Call | Category | Comments |
JS2NYJ | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JS6RRR | SA LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
K0KP | SO LOW ALL | 'DX on a Dipole.' 100 W to all band doublet up 33 ft. 15 mi NW of Duluth, MN EN36VW |
K0RF | MULTI-MULTI | Another great time! |
K0TC | SA HIGH ALL | You've heard of 'hog heaven'. This weekend was 'ham heaven'! |
K0UK | SA LOW ALL | Great conditions on 10mtrs. Thanks to all the great ops for another opportunity to play. Had fun PTL bb k0uk |
K1FFX | SA LOW ALL | Short entry in the contest, but great conditions, especially on 15 meters |
K1LT | SO HIGH ALL | I couldn't beat my score from 2014. I mention some theories in my 3830 post |
K1LZ | MULTI-MULTI | It is always a special time of the contest year when the CQWW CW contest takes place. Winter conditions are usually upon us by late November, and of course, this year we are at the peak of a solar cycle. So, we knew it was going to be fun to operate for 48 hours during WWCW. And, we always know we'll be competing against the very best MULTI MULTI contest teams in the USA and the super stations KC1XX and K3LR, who need no introduction. For us, having the chance to compete with these two giants is an enormous satisfaction, and we feel honored to do so. We just want to say to Matt XX that we think it's about time he shows up on the scoreboard, which would make the competition much more exciting for everyone, not just for us. We also want to thank Matt for the gift he gave us at Friedrichshafen - a German beer mug featuring the faces of all the team members from last year who ended up winning the M/M battle. Matt, this time we hope it will be our faces on the gift I'll have to give you in return. The team at K3LR did an incredible job on the high bands, as always, although it seems they didn't have the same luck on the low bands this time. This allowed us to stretch the lead a bit more than usual, thanks to a fantastic effort by our Uncle Jeff, K1ZM, on 160 meters, and the outstanding work of the 80- and 40-meter teams, who took full advantage of being here in Maine. Thanks to Tim and his team for being present on the scoreboard! We think it's about time XX joins the fray, which would enhance the prestige of the competition and make it much more entertaining for everyone, not just for us. Here at K1LZ, we are still the NEW GUYS - always trying to learn and improve. This year, we were fortunate to have a special blend of operators: both seasoned and younger team members who held their own, along with an outstanding team of LZ operators who joined us remotely. Unfortunately, we had some significant last-minute dropouts, and what was initially a team of 21 operators ended up being 17. With 13 radios at the station, everyone had to step in and help on bands they weren't originally assigned to. The low-band operators assisted on the high bands during the day and vice versa. While this result places us at the top of the US competition, we know everything will ultimately be decided during the log-checking process. How about the anecdote of two M/M stations from the same country making the exact same number of QSOs in 48 hours? Not one more, not one less. As funny as it is ridiculous! We are aware that there is still significant room for improvement and that the results could have been even better with a full team and operators familiar with the station to maximize its potential. In the weeks leading up to the contest, a lot of work went into new antennas, such as a 4-square for 80 meters in the in-band sector, a low-height tribander for diversity, and modifications to all our stacks by adding 2 sets of phasing lines. This allowed us to vary the firing angles of all our stacks – a feature that surprised us with its effectiveness at certain times of the day when our systems seemed too high, especially during this solar maximum. All these changes were modeled and designed by Milen LZ5DB, who worked extensively alongside Velimir K3JO and Manu LU9ESD. Together, they completed one of the most