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2023 CW

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Call Category Comments
JR2BCFSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR2EKDSO QRP 15MI enjoyed the contest by QRP
JR2KQESO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR2PMTSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR2UBSSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR2VBKSA LOW 40MOperator age 17 Year of birth:2006
JR3BVXSO LOW 10MI enjoyed the contest
JR3PCWSA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR4BYHSO LOW 15MHrd AF station, but can not QSO with my dipole. Many Thanks for the stations received my weak sigs. GL and 73 See you!
JR4FLWSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR4HCQSO LOW 10MI enjoyed the contest
JR4LRYSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JR4PDPSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR6CSYSO HIGH 10MI enjoyed the contest
JR6HMJ/1SO QRP ALLI enjoyed the contest. FT991AM HM-DeltaLoopANT with FC-40. Sorry for the weak signal. Your RX performance helped me. Thank's
JR7ANBSO HIGH 20MI enjoyed the contest
JR7ASOSO LOW 10MI enjoyed the contest
JR7IWLSA HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS1OYNSO LOW ALLCondx was not so fine for Low Power attendance, but I enjoyed this contest very much
JS1YDXMULTI-ONE LOWI enjoyed the contest
JS2EEFSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS2ITISO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS2IWESO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS2KWLSA HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS2MYRSO LOW ALLFirst license 04-2022 I received my license on April 26th 2022. I could have 60 entities in only 2 days! It's amazing for me!! I took 5 months for getting 60 entities in 2022. Thanks so much!
JS6RRRSA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS6UMOSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
K0AUSO HIGH 10MOnly had a few hours to operate on Friday evening PT. Ten meters was hopping from Argentina to Australia to Japan!
K0EJSO HIGH 10Mcondx not the best but participation was thru the roof!! Fun times!
K0RCSA LOW ALLI have been busy with many outdoor projects that needed to be done before it freezes so I didn't have much time for operating this contest. Winterizing the boat was one task on the list. The 160m and 80m bands had S-9 noise and eliminated any productive QSOs on those bands. I didn't set a hard goal for points so I was surprised that I accumulated 200+K by the end. I did set up voice messages but I found it was more pro- ductive to just shout at the microphone as needed. And breaking up the 48 hour contest into about ten 1-hour chunks made it easier on the vocal chords. My strategy was to concentrate on working multipliers. That was effective as long as I didn't waste too much time if I couldn't get through pileups in a reasonable length of time. Moving on and coming back later works good for me most of the time. I worked a LOT of Argentina stations on 10m and noticed they understood my callsign better than other 'foreigners' to the English language. Even the weak stations almost always got it on my first call. There must be a low power license class in that country because many stations did not move the S-meter but replied to my first call! Maybe 10 Watts to my 100 Watts, the same as my 100 Watts compared to 1,000 Watts?
K1BXSO LOW ALLNote on 10/28 from 1653 to 1753 the offtime exceeded 60 mins. N1MM must need 61 minutes to count as offtime. When the 'Time since last QSO' clock hit 1:00:00 I hit F1. I waited longer on subsequent breaks. Never had this happen this before
K1MWHSO LOW ALLFirst license 04-2021 Date first licensed 04/23/2021
K1RCSO LOW ALLBeing 77 YO, not as fast as I used to be
K1THESA LOW ALLFirst license 04-2021 04/13/2021
K1WASMULTI-TWOBands Open Doubled the number of contacts from last year
K1YWWSO LOW ALLI had no intention of doing much of anything in this contest, except hoping I could perhaps get zone 29 on 20M. Unexpectedly, that was my very first contact, and after that it was like eating M&Ms... I just couldn't stop... a totally fun weekend!
K2CJSA HIGH ALLRotor for 15 & 20m antennas stuck at SE immediately after start of contest! 10m was great! Personal record for country mult on 10m - 131!
K2DMMULTI-ONEI am so pleased that some of my friends operated my station (K2DM) while I was on Montserrat operating VP2MDM. Way to go guys and gal!
K2GRISO LOW ALLFirst license 11-2020 Put your comments here. Use multiple lines if needed
K2LNSSA HIGH ALLThis contest lets you realize your alive
K2MNSO LOW ALLUsed two indoor fan dipoles and 80 watts
K2SESA HIGH ALLFirst ever major SSB contest of any type. Tough goinbg for a newbie with a small station. See everyone in the CW test!
K3AKSA HIGH ALLFirst license 03/2021 03/21
K3AUSA HIGH ALL10.2 hours part time on Sat and Sun afternoons and evenings
K3CCRSA HIGH ALLK3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care retirement community at FM 18OW in MD, just east of DC. For the 2023 CQ WW SSB, Mike W5MPB was tired from a recent mild case of covid, so I (N3UM) did SOHP U. I hoped to get more Qs than the 590 I made doing M/2 with Mike in 10/21, when we last did CQ WW SSB. I did that 1.4 X my 2021 Qs, and 1.03 X my mults. SFI of 128 vs 108 helped I got 2.6 X as many Qs on 10 & 15 M. Kp 4 to 5 was no problem I got 1.3 X the 40 M Qs, and 80 M was poor in both years. At start I got 39 40-M Qs 00-01Z, 47 20-M Qs 01-02Z, then in 40 min. 15 Qs on 40 M & a pitiful 8 on 80 M by 0247Z. A last 9 Qs in 9 min cleared the 20 M bandmap. QRT at 03Z to do high bands early. Good call I clicked spots for 34 20-M Qs in 21 min 1143-1214Z, then to 15 M 1219-1358Z for 91 Qs in 98 min. To 10 M for 60 Qs in 63 min 1406-1509Z, then quit to eat. After lunch, rate still OK on 10 M 30 Qs in 35 min, 1741-1816Z. Slow after that I hopped the high bands for 18 Qs on 15 M + 19 on 20 M & 4 on 10 M by 1932Z, and quit to eat. Back at 2236Z, lots of JA spots on 15 M I got 7 in 9 min! Then KL7, ZS, 2 more JA, and 10 Carib & SA Qs by 2306Z. From 2317-0238Z QRT I hopped 20, 40, & 80 M as band maps cleared in a few min. On 40 M I got 66 Qs, 23 in a run at 51/hr. On 20 M I got 22 Qs, and on 80 M 23 Qs. High bands hot at 1139Z, mostly EUs. I ran for 89 20-M Qs at 80/ hr, then clicked for 45 15-M Qs and 76 10-M Qs by 1543Z and quit to eat. After supper at 1829Z I got 5 10-M Qs in 5 min, then 63 20-M Qs by 2003, 38 in a run at 51/hr. Two band hops got 27 15-M Qs & 37 more 10-M Qs by 2152Z QRT 127 Qs & 21 mults in 3.4 hrs. Rare & distant mults A2, BY, EL, JT, KH2, T2, and VU
K3GWKSA LOW ALLWorked a couple of ATNO contacts
K3HWSA LOW ALLAll S&P, using a Alpha Antenna HOA buster antenna in my temporary rental. Score down from 331K in 2022

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