nice string of JAs. That's when the receiver desense problem started causing problems so I unhappily finished in very noisy conditions down on 40
N2GASA LOW 20MOperated portable from Arkansas. Tarheel Model 75A vertical Antenna and Elecraft K3S. Out of areas score so I didn't submit for any club. All from POTA # US-1088 Lake Catherine State Park in Arkansas!
N2NISA HIGH ALLPart time effort. New QTH. Lots of antenna work and still unpacking. Next year will spend more time, I hope. That was a lot of fun
N2TOSO QRP ALLThanks to all the DX stations who worked me. Portable, QRP
N2TXMULTI-ONE1/4 Frankford Radio Club (N2TX), 1/4 Yankee Clipper Contest Club (KD2RD)
N3FRSO LOW ALLNothing compares to CW! Not only did I beat my score from last year, I almost doubled it! Bands were well behaved the first half of the contest, and were just okay the second half. Worked several new countries, which really got the blood pumping! Looking forward to more CW contests! Bob, N3FR
N4AFSO HIGH ALLmy hours were limited this year. Condx pretty good
N4AKVSA QRP ALLOperator age 22
N4CWSO HIGH ALLREAT contest! Fantastic participation from all the best CW ops in the world! CQWW is definitely the best contest of them all. Thanks to the many DXpeditions from everywhere! What fun!!! Thanks
N4EFSSA HIGH ALLFor Check Log Only
N4GGSA LOW ALLStill in the process of getting a smallish station put together at the new QTH. The new EFHW on the far end of way-too-long coax run plays okay on 80, 40 and 20 and is pretty much a dummy load on 15 and 10. Condx were weird at times, particularly the last two hours. 20 was open to everywhere in the world all at once. Lots of over the pole flutter reminded me of cold winter nights long long ago. Almost all S&P. Thanks for the Qs. FTdx10 100W, EFHW, WRITELOG
N4IWSA LOW ALLI got a late start on this one and operated sporadically during the weekend due to many other obligations. It was a lot of fun. I never ran out of contacts to make with lots of participation it seemed and European stations were constantly plentiful. The bands cooperated nicely. Thanks for the Qs
N4JRGSA LOW ALLWonderful conditions on 15 meters. JA stations sounded like they were located in California
N4LSJSA HIGH ALLGood condx overall
N5RELSO HIGH ALLGreat band conditions. Always good to add to the log
N6BTSA HIGH 15MNew station set-up in town and enjoyed about 18 hours of operating, even with a couple glitches. Antenna is a hybrid using a SteppIr Urban Beam with additional Yagis elements for a 2 over 2 stack on 15 and 4el on 10. Tower is 40' crank-up. Bandpass filters allowed guest op K7CNT to operate on 10 with me on 15. Rigs are both Flex-6600 with KPA-500 and ALS-600 amps
N6HISO QRP ALL5 Watts to a 20 Foot end-fed wire, thrown in a tree out my window. Completed 118 QSOs in 48 Countries. I achieved my goal, and set a record for my highest total number of Countries worked QRP in a contest, beating my last year CQWWDXCW contest by 2. -) 10m was the best band for me, with 41 Countries worked on 10m. Biggest Surprise Contacts: TWO Stations worked in St. Helena, plus some way I managed to make a 40m contact with Morocco. Thanks to all for your patience and the QSOs. Pure CW Fun! GO ARIZONA OUTLAWS! -73- John N6HI

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