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2023 CW

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Call Category Comments
JH9DRLSA LOW 10MIt was a mobile operation to the seaside with a 50W + 10mH 4-element Yagi
JH9LYCSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JH9RSCSO LOW 10MEQUIPMENT: TS-440S ANTENNA: YAGI REL3 MAIL: Use multiple lines if needed
JI0XWSSA QRP 10MFirst license 10-2022 The date of receiving the license 2022.10.17
JI1CAZSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JI1IZSSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JI1JPJSO HIGH 15MI enjoyed the contest
JI1LNRSO HIGH 10MI enjoyed the contest
JI1NZASO LOW 15MI operated only 2nd day
JI2KUJSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JI2KXKSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JI2ZEYMULTI-ONE LOWIC-7300 10m-4el-Cubical-Quad 15m-4el-Cubical-Quad
JI3NOPSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JI4WHSSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JI6NFXSO QRP 15MI enjoyed the contest. i'm looking forward to next year
JI7EMDSO LOW 20MI enjoyed the contest
JI7VNJSA HIGH 40MI enjoyed the contest
JJ0SFVSO QRP 10MUsing whip antenna
JJ0UIFSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JJ0VFVSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JJ0VXNSO LOW ALLFirst license 03-2021 I enjoyed the contest
JJ1ONKSA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JJ1PFCSA HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JJ1SVCSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JJ1XNFSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JJ2CDLSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JJ2YXBSA HIGH 15MOperator age 24
JJ3TBBSO LOW ALLRIG is TS-850S and ANT is GP /DP Power output is 50 watts or less
JJ5NFTSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JK1AUHSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JK1BHGSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JK1BVNSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JK1CNLSO QRP 10MI really enjoyed the contest
JK1EETSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JK1ESRSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest. PWR=50wattts TWIN DELTA LOOP(7MHz)/4ele YAGI(21MHz/28MHz)
JK1HWUSO LOW ALL100w & Long-Wire, 23mL, 10mH, CONDX was so so on 10,15m, enjoyed with FTDX101MP & Touch-Pad 1.8MHz~28MHz with ATU
JK1JGUSO LOW ALLFirst license 10-2021 I enjoyed the contest
JK1NJHSO HIGH 15MI enjoyed the contest
JK1PDCSO LOW 15MFirst license 06-2022 2022-June licensed Rookie
JK1PSQSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest. I'm glad there is a classical category. Because when I couldn't QSO, I could do other errands
JK1RWOSO LOW ALLThis is my first time participating in a DX contest
JK1SFPSO LOW ALLI enjoyed this contest
JK1TCVSA QRP ALLI used Power than 5w
JK1VBKSO LOW 10MFirst license 08-2023
JK1VMCSO LOW 10MI enjoyed the contest
JK1WSHSA HIGH 10MI enjoyed the contest
JK1YMMSO HIGH ALLIt's been a quite long time since I worked SOABHP last. The last full time SOABHP effort was back in 2001, 22years ago! Since 2001 I have been active as MS/M2 and sometimes SOSB(40,20,15,10m) before closing my contest QTH in 2017. Many thanks to Ino JF1NHD for using his fine station and also using JK1YMM callsign. Ino used to be one of in Chitose during his living in JA8 at work. Last year in Oct 2022 Martin N6VI visited to operate the station using JF1NHD callsign for his first QRV from zone25. All in all certainly enjoyed SOABHP again after a long time absence for the category, although we had power failures due to lightning four times(reclosing accident power outages), some issues about rigs/amps/antennas switching or so and my operation forced QRT for a little while. Guess also because the first time effort for SO2R on phone at the station(Both JF1NHD and JK1YMM are CW guys) and changing the layout. This was my very first SO2R attempt with no experience in advance. So felt difficult doing well, but could have a precious feeling this time. I continued to sit down in front of the radios almost all two days long except checking gears and etc. But fell asleep while sitting on the second day at nite several times. Nice to have condx & pileups on 15&10 again and also to use fi-ni-tu-fi(5925) for a little while after a decade. As always nice to say 'Hi' to friends but this time revealing my identity sometimes, hi. Cu in CW. I'll be somewhere in south of JA8. 73's Akira, JA8RWU
JK3DGXSO LOW 10MI enjoyed the contest
JK3NSDSA HIGH 10MThank you!

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