Call | Category | Comments |
JF0RRH | SO QRP ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JF1CKO | SO LOW 10M | I enjoyed the contest |
JF1DMY | SO HIGH 10M | I enjoyed very much, thank you |
JF1ELR | SA LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JF1HAJ | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest. Thank you |
JF1JDG | SA LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JF1KMC | SA HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JF1LMB | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JF1OPO | SA LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JF1TEU | SO LOW 20M | This year's my results were half of last year, but it was fun and excited |
JF1UMK | SA HIGH 40M | I enjoyed the contest |
JF1WAM | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JF2CTS | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JF2FIU | SO HIGH ALL | Thank you all stations! |
JF2NLH | SO LOW 15M | I enjoyed the contest |
JF2UPM | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JF2WXS | SO LOW 10M | I enjoyed the contest |
JF3GFH | SA LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JF3IPR | SA HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JF3KCH | SO LOW ALL | FTDX5000 & VD(10mh) I enjoyed the contest. I enjoyed the contest |
JF3KQA | SA LOW ALL | 50W into single wire loop or dipoles. Thank you for the contacts. CU next contest! |
JF3LOP | SA HIGH 10M | This year's WW contests were RY, SSB and CW, all on 10m. The conditions were really great and very enjoyable |
JF3PLF | SO LOW ALL | Propagation was superb. I enjoyed QSOs with more than 1000 stations world wide. Thank you, everyone |
JF6CYD | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JG0AWE | SO LOW ALL | RIG: YAESU FT-891 ANT: Yagi I was just stopping by. I want to spend much longer period next year |
JG0EXP | SO LOW 20M | V-DP,22mh100w |
JG1FML | SA HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest. Thanks for ALL |
JG1LMT | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest. RIG:TORIO TS-890S ANT:Dipole Antenna, Vertical Antenna |
JG1LZY | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JG1OGM | SA HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JG1SRO | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JG1TCG | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed a lot the contest. after 30 years of long absence |
JG1UKW | SO LOW 10M | I enjoyed the contest |
JG1UQD | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JG1XIO | SA LOW ALL | I really enjoyed the contest. The score must be my personal best !! |
JG1ZUY | SO LOW ALL | Operator age 21 |
JG2RFJ | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JG6XYS | SA LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JH0FOG | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JH0ILL | SO HIGH 40M | Thanks for joining contest TX IC-7610 1000W ANT:2ELE, |
JH0KFI | SO QRP 10M | Many thanks |
JH0RNN | SA HIGH 10M | I enjoyed the contest |
JH0SDA | SO LOW 10M | I enjoyed the contest from JA1 area |
JH1AHU | SO LOW 15M | I enjoyed the contest |
JH1APZ | SO QRP 80M | I enjoyed the contest |
JH1EYM | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JH1FNU | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JH1GTU | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest so much, not but logs, thank you |