Call | Category | Comments |
JK1SBP | SO LOW ALL | First license 02-2023 2023.2.28 |
JK1SFP | SO LOW ALL | First license 02-2023 |
JK1VMC | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JK1WSH | SA HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JK1ZAM | SO LOW 10M | Operator age 12 I enjoyed the contest |
JK3NQV | SA HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JK4JMO | SA LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JK6DXD | SA HIGH 15M | I enjoyed the contest |
JK7DWD | SA QRP 10M | PWR 5W QRP ANT 5el monoband Ygai (^_^) Many thanks to all who were patient with me pulling QRP calls. Every QSO is appreciated. Operating QRP & homebrew antenna was great fun, but sometimes (often?) frustrating... CNDX was outstanding |
JK7LXU | SO HIGH 15M | I enjoyed the contest. I am participating for the first time and submitting Log |
JK7UST | SO LOW 15M | I enjoyed the contest |
JL1AGY | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JL1EHU | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JL1GPG | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JL1IHF | SA LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JL1JJD | SA HIGH ALL | I enjoyed it very much. Thanks a lot for your efforts |
JL1LOF | SO LOW 40M | I enjoyed the contest |
JL1QQA | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JL1RSH | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JL1UTS | SA LOW 10M | I enjoyed the contest |
JL2XKK/1 | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JL3AYP | SO LOW 20M | I enjoyed the contest |
JL3ZLI | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the Contest |
JL4DJM | SO HIGH 160M | I enjoyed the contest |
JL6USD | SA LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JL7GGH | SA HIGH 15M | I enjoyed the contest |
JL7UWQ | SO LOW 15M | I enjoyed the contest |
JM1BNF | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JM1GHT | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JM1IKW | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JM1PIH | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JM1TQH | SO LOW 10M | 1st time to join DX contest |
JM1XBD | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JM2LHB | SA HIGH 20M | I enjoyed the contest |
JM3FUW | SA LOW ALL | I got many new entitys !TU |
JM7SKE | SA HIGH ALL | This year I had computer problems. With the help of OM, I managed to get off to a good start...I submitted my first CW CQ at CQWW. Many stations called me slowly. There were some mistakes in computer operation. I am grateful to the stations that called me patiently again and again. Hams are kind and gentlemen |
JM8ONP | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JM8RWJ | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed this contest.tnx |
JM8SEI | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JN1DNV | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JN1FAO | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JO1KTD | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest. Heavy echoes on some signals from EU |
JO1PZR | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JO1QNO | SO HIGH ALL | Tnx contact |
JO1RUQ | SO LOW 10M | I enjoyed the contest |
JO1VVT | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JO1WIZ | SO LOW 10M | IC-7300M (50 Watts) Loaded DP |
JO3OEF | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest. Thank you very much |
JO4MTH | SO LOW ALL | Thank you for this great contest. I enjoyed very, very much |