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CQ World Wide DX Contest

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853 results found
  Page 8 of 9  
#CallQTHYearCategoryScore  QSOsZnCtyHoursOperator(s) Cert
701W4RALW41977SO HIGH ALL10,138663143 
702W7JUOW71977SO HIGH ALL9,882612635 
703WB6BPAW61977SO HIGH ALL9,834652838 
704YO7APMYO1977SO HIGH ALL9,8041122353 
705WB1DLAW11977SO HIGH ALL9,600762040 
706W5VDW51977SO HIGH ALL9,514662740 
707PA0KHSPA1977SO HIGH ALL9,4861122042 
708YO8KGPYO1977SO HIGH ALL9,3151252049 
709W6QDEW61977SO HIGH ALL9,308652429 
710K1LLW11977SO HIGH ALL9,280752137 
711WD9APYW91977SO HIGH ALL9,238752636 
712JA1PUKJA11977SO HIGH ALL9,158812018 
713WB0ULOW01977SO HIGH ALL9,106622533 
714W4IQW41977SO HIGH ALL8,967657633 
715N6ICW61977SO HIGH ALL8,925612130 
716WA5GZOW51977SO HIGH ALL8,906592635 
717W1VVW11977SO HIGH ALL8,820562637 
718WA7GZAW71977SO HIGH ALL8,820602934 
719DF1FHDL1977SO HIGH ALL8,757782142 
720W2ZLQW21977SO HIGH ALL8,712583042 
721SP2GNBSP1977SO HIGH ALL8,6641351245 
722W5EDXW51977SO HIGH ALL8,664572532 
723W6MZQW61977SO HIGH ALL8,602731828 
724W8HUW81977SO HIGH ALL8,415601734 
725OH8OBOH1977SO HIGH ALL8,400841842 
726W9JZEW91977SO HIGH ALL8,384582737 
727W8ILCW81977SO HIGH ALL8,382612541 
728LA5IHLA1977SO HIGH ALL8,360712155 
729YO6AJIYO1977SO HIGH ALL8,349932543 
730OH6PIOH1977SO HIGH ALL8,321791835 
731W3GUW31977SO HIGH ALL8,280661629 
732WA4YUU/1W11977SO HIGH ALL8,250731733 
733JR1LEVJA11977SO HIGH ALL8,232692227 
734SM6BXVSM1977SO HIGH ALL8,190552545 
735SP3CDQSP1977SO HIGH ALL8,184902046 
736WD8DNZW81977SO HIGH ALL8,058621833 
737HA0HWHA1977SO HIGH ALL8,000982044 
738W2FVSW21977SO HIGH ALL7,900701733 
739CT1IRCT1977SO HIGH ALL7,8961221829 
740F6BFH/MF1977SO HIGH ALL7,884721737 
741OH7TDOH1977SO HIGH ALL7,884761954 
742W5SODW51977SO HIGH ALL7,791652326 
743K2VVW21977SO HIGH ALL7,774471927 
744SP6HRKSP1977SO HIGH ALL7,6161001945 
745WA6TLAW61977SO HIGH ALL7,520592027 
746OK1DKSOKOM1977SO HIGH ALL7,296771846 
747W8ICCW81977SO HIGH ALL7,257532633 
748PT2CDPY1977SO HIGH ALL7,124612329 
749OE1SBAOE1977SO HIGH ALL7,070482743 
750SP3ADZSP1977SO HIGH ALL7,020651341 
751K5KRW51977SO HIGH ALL7,006502339 
752W8HQNW81977SO HIGH ALL6,966552232 
753W3PCW31977SO HIGH ALL6,960522040 
754W0UZW01977SO HIGH ALL6,902532434 
755WB8TMRW81977SO HIGH ALL6,820462735 
756OK1VEOKOM1977SO HIGH ALL6,634622042 
757VE6AHMVE61977SO HIGH ALL6,594902418 
758JA8FBMJA81977SO HIGH ALL6,440412021 
759VE4SKVE41977SO HIGH ALL6,195611124 
760JA8BWEJA81977SO HIGH ALL6,176661418 
761W7GURW71977SO HIGH ALL6,160442432 
762UR2IPES1977SO HIGH ALL5,778631737 
763JH6KXGJA61977SO HIGH ALL5,768382432 
764PY2FFAPY1977SO HIGH ALL5,735801516 
765I2LVNI1977SO HIGH ALL5,6162422032 
766VE3YVVE31977SO HIGH ALL5,537481534 
767PA0WRSPA1977SO HIGH ALL5,510741741 
768EA6BDEA61977SO HIGH ALL5,452941334 
769WB3AHNW31977SO HIGH ALL5,406381932 
770DM3CFDM1977SO HIGH ALL5,300671538 
771WA0YPYW01977SO HIGH ALL5,250492327 
772W2IMXW21977SO HIGH ALL5,244382433 
773OK2PBGOKOM1977SO HIGH ALL5,040734416 
774VE7BSMVE71977SO HIGH ALL4,982462324 
775VK3BBSVK1977SO HIGH ALL4,935412126 
776VE2WAVE21977SO HIGH ALL4,888362230 
777WA3ZKL/3W31977SO HIGH ALL4,838431427 
778YB0ACHYB1977SO HIGH ALL4,640411822 
779K9BKW91977SO HIGH ALL4,428492133 
780DM3UNLDM1977SO HIGH ALL4,418781829 
781K6KUQW61977SO HIGH ALL4,410361930 
782DM3TYFDM1977SO HIGH ALL4,350761238 
783W6NKRW61977SO HIGH ALL4,343371924 
784JH4JLT/2JA21977SO HIGH ALL4,292411819 
785G3XFWG1977SO HIGH ALL4,180411622 
786WB9VLVW91977SO HIGH ALL4,128472023 
787PA0KDMPA1977SO HIGH ALL3,969791138 
788PA0BABPA1977SO HIGH ALL3,952371721 
789OZ1AVVOZ1977SO HIGH ALL3,926401016 
790K4ODW41977SO HIGH ALL3,818372125 
791W7ZIW71977SO HIGH ALL3,811401918 
792K2PFW21977SO HIGH ALL3,772372026 
793OH9TDOH1977SO HIGH ALL3,650461634 
794K0EGAW01977SO HIGH ALL3,634341828 
795SM0BDSSM1977SO HIGH ALL3,627551524 
796K6SMHW61977SO HIGH ALL3,526372021 
797UD6DER4J1977SO HIGH ALL3,500341421 
798W5EIJW51977SO HIGH ALL3,485311823 
799WB9NEHW91977SO HIGH ALL3,444321824 
800DM2FBNDM1977SO HIGH ALL3,434471321 
853 results found
  Page 8 of 9  

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Scores in italics were received after the 5 day deadline and are not eligible for awards.

Rookie (R): licensed less than 3 years
Classic (C): single op, no assistance, 1 radio, max 24 hours
Youth (Y): Operator 25 years old or less

Please report any errors through the Contact Form.


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