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48432 results found
  Page 466 of 485  
#CallQTHYearCategoryScore  QSOsZnCtyHoursOperator(s) Cert
46501ZL1HYZL1951SO HIGH ALL1,785 87  
46502YO8OHYO1989SO HIGH ALL1,78254825 
46503WB3FHOW31977SO HIGH ALL1,782271017 
46504EA3FKEA1951SO HIGH ALL1,782 924  
46505ZL3CPZL1949SO HIGH ALL1,782     
46506W6HJW61948SO HIGH ALL1,782     
46507W2BOW21949SO HIGH ALL1,781     
46508W6BILW61963SO HIGH ALL1,780241416  
46509VE3BBQVE31948SO HIGH ALL1,780     
46510UC2WAWEU1976SO HIGH ALL1,77960825 
46511DL4SXBDL2000SO HIGH ALL1,776261324 
46512UR2RNUES1983SO HIGH ALL1,77062723 
46513K2PEW21977SO HIGH ALL1,770211317 
46514HA5FOHA1959SO HIGH ALL1,76942919  
46515W9UCW91951SO HIGH ALL1,769 1514  
46516Y23MADL1990SO HIGH ALL1,768411123 
46517W5HRFW51987SO HIGH ALL1,768211420 
46518OH3QCOH1964SO HIGH ALL1,768342329  
46519W1ZDW11955SO HIGH ALL1,768251420  
46520OK1UYOKOM1949SO HIGH ALL1,768     
46521W4STMW41955SO HIGH ALL1,767261219  
46522KC5RGQW52019SO HIGH ALL1,7643517194.3 
46523EA5ABHEA1988SO HIGH ALL1,760341426 
46524OK1KIVOKOM1960SO HIGH ALL1,760561220  
46525OZ2NUOZ1949SO HIGH ALL1,760     
46526OK3EQOKOM1970SO HIGH ALL1,7552912   
46527JJ5NHJJA52017SO HIGH ALL1,7502918171.2 
46528OM4KWOM2012SO HIGH ALL1,7501817180.5  
46529OK2BCIOKOM1974SO HIGH ALL1,750231520  
46530SM7AOOSM1954SO HIGH ALL1,750     
46531WH6LEW42022SO HIGH ALL1,7492311221.7 
46532JE1HRCJA12015SO HIGH ALL1,7492117163.3 
46533K0BSLW01956SO HIGH ALL1,749301617  
46534UX7QJUR2014SO HIGH ALL1,7482816226.9  
46535W7GKFW72011SO HIGH ALL1,7484519190.8 
46536OH2RUOH1959SO HIGH ALL1,748431226  
46537OH2IKOH1956SO HIGH ALL1,74844929  
46538K0JPLW01967SO HIGH ALL1,742512834  
46539UA1IOUA-11966SO HIGH ALL1,74262719  
46540DM2DLEDM1979SO HIGH ALL1,740221614 
46541UA0CCUA01964SO HIGH ALL1,740571010  
46542SM5CAKSM1962SO HIGH ALL1,74048920  
46543LU6AXLU1950SO HIGH ALL1,740 1515  
46544DL4WYDL1954SO HIGH ALL1,739     
46545OK1UYOKOM1948SO HIGH ALL1,739     
46546W9GMSW91962SO HIGH ALL1,736201516  
46547JH1ADRJA11983SO HIGH ALL1,72943118 
46548TF3CWTF2007SO HIGH ALL1,7284610260.8 
46549EA2CKPEA1990SO HIGH ALL1,728191418 
46550UA3LARUA-31983SO HIGH ALL1,728351121 
46551Y33VLDM1983SO HIGH ALL1,728181418 
46552OH3NYOH1960SO HIGH ALL1,728281121  
46553W1JIYW11951SO HIGH ALL1,728 1319  
46554OH8SIOH1972SO HIGH ALL1,72532914  
46555HA9PBHA1981SO HIGH ALL1,722341230 
46556OH6PTOH1950SO HIGH ALL1,722 1032  
46557PA0LYPA1958SO HIGH ALL1,72133910  
46558UA0MLUA01964SO HIGH ALL1,72052812  
46559RU6AIUA-62009SO HIGH ALL1,7162219200.5 
46560W8CKBW81948SO HIGH ALL1,716     
46561RZ3DWUA-32018SO HIGH ALL (C)1,7152315203.0 
46562VE3VGIVE32014SO HIGH ALL1,7152914214.9 
46563W2JBW21960SO HIGH ALL1,711231118  
46564LA6CALA1948SO HIGH ALL1,710     
46565LZ2DRLZ1979SO HIGH ALL1,708201420 
46566PA0GERPA1952SO HIGH ALL1,708 721  
46567VO1AWVEO1983SO HIGH ALL1,705261516 
46568WB6KILW61965SO HIGH ALL1,705201417  
46569SM5WCSM1948SO HIGH ALL1,705     
46570N8EAW81995SO HIGH ALL1,702261013 
46571OK1HCHOKOM1985SO HIGH ALL1,702431037 
46572ZK1BGE5/s1953SO HIGH ALL1,702     
46573HA3GQHA1985SO HIGH ALL1,701251314 
46574K6TGW61976SO HIGH ALL1,701241413 
46575W6KYAW61975SO HIGH ALL1,701261116  
46576Y65LNDM1988SO HIGH ALL1,700221618 
46577UA9WEEUA91977SO HIGH ALL1,70038413 
46578SM5CCESM1954SO HIGH ALL1,700     
46579OK1IJOKOM1949SO HIGH ALL1,700     
46580UA9UEAUA91988SO HIGH ALL1,696191418 
46581ON4DOON1956SO HIGH ALL1,69643824  
46582JA9NBJA91963SO HIGH ALL1,694311210  
46583KZ5CWKZ51950SO HIGH ALL1,694 1012  
46584Y31NJDM1987SO HIGH ALL1,690281115 
46585VE3IRVE31948SO HIGH ALL1,690     
46586JN1RQVJA12015SO HIGH ALL1,6832115183.2 
46587JJ3CDKJA32012SO HIGH ALL1,6832416171.1 
46588LA6XILA1981SO HIGH ALL1,682361118 
46589WA9CYGW91981SO HIGH ALL1,682201118 
46590YO2BINYO1974SO HIGH ALL1,68256821  
46591OZ5KOZ1952SO HIGH ALL1,682 821  
46592W4WJJW41985SO HIGH ALL1,680231216 
46593OH2VZOH1973SO HIGH ALL1,680341218  
46594UW4NOUA-41973SO HIGH ALL1,680361223  
46595DM2BJDDL1964SO HIGH ALL1,680241216  
46596UD6FA4J1964SO HIGH ALL1,68028820  
46597DM3SBMDL1963SO HIGH ALL1,680311322  
46598DL1EADL1960SO HIGH ALL1,680291011  
46599CT1HTCT1950SO HIGH ALL1,680 516  
46600DL9GMCDL1995SO HIGH ALL1,679381112 
48432 results found
  Page 466 of 485  

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Scores in italics were received after the 5 day deadline and are not eligible for awards.

Rookie (R): licensed less than 3 years
Classic (C): single op, no assistance, 1 radio, max 24 hours
Youth (Y): Operator 25 years old or less

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