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2024 CW

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Call Category Comments
JH9FCPSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JI0WVQSA LOW ALLIt was a short time, but I enjoyed it. Thank you to everyone who communica
JI0XWSSO QRP 10MThe date of receiving the license 2022.10.17
JI1BBNSO LOW 10MTx Power 50W
JI1BHOSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JI1DGWSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JI1JPJSO HIGH 20MI enjoyed the contest
JI1LETSA HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JI1NZASO LOW 15MConditon of 15M was not stable, I had a few QSO
JI1VAHSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JI2KUJSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JI3CJPSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the Contest
JI3KDHSA LOW 10MWhat a nice condition on 10m!
JI3NOPSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JI3XOMSO QRP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JI4WHSSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest. POWER:100W
JI7VNJSA HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JJ0MPKChecklogI send this for checking log
JJ0PJDSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JJ0SFVSO QRP 40MUsing whip antenna
JJ0TWXSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JJ0WIESA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JJ0WNL/1SO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JJ1ENZSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JJ1EPESA HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JJ1IVXSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JJ1ONKSA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JJ1PFCSA HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JJ1QLTSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JJ1TQMSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JJ1UBXSA LOW ALLAll Contester accept my slow Key. TNX everybody !
JJ1XQUSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JJ2CDLSO LOW ALLDear DX station, I look forward to seeing you again next year! 73 FTDX10 out100W 4ele-Yagi,RDP
JJ2YDVMULTI-MULTIcu next test 73
JJ3IUSSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JJ3TBBSO LOW ALLRIG is TS-850S and ANT is GP /DP Power output is 50 watts or less
JJ7JXOSA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JJ7PMSSO HIGH 10MMAX150W claimed age as of 77 I hope to participate next time
JK1BVNSO LOW 10MI enjoyed the contest
JK1CNLSO QRP 10MI really enjoyed the contest
JK1DVPSA LOW ALLGood condition. I enjoyed the contest very much
JK1DVUSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JK1EJPSA LOW ALLI enjoyed participating in the contest for the second time
JK1ESRChecklogI enjoyed the contest. PWR=50watts/KEY Hi-MOUND HK-705 TWIN DELTA LOOP(7MHz/3.5MHz)/4ele YAGI(21MHz/28MHz)
JK1FUISO LOW ALLOperator age 18 I enjoyed the contest. 3rd April 2006
JK1HIYSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest.This was the first time I QSO with over 200 stations
JK1JGUSA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JK1PIGSA LOW 40MThis is my 1st time. It was fun
JK1PSQSA LOW 10MI enjoyed the contest. When listening to Morse sounds, the quiet concentration was pleasant. It was a new experience. I would like to thank everyone who QSO with me. 73
JK1QDZSO LOW ALL28MHz condition was very good. I was operated using a whip ANT

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