important pending upgrades to our system. The station performed flawlessly. Nothing failed, and our antenna server worked perfectly without interruptions, so Mr. Murphy stayed far away from us this weekend. We want to thank everyone who came to the station and those who operated remotely from Europe. We had some first-timers here, such as Jay W1UJ and Andy LZ2HM/WX7AA. The rest have been with us before, and we hope to have them back soon! To those who couldn't join us for various reasons, we truly missed you and hope to see you next time. Finally, we want to highlight the contribution of Martha Cummings, who owns and manages the CHANDLER RIVER INN near us in Jonesboro. Since we don't have proper sleeping accommodations on-site at K1LZ, most of us usually stay there during our off-hours. Martha and her husband Eric always prepare a special post-contest meal and celebration for us as we unwind after each contest – something we always look forward to. This past year, Martha passed her Technician license and has been learning about ham radio as KC1UMU. One day, she might even join us during SSB contests - we'll see how it goes. Thanks to everyone who called us during the contest. We are grateful for your efforts and hope you enjoyed the contest as much as we did. 73, K1LZ Contest Team |
K2JF | SO LOW ALL | great fun! |
K2LNS | SA HIGH ALL | Limited daytime hours. I'm back bowling after taking off 10 years which took care of Friday night Relative in from England took me away from Saturday supper time for 5 hours Football on Sunday What a great life |
K2MN | SO LOW ALL | Used an indoor fan dipole and 90 Watts |
K2QB | SA LOW ALL | Super conditions..all 900 QSO's were S&P and was able to work just about everything I heard |
K2SE | SA HIGH ALL | Great contest. I enjoyed hearing & working many calls heard throughout the year. Inability to complete some antenna enhancements was offset by good conditions and an upgraded amp |
K2TV | SO LOW 10M | 25 watts to a magnetic loop antenna on my apartment balcony |
K2YG | SO QRP ALL | K4 5 watts to tribander and wires. Condx were so good I was able to work 113 unique DXCC counties, not band countires |
K3CCR | SA HIGH ALL | K3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care retirement community at FM 18OW in MD, just east of DC. For the 2024 CQ WW CW, I (N3UM) was the only CW op. I did SOHP Assisted. I hoped to beat the 1.567 M score I claimed in 2023. I did, but by a tiny margin, ~a tie. I got 1.044 X the QSO pts and 0.961 X the mults for 1.003 X the score. SFI of 200 and Kp ~2-3 made 10-40 M hot & 80 M OK. At start 00-0120Z I ran for 105 40-M Qs at 79/hr, ran 0124-0202Z for 41 at 64/hr, & clicked for 46 at 51/hr, a total 192 40-M Qs. On 20 M 0300-0411Z I got 68 Qs, 15 in a run at 64/hr. On 80 M from 0417Z, 7 Qs & 11 mults by 0426Z QRT to sleep. Back on 20 M 1233-1312Z I clicked 33 Qs at 51/hr, most EU. On 15 M 1317- 1448Z I got 77 Qs at 51/hr, then on 10 M 1500-1635Z 73 Qs at 46/hr & quit to eat. Back 1843Z I got 8 20-M Qs & 6 mults, & 1901-2015Z 52 15-M Qs, 42/hr. A BK, then 28 10-M Qs 2035-2114Z & 38 20-M QS in 40 min, 2119-2159Z and quit to eat. Back 0018Z for 2 20-M Qs, then 19 80-M Qs 0028-0104Z. I ran on 40 M 0111-0244Z, 105 Qs, 68/ hr 0245-0350 & clicked for 40 more, 37/hr. Then on 80 M 0356- 0407Z, 11 Qs in 11 min & QRT to sleep. Back 1244-1258Z on 20 M I got 7 Qs & 6 muls, then 1303-1555Z on 10 M 138 Qs, most EU, 48/hr. On 15 M 1601-1639Z I got 47 Qs, 74/hr & quit for lunch. Back on 15 M 1909-1932Z, I got 12 Qs in 13 min, then rate died. But, 20 M was ~OK for Sun. PM 108 Qs at 36/hr 1937-2221Z. And, on 40 M 2230- 2318Z, 75/hr. FB, but had beat 2023, so QRT to avoid late supper |
K3FHP | SO QRP ALL | Great fun using my QMX 5W & Vertical |
K3GW | SO HIGH 10M | all contacts 'search and pounce' my age 82 |
K3IE | SA HIGH ALL | One for the ages . . . Epic condxs and activity |
K3LT | SA LOW ALL | Mostly unassisted but I did use a code reader occasionally. I did not use DX cluster or any other type of spotting. 73 de Larry K3LT 11/25/2024 0221 UTC |
