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CQ World Wide DX Contest

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2024 CW


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Call Category Comments
2E0JLZSA LOW ALLFirst license 11-2022 first licensed November 2022
2E0LMIChecklogJust a checklog for a few contacts on 10m
3B9KWSO HIGH ALLVery unusual this time of the year, cyclone passed island. Not a direct hit, however, my antenna work was postponed till Thursday morning. Very tired at start, took early break. I realised I can’t sleep, so just back to work! I felt my pileup handling is terrible, my mind is somewhere, not concentrate on picking up callsign from pileups…… I don’t feel any achievement at all, however, at the end, - first time more than 5k QSO - first time more than 8mil points - possibly new zone 39 record For classic category, my score at 24 hours op time is, 2986Qs, 122z, 293c, 3689250 Equipment used is same as last year. 160m INV-L is built on far up the hill. K3, SPE1.3k, win-test 160 INV-L on 18m spider pole, 15 radials 80 INV-L on part of 18m spider pole, approx 13m, 15 radials 40 vertical with elevated radials 20-10 Buddihex Thanks for all QSOs! Thanks again to Robert 3B9FR for help on antenna work. 73 Kazu M0CFW, M5Z, JK3GAD
6Y6NSO LOW 10MConditons were nice especially working with only 100 Watts and in a beach resort with lot of noise on the band due to the LED lights and other stuff like loud music all day. Was a great event and thank you for all the calls. Hope I could also provide the opportunity of a new country. See you next year. Until Dec. 4th will be QRV as 6Y/DK9PY in CW only
7E3EEMwe are ORARI LOKAL KEDIRI - many thanks to all stations who made valid us, GL 73's
7J3AOZSO HIGH ALLEnjoyed this contest.73
7K1IIISO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
7K1JFMSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
7K1MAG/2SO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest. I have operated in JA2 area
7K1VKU/1SO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
7K2VNASA QRP 10MI enjoyed the contest
7K4AEASA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
7K4GURSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
7K4XNNSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
7L1DSTSO QRP ALLI enjoyed the contest
7M2ALZSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
7M3LDCSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
7N2TRMSO LOW ALLHi-band condx was very good
8N5NSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
8Q7XXSO LOW ALLNice contest again from the Maldives, 73 de Andreas DK6AS
9A5MPSA QRP 10MNice test, 73 Vlado
9A9OSA LOW ALLDiamond dipol 160/40, 40/80 & Hex beam Icom 756 pro2 100W
9N7AASO HIGH ALLIf people only cared to offset the TX for a couple of Hz after they've clicked on the spot... Dealing with dozens strong signals on exactly the same frequency is a real pain. The ones who do, make it through in a blink!
AA5UNSA LOW ALLJust a few hours of work but bands were in great shape. Especially 10M
AA9WPSA LOW 15MIt was an enjoyable contest with decent band conditions. Because of time limitations, I only operated on 15m. The single-band operation was a first for me but not having to retune and reset the logging program (the radio and program are not connected) saved some valuable time. See you next year. 73 AA9WP
AB5XMChecklogThanks for sponsoring the contest. Enjoyed it!
AC2YDSA QRP ALLThanks for the good ears/antennas copying my 5-watt QRP signal from New Jersey, East Coast USA! I had only 1 day to work the contest, so focused on finding new DXCC on 80m and 10m, and trying out N1MM+ DX cluster and bandscope capabilities. With only modest success on the DXCC, I finally just plowed through a bunch of mostly European stations on 40m at the end (Saturday early evening local NJ time) ... nice S&P rate for a couple hours! Rig: 'Rig-In-A-Box' containing Hermes Lite 2 and Raspberry Pi, remote controlled over local WiFi from laptop in office. Pi and laptop run Remote Quisk. Antenna: 5-band homebrew 1/4-wave fan vertical with 32 radials
AC9PGSO LOW 10MVery limited time but great fun
AD0LSA HIGH ALLThis is the first time I tried the CW contest. I don't have the time or energy to try to compete for a high score, but I was able to rack up a good number of DX contacts. Ten meters was very good to me
AD4ESMULTI-ONE2nd best CQWW CW score. We had a team of 5 and that worked well. Propagation was such that we had a lot of time that was unproductive. We had a few hardware glitches which we believe is related to RF in the shack. We will be spending time in December to find the source of the problems. Fun for all. We look forward to this contest every year
AF8ASO LOW ALLIt is SO NICE to have three high bands...10, 15, and 20 - to keep things interesting for all 48 hours! Tnx QSOs, and Tnx, Old Sol!
AG6AQSO QRP 40MJust taste it
AG6JASA LOW 20MToo stormy today, so I put up only the 20M wire dipole
AI4BSO LOW ALLFirst license 02-2023
AI5QKSA HIGH ALLFirst license 08-2023
AK6EPSO LOW ALLFirst license 01-2023 Rookie - First licensed January 2023 Straight Key - Kenwood TS-520 into a 3-band inverted-vee dipole approx. 15 feet high
AL7LOSO HIGH ALLFantastic comms! And minimal local noise in the neighborhood ...... whew
B4SMULTI-ONEFirst license 10-2018
BA3AXSO LOW 10MFirst license 05-2005
BA3MMSA HIGH ALLFirst license 10-2000
BA3OMSA HIGH ALLFirst license 04-2023
BA3RGSA LOW 10MFirst license 11-2017
BA3WWSA HIGH ALLFirst license 08-2012
BA4DLChecklogFirst license 04-2000
BA4QHYSO LOW ALLFirst license 6.17-2024
BA4WISO QRP 15MFirst license 01-2005
BA5ABSA LOW 10MFirst license 09-2010
BA6QHSO QRP ALLFirst license 01-2000


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