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48432 results found
  Page 480 of 485  
#CallQTHYearCategoryScore  QSOsZnCtyHoursOperator(s) Cert
47901SP9DTSP1958SO HIGH ALL3881468  
47902JA4KTGJA42018SO HIGH ALL384106102.2 
47903JA1DCOJA12016SO HIGH ALL (C)3848881.2 
47904DJ7CYDL1986SO HIGH ALL384888 
47905W2CKRW21948SO HIGH ALL384     
47906IW3SSDI2019SO HIGH ALL380169102.7 
47907Y72XGDM1988SO HIGH ALL3801464 
47908OH1UROH1977SO HIGH ALL38018812 
47909JA0BOPJA01970SO HIGH ALL3801655  
47910DM3XDDL1963SO HIGH ALL38018514  
47911OH3VGOH1960SO HIGH ALL38020712  
47912HB9QAHB1956SO HIGH ALL37817615  
47913F2ASF1960SO HIGH ALL37620611  
47914W3QORW31952SO HIGH ALL376 912  
47915EA3AQQEA1999SO HIGH ALL375151114 
47916JH1XTVJA11986SO HIGH ALL3741289 
47917W6RMTW61959SO HIGH ALL3741298  
47918OH6PKOH1950SO HIGH ALL374 512  
47919AA6EEW61978SO HIGH ALL37219107 
47920DL4JUDL2007SO HIGH ALL3689790.3 
47921UB5QAUUR1983SO HIGH ALL36816312 
47922W3FCIW31973SO HIGH ALL368979  
47923YO8GFYO1969SO HIGH ALL36824511  
47924OY2ZOY1954SO HIGH ALL368     
47925UW4CNUA-41988SO HIGH ALL36316411 
47926ND8DW82023SO HIGH ALL36012780.8 
47927NS8OW82022SO HIGH ALL360108100.3 
47928JG1DUZJA12019SO HIGH ALL3601510143.4 
47929VA2IGVE22018SO HIGH ALL36016873.2 
47930JA2SAP/1JA11985SO HIGH ALL360878 
47931OK3CEGOKOM1985SO HIGH ALL3601237 
47932JA7BGUJA71963SO HIGH ALL3601299  
47933SM3BBASM1961SO HIGH ALL36020711  
47934LA4RLA1958SO HIGH ALL3602051  
47935K2EVHW21954SO HIGH ALL360     
47936W1RSTW11954SO HIGH ALL360     
47937F9UNF1952SO HIGH ALL360 411  
47938W9FKCW91948SO HIGH ALL360     
47939JG1OGMJA12019SO HIGH ALL35711982.3 
47940OK1FAROKOM1972SO HIGH ALL35213913  
47941PA0HORPA1957SO HIGH ALL3521297  
47942JA1AFFJA11954SO HIGH ALL352     
47943JA1ACAJA11954SO HIGH ALL346     
47944OE6GCOE2018SO HIGH ALL345179141.9  
47945JF1RBPJA11975SO HIGH ALL3451178  
47946OK2ABOK2016SO HIGH ALL (C)34211990.5  
47947UZ3RVUA-31971SO HIGH ALL34216513  
47948DM3SFDL1965SO HIGH ALL34213811  
47949HK3JGMHK2017SO HIGH ALL34145747.1 
479509A/KF0GVX9A2023SO HIGH ALL (Y)340147130.6 
47951RA0ACMUA02022SO HIGH ALL34010892.6  
47952JH6TNHJA62016SO HIGH ALL340131191.3 
47953Y21HBDM1984SO HIGH ALL34012812 
47954OH2RDOH1960SO HIGH ALL34015812  
47955W2BTW21948SO HIGH ALL340     
47956R7LAUA-62016SO HIGH ALL3368771.3  
47957JK1REJJA11987SO HIGH ALL336877 
47958JA6FYMJA61978SO HIGH ALL3361284 
47959N2RTW21978SO HIGH ALL336868 
47960WN6OYVW61973SO HIGH ALL3361977  
47961WN7IHFW71967SO HIGH ALL3361597  
47962OK1QZOKOM1948SO HIGH ALL336     
47963PY1ANRPY1950SO HIGH ALL333 45  
47964OM5DPOM2010SO HIGH ALL3308780.1 
47965WA6QCZW61977SO HIGH ALL3301165 
47966W4GXWW41972SO HIGH ALL3301078  
47967SP2LVSP1957SO HIGH ALL3301087  
47968LA7KALA1956SO HIGH ALL3301064  
47969JH3BJNJA31972SO HIGH ALL3251676  
47970F8FMNF2016SO HIGH ALL32413663.6  
47971DJ4PTDL1988SO HIGH ALL3241099 
47972OK1ZWOKOM1969SO HIGH ALL32415711  
47973DL4NACDL1986SO HIGH ALL323989 
47974Y62NNDM1984SO HIGH ALL32317611 
47975N2INW21978SO HIGH ALL32310107 
47976F3IIF1956SO HIGH ALL323989  
47977W2RCFW21948SO HIGH ALL323     
47978PY2FNEPY1979SO HIGH ALL3221068 
47979WB9AYWW92016SO HIGH ALL32010790.8  
47980IV3EPOI2012SO HIGH ALL3208880.3 
47981LA9TLA1954SO HIGH ALL320     
47982HR1ATHR1948SO HIGH ALL320     
47983UP2BAULY1982SO HIGH ALL3184933 
47984UA1ZFUA-11970SO HIGH ALL31610810  
47985JA1PIGJA11968SO HIGH ALL3151187  
47986XE2KJXE2019SO HIGH ALL31254855.4  
47987K2WBW21998SO HIGH ALL312858 
47988SP3DOISP1972SO HIGH ALL3121057  
47989W9KHHW91985SO HIGH ALL308977 
47990RR2RUES1984SO HIGH ALL308868 
47991UB5ZBMUR1977SO HIGH ALL30815814 
47992OZ2NUOZ1969SO HIGH ALL3081286  
47993JG6CDHJA62019SO HIGH ALL30613993.1 
47994JF2FIUJA22003SO HIGH ALL3061254 
47995OM3PCOM1995SO HIGH ALL306989 
47996SP2ANSP1969SO HIGH ALL30611810  
47997ZS1OZS1965SO HIGH ALL3061257  
47998SP5AHZSP1962SO HIGH ALL3061089  
47999I1ERI1951SO HIGH ALL305 510  
48000CR5ACT2016SO HIGH ALL304233130.3CT1FFU 
48432 results found
  Page 480 of 485  

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Scores in italics were received after the 5 day deadline and are not eligible for awards.

Rookie (R): licensed less than 3 years
Classic (C): single op, no assistance, 1 radio, max 24 hours
Youth (Y): Operator 25 years old or less

Please report any errors through the Contact Form.


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