Call | Category | Comments |
JA7ODY | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JA7SUR | SA LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JA7UES | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest! |
JA7ZFN | MULTI-ONE | The Condition was pretty good. We really enjoyed the contest. But we could not reach JA record. How sad! If low bands condition had been better, And 7MHz ANT had not broken, and .... Our logger could not decide country of B1Z. I think it is caused by a bug in latest 'WL_CTY.dat' . So we declare 3 QSO's with B1Z as x-QSO. to avoid band change violation. Other 9 x-qso's are our mistake. Hi |
JA8CXY | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JA8KSW/1 | SO LOW ALL | I am happy to be able to partcipate in the CQ-WW CW Contest 2024 again. Then its glad to QSOs were increase than last time about 350 over under 50W. Tks for QSO that is my small signal, and confirm my call sign . also Tks for management of CQ-WW contest to your staff everytime. See you next time and hopefully have a chance to QSO again |
JA8NSF | SO LOW ALL | I'm always QRV on the car . Using Mobil Whip |
JA8RUZ | SO HIGH ALL | Goog progation on 10m |
JA9CWJ | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest, See you next year. Yoshi |
JA9ECO | SO LOW 40M | I enjoyed the contest |
JA9EJG | SA LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest. TNX FER QSOs 73 |
JA9FHB | SO HIGH 160M | I enjoyed the contest |
JA9LX | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JA9MAT | SO QRP ALL | 5W Output into a Vertical 6mH. I enjoyed the contest! |
JA9PPC | SO HIGH 10M | I enjoyed the contest though I was able to operate no more than about 2 hours |
JA9RRH | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JE0ANW | SO LOW 15M | I enjoyed the contest |
JE0HUR | SA HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JE1CKA | SA LOW 15M | I didn't expect to have such many QSOs with 100w. If I get 30 more QSOs, I'd break past SA-15-Low record. Anyway I could enjoy the CQWW, thanks! Condition helped me a lot |
JE1GZB | SO LOW 10M | I enjoyed the contest |
JE1QHP | SO HIGH 15M | I enjoyed the contest |
JE1SPY | SO LOW 160M | I QRV on 160M single band. I used my MV (Micro Vertical antenna) 4mlength,12mHigh on my blcony + Elecraft K2. This year, The conditions of 160m band was very poor. It was more bad than the last year. The condition was very poor. I got my points 1,540 in this year. I got my points 1,037 in 2023 year I got my points 858 in 2022 year I got my points 2,366 in 2021 year I got my points 3,150 in 2020 year, I got my points 4,030 in 2019 year, I got my points 1,922 in 2018 year, 1,081points in 2017 year, 1,276points in 2016 year, 779points in 2015 year, 480 points in 2014 year, 1,957 points in 2013 year, 2,640 points in 2012 year. I used K2 , and It was very useful for the very weak signal |
JE1UPB | SO LOW 10M | I enjoyed the contest |
JE1WBA | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JE2CPI | SA LOW 10M | I enjoyed the contest |
JE2ERR | Checklog | I enjoyed the contest |
JE2FJI | SA HIGH 10M | I enjoyed the contest |
JE2GUV | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JE2LUN | SA HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JE2QHK | SO LOW 10M | I enjoyed the contest. Thank you everyone |
JE2VYM | SA LOW ALL | Best CONDX in recent years |
JE2YRB | SA HIGH 15M | Last year I as JR6YTX entered the same category & the same band from Ishigaki-island, Okinawa Prefecture, very close to BV-land. This time, I participated from Shizuoka Prefecture, near Mt. Fuji. Couldn't beat last year's score but enjoyed seeing the beautiful Mt.Fuji! NA opened longer and EU opened shorter from here. Also condx was ok until late at nite(10pm local time), but operating time was shorter than the last year's by 4hours. It was also nice work zone9s over the long path. You can see the difference between JR6 and JA2 as follows [Continent Summary(claimed)] JR6YTXin2023 vs.JE2YRBin2024 15 Pct 15 Pct --------------------------------------------- North America 585 35.1 719 49.2 South America 53 3.2 36 2.5 Europe 699 41.9 437 29.9 Asia 228 13.7 193 13.2 Africa 11 0.7 12 0.8 Oceania 91 5.5 63 4.3 --------------------------------------------- Total 1667 1460 Many thanks to Hiro,JR2SCJ(he entered SOASBHP80m) for his hospitality and using his very fine station. It was also great to see the impressive sight of the snow-capped Mt.Fuji! 73's Akira, JA8RWU |
JE3DFY | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JE3ECD | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JE3EDJ | SO LOW 10M | I enjoyed the contest |
JE3EZK | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JE3GNN | SO HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JE3OUU | SA LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JE3PTA | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JE4JPQ | SA HIGH 20M | I enjoyed the contest |
JE5HTN | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JE6LZN | SO LOW ALL | TS590SG 100W to EFHW |
JE6MCA | SO LOW ALL | Mobile whip/6mH 50w Running |
JE6PJP | SA LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JE6QQN | SA HIGH ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JE6TUP | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JE6WGT | SO HIGH ALL | I am very happy to get my best score this year. Many thanks to everyone |
JE7KJG | SO LOW 15M | I enjoyed the contest |
JE7SRK | SO LOW ALL | I enjoyed the contest |
JE8UHY | SO LOW ALL | RIG: ICOM IC-7300 50W ANT: DP Operator's License: Japanese 2nd class Very fun contest. I want to spend much longer period next year |