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48432 results found
  Page 473 of 485  
#CallQTHYearCategoryScore  QSOsZnCtyHoursOperator(s) Cert
47201NI2QW32020SO HIGH ALL1,032239153.2 
47202KB6ZAW61981SO HIGH ALL1,032221113 
47203DM2ACMDL1954SO HIGH ALL1,026     
47204EA2CREA1954SO HIGH ALL1,026     
47205W2BFW21948SO HIGH ALL1,026     
47206UA6JFGUA-62008SO HIGH ALL1,0251810150.3 
47207N9WKWW91998SO HIGH ALL1,02525772133 
47208JF1NCTJA11976SO HIGH ALL1,025151213 
47209K8PYDW81976SO HIGH ALL1,025151114 
47210YO2BZYO1964SO HIGH ALL1,02534916  
47211SP6LKSP1962SO HIGH ALL1,02542817  
47212W2DEWW21948SO HIGH ALL1,025     
47213OH2BGEOH1966SO HIGH ALL1,024251319  
47214UA0MKUA01962SO HIGH ALL1,0226686  
47215YO2BIWYO1975SO HIGH ALL1,02050812  
47216OH3TRDOH1960SO HIGH ALL1,020311119  
47217W3YIVW31954SO HIGH ALL1,020     
47218RN4NFUA-42019SO HIGH ALL1,0151714151.4 
47219UA4BBUA-41966SO HIGH ALL1,01538920  
47220SM7FSVSM1975SO HIGH ALL1,01230914  
47221WA3PWYW31972SO HIGH ALL1,012161013  
47222YO8GFYO1970SO HIGH ALL1,01247814  
47223JA0BOPJA01969SO HIGH ALL1,012171211  
47224SM6CCBSM1956SO HIGH ALL1,012161112  
47225UA3CUUA-31970SO HIGH ALL1,010431119  
47226SM3RABSM1986SO HIGH ALL1,0082299 
47227OE1KFOE1950SO HIGH ALL1,008 618  
47228W5PMW51948SO HIGH ALL1,008     
47229KA0KANW01982SO HIGH ALL1,00723109 
47230UV3TAUA-31968SO HIGH ALL1,005411224  
47231WB6BBCW61964SO HIGH ALL1,0052378  
47232OK1DEXWOKOM1982SO HIGH ALL1,001604958 
47233I0WBXI2017SO HIGH ALL1,000318171.6 
47234N4CUW41999SO HIGH ALL1,000321825 
47235WA3RCDW31972SO HIGH ALL1,000301312  
47236WA3LXLW31969SO HIGH ALL1,000161114  
47237SM6CAWSM1961SO HIGH ALL1,00038916  
47238OE2CCOE1949SO HIGH ALL1,000     
47239OE3BKCOE2019SO HIGH ALL (C)9992914232.7 
47240OK2BCIOKOM1976SO HIGH ALL999171215 
47241UB5QCKUR1975SO HIGH ALL999221116  
47242JA1BUIJA11962SO HIGH ALL999231314  
47243UP2BKNLY1984SO HIGH ALL99651312 
47244DH7AMFDL2003SO HIGH ALL990421023 
47245W2NHHW21967SO HIGH ALL99015715  
47246UP2OKLY1964SO HIGH ALL99041814  
47247W8PMW81951SO HIGH ALL990 1416  
47248G8UKG1948SO HIGH ALL990     
47249JA2HBKJA22015SO HIGH ALL9891511120.8 
47250SP1HUSP1964SO HIGH ALL98830917  
47251SM5AJRSM1957SO HIGH ALL988201016  
47252JH1HTKJA11971SO HIGH ALL987211110  
47253XE1TEXE1948SO HIGH ALL987     
47254SP7IFXSP1974SO HIGH ALL98636623  
47255ZS1OZS1961SO HIGH ALL9862289  
47256UA3GHUA-31960SO HIGH ALL986241217  
47257OZ5TZOZ1951SO HIGH ALL986 1217  
47258Y31MBDM1987SO HIGH ALL984151113 
47259F5AIF1974SO HIGH ALL9845789  
47260LA6XILA2017SO HIGH ALL9804416334.7 
47261OH4RVOH1971SO HIGH ALL98023812  
47262F6KJGF1984SO HIGH ALL9752569 
47263OH6RFOH1976SO HIGH ALL97525817 
47264W6VUWW61969SO HIGH ALL975141312  
47265DL6GBDL1951SO HIGH ALL975 1113  
47266JG3WCZJA32003SO HIGH ALL972161215 
47267HI8OMHI1984SO HIGH ALL96923710 
47268N6AAW62007SO HIGH ALL9681710120.3N6TR
47269W8TRNW81963SO HIGH ALL968171012  
47270CT2BOCU1951SO HIGH ALL968 814  
47271DL8YR/MDL1990SO HIGH ALL96633813 
47272HA0LLHA1965SO HIGH ALL96636813  
47273XE1SAXE1950SO HIGH ALL966 129  
47274Y23UHDM1984SO HIGH ALL962481313 
47275N3RLW31979SO HIGH ALL962151214 
47276JA2YFUJA21966SO HIGH ALL962171313  
47277DJ2TIDL1957SO HIGH ALL96239422  
47278SM4AZDSM1965SO HIGH ALL961271120  
47279OZ1DKGOZ1986SO HIGH ALL96038420 
47280PT7CGPY1985SO HIGH ALL960241010 
47281OK3YCGOKOM1983SO HIGH ALL960181113 
47282K5DBW51976SO HIGH ALL960181010 
47283DM3JBMDL1961SO HIGH ALL960221014  
47284OH5QYOH1955SO HIGH ALL96028822  
47285CX6ADCX1954SO HIGH ALL960     
47286VE3VOVE32006SO HIGH ALL9571915141.0 
47287UW3KHJUA-31966SO HIGH ALL952201117  
47288JE2DJCJA22016SO HIGH ALL9501612131.6 
47289RW1QYUA-11999SO HIGH ALL950141213 
47290JA6YBRJA61964SO HIGH ALL950291312  
47291G3MWZG1958SO HIGH ALL95026817  
47292W9QLWW91949SO HIGH ALL950     
47293JA1BBZJA11977SO HIGH ALL946161210 
47294K2DEMW21955SO HIGH ALL94619814  
47295KA2AEYW22019SO HIGH ALL9451911165.2 
47296OE1KUOE1987SO HIGH ALL94527728 
47297UW6OEUA-61975SO HIGH ALL945151011  
47298WA5YFQW51971SO HIGH ALL945161314  
47299SP3BESSP1965SO HIGH ALL94536621  
47300OZ4DXOZ1962SO HIGH ALL94543516  
48432 results found
  Page 473 of 485  

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Scores in italics were received after the 5 day deadline and are not eligible for awards.

Rookie (R): licensed less than 3 years
Classic (C): single op, no assistance, 1 radio, max 24 hours
Youth (Y): Operator 25 years old or less

Please report any errors through the Contact Form.


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