K3PA | SA HIGH ALL | Wow, six bands open at once! This was one for the record books |
K3RL | SA HIGH ALL | Antennas : G5RV at 65 ft, KT36 pointed South at 20 ft, TH6 pointed North at 35 ft, Inverted L at 70 ft for 160m with 2 raised radials. Radio/Equipment : Icom 7610, RF Kit RF2K-S, Palstar HF-AUTO |
K3TW | SA QRP 15M | Band conditions were somewhat disappointing at the peak of this current sunspot cycle. |
K3WW | MULTI-MULTI | Thanks to N3RD for the use of his station |
K3ZA | SA HIGH ALL | Thanks for all the Qs. Fun Contest and Great Condx. 73 To all |
K4EU | SO HIGH ALL | 300 watts to two end-fed 35' wires 6' above the ground. Could only operate 4 hours Saturday afternoon and 4 hours Sunday afternoon.... Amazed and pleased with my results.... Thanks for the Q's.... 73.....//Steve K4EU |
K4HQK | SO LOW ALL | Operated without an amplifier using an IC-7410 with inability to produce more than 50 watts output. Activity in the contest was massive I've never heard a band as busy as 40m Friday night! A bit disappointed in propagation, though I hard very few from the Pacific--Asians, Australians, New Zealanders, etc. The few I did hear were very weak and could not copy my tiny signal. But the contest was still fun all the way to the last minute Sunday night at 1900 EST |
K4PQC | SO QRP ALL | Great weather, good bank conditions and most of all great fun. Thanks to CQ and staff and for all who participate and provided QSOs |
K4QD | SA HIGH ALL | Due to normal Thanksgiving travels this is the first time I have entered this contest in several years. I enjoyed the good band conditions. Station: ICOM IC-7300 with SPE Expert 1K-FA amp Antennas: 40M EFHW wire antenna and Butternut HF-2V vertical |
K4QL | SO LOW ALL | S&P for several hours. Antenna is justt a center fed 200 foot wire in between trees fed by ladder line and a tuner. Hopely next year the tower will be vertical. Had fun |
K4SAA | SO QRP ALL | Made it a point to get back for 100 contacts. Finally got my station back up at the new qth on the afternoon of the start. Good to be back! 73,Rusty |
K5AYO | SA LOW ALL | Rookie Operator first licensed in 2023 07 23 |
K5ME | SO LOW ALL | All S&P |
K5RX | SO QRP 20M | With only 2 elements, my 5W was brutal at times. Broke W5 record before the first 4 hours |
K5VG | SA LOW ALL | First CQWWCW from Oregon |
K5ZD | SA HIGH ALL | Conditions were very good and very entertaining. Had a lot of fun for my last CQ WW from W1. Possible new USA category record if it holds up after the log checking |
K6KQV | SO LOW 15M | 15 meters really opened up to Europe on Sunday morning. Tnx to all for a fun contest and 73 |
K6NA | SO HIGH ALL | As others will note, in SoCal we had superb conditions overall, with 160 and 80m depressed a little. Definitely one to remember. I took time from runs for just DXing with the big knob, finding the rare ones and unusual propagation paths as everyone worldwide enjoyed their operations during high solar flux. I managed 38 hours of Op time (too much sleep the second night), which includes many 5 minute breaks for leg-stretching on the stairway, snacks, and so forth which now-more-senior guys must enjoy. (You know who you are...!) Thanks for the QSOs, CU in the next one. Glenn K6NA |
K6NR | SO HIGH ALL | Good conditions! |
K6NV | SA HIGH ALL | Great conditions! TH-3 tri-bander has developed a intermittant connection, was able to do a work around. TNX for the Q's........Bob |
K6ST | SA LOW ALL | Really fun and great dx |
K7ACZ | SO LOW ALL | IC-7610, F-12 C33 Yagi at 80 ft, 2100 ASL, Sloper from tower for 80/40 Conditions not as good as for the CQWW Phone last month |
K7CO | SA LOW ALL | Too much fun. Morse is Life |
K7EA | SO LOW ALL | Wow! The apex of cycle 25, 10 15 and 20 meters hotter than you know what. It doesn't get any better than this for the cw operator. This contest exemplifies one of the essences of ham radio. 73 Bill |
K7KX | SA HIGH ALL | Got on from the remote station for a few hours and had a great time. Cannot wait to get some more antennas up for next year and put a bigger effort in |