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48432 results found
  Page 472 of 485  
#CallQTHYearCategoryScore  QSOsZnCtyHoursOperator(s) Cert
47101EA8ZSEA82023SO HIGH ALL1,1202717181.1 
47102K0VGW02005SO HIGH ALL1,120251418 
47103N1KWFW12005SO HIGH ALL1,120151315 
47104OZ7JZOZ1975SO HIGH ALL1,12020919  
47105SM2CJXSM1970SO HIGH ALL1,120201010  
47106W8DAEW81954SO HIGH ALL1,120     
47107JK1UVLJA12021SO HIGH ALL (C)1,1182914122.6 
47108JO1SIMJA12018SO HIGH ALL1,1183112142.9 
47109JA1CSBJA12005SO HIGH ALL1,1162499 
47110G3GUPG1957SO HIGH ALL1,116441222  
47111SM4BPJSM1957SO HIGH ALL1,116401522  
47112JA1SZNJA12020SO HIGH ALL1,1101715151.8  
47113JI1DSUJA12015SO HIGH ALL1,1102616212.9 
47114F8DFF1956SO HIGH ALL1,110291020  
47115OK1AOUOKOM1971SO HIGH ALL1,10736918  
47116HA9PSHA1970SO HIGH ALL1,107311017  
47117JA1VVXJA12016SO HIGH ALL1,1042812114.2  
47118YO8GFYO1971SO HIGH ALL1,10436815  
47119OH2YVOH1954SO HIGH ALL1,104     
47120OH6KHOH1971SO HIGH ALL1,10236821  
47121W4OMWW41962SO HIGH ALL1,102171415  
47122DM2BXHDL1967SO HIGH ALL1,10144524  
47123WA8VVUW81968SO HIGH ALL1,100161114  
47124YO9HHYO1966SO HIGH ALL1,100381416  
47125UC2TAEU1964SO HIGH ALL1,10040916  
47126OK1KWNOKOM1976SO HIGH ALL1,092301115 
47127YO6MZYO1972SO HIGH ALL1,09229917  
47128JA4GXSJA41971SO HIGH ALL1,092241110  
47129DJ2ELDL1964SO HIGH ALL1,092191214  
47130UW3CMUA-31964SO HIGH ALL1,09230818  
47131SM2VPSM1955SO HIGH ALL1,0923467  
47132IZ8QNSI2020SO HIGH ALL1,0882811213.4 
47133W9GIHW91955SO HIGH ALL1,088989  
47134W3OOUW31950SO HIGH ALL1,088 1319  
47135JA1PIGJA12019SO HIGH ALL1,0852317143.3 
47136AD0ABW02014SO HIGH ALL1,0852413183.5 
47137W9LYNW92004SO HIGH ALL1,085241817 
47138WB9AYWW92004SO HIGH ALL1,085201520 
47139OH2DNOH1975SO HIGH ALL1,085221219  
47140OK1UQOKOM1959SO HIGH ALL1,08533823  
47141JA1OYBJA11970SO HIGH ALL1,08321109  
47142UA9MYUA91978SO HIGH ALL1,081211013 
47143K3RMBW32008SO HIGH ALL1,0801912150.9 
47144Y31PLDM1985SO HIGH ALL1,0802687 
47145SM6HQKSM1983SO HIGH ALL1,080261127 
47146KA2CIWW21979SO HIGH ALL1,080181314 
47147JA7FMZJA71978SO HIGH ALL1,080171212 
47148UB5UCHUR1976SO HIGH ALL1,080161215 
47149W5RSZW51971SO HIGH ALL1,080211614  
47150UA2CKUA21966SO HIGH ALL1,08042717  
47151DM3RBMDL1964SO HIGH ALL1,080181314  
47152UA9VXUA91963SO HIGH ALL1,08047812  
47153OH6NROH1950SO HIGH ALL1,080 817  
47154IS1FICIS1949SO HIGH ALL1,080 918  
47155I1ERI1948SO HIGH ALL1,080     
47156W2KVYW21948SO HIGH ALL1,080     
47157IK8YFWI1999SO HIGH ALL1,0792976 
47158RA3UTUA-32011SO HIGH ALL1,0782011110.4 
47159JA1DUHJA11963SO HIGH ALL1,078201111  
47160K4KZW42019SO HIGH ALL1,0752012133.7 
47161IZ1GLTI2018SO HIGH ALL1,0753114294.5 
47162DM3ZIMDM1976SO HIGH ALL1,07533916 
47163ON4WSON1956SO HIGH ALL1,07546520  
47164YO3RXYO1988SO HIGH ALL1,0731589 
47165W6OKKW61951SO HIGH ALL1,073 109  
47166PA0WACPA1950SO HIGH ALL1,073 1027  
47167DJ2SLDL2022SO HIGH ALL1,06735651.6 
47168LA9TCLA1951SO HIGH ALL1,066 719  
47169UA0CSUA01985SO HIGH ALL1,065691010 
47170DK1BZTDL2020SO HIGH ALL1,0643214246.6 
47171UA3GOUA-31962SO HIGH ALL1,064311018  
47172LZ2RHLZ1970SO HIGH ALL1,060595   
47173PA0RLPA1954SO HIGH ALL1,060     
47174RN1CCUA-12007SO HIGH ALL1,056286180.9 
47175UB5ZBFUR1982SO HIGH ALL1,05626923 
47176JH1OELJA11976SO HIGH ALL1,056181212 
47177AP5AHAP1962SO HIGH ALL1,056251418  
47178JL1MWIJA11988SO HIGH ALL1,055201211 
47179N6DNUW62023SO HIGH ALL1,0541916182.2 
47180W6UCXW61948SO HIGH ALL1,054     
47181K4FW/8W81994SO HIGH ALL1,053832155 
47182Y22WF/ADM1984SO HIGH ALL1,053251017 
47183WA9GAQW91970SO HIGH ALL1,053261215  
47184JA4RTXJA41990SO HIGH ALL1,050151515 
47185WD9IIXW91982SO HIGH ALL1,050141213 
47186UB5CBBUR1976SO HIGH ALL1,050211119 
47187DM2AHEDM1975SO HIGH ALL1,05036723  
47188OK1AAOKOM1964SO HIGH ALL1,050251119  
47189K7EFBW71976SO HIGH ALL1,04520910 
47190SP9EVPSP1975SO HIGH ALL1,04430920  
47191W7JRIW71964SO HIGH ALL1,0442099  
47192RA0AYUA02005SO HIGH ALL1,040141214 
47193JA1ECOJA11993SO HIGH ALL1,0402876 
47194PY2AFSPY1950SO HIGH ALL1,040 119  
47195VK3XBVK1950SO HIGH ALL1,040 1010  
47196DL7AUDL1949SO HIGH ALL1,040     
47197VE1CUVE11954SO HIGH ALL1,036     
47198C1BCBY1948SO HIGH ALL1,036     
47199KJ6ZW61984SO HIGH ALL1,0355645 
47200WD8KACW81978SO HIGH ALL1,03515815 
48432 results found
  Page 472 of 485  

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Scores in italics were received after the 5 day deadline and are not eligible for awards.

Rookie (R): licensed less than 3 years
Classic (C): single op, no assistance, 1 radio, max 24 hours
Youth (Y): Operator 25 years old or less

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