CQ WW Rules 2000
The 2000 CQ WW Contest
Phone: October 28-29
CW: November
Starts 0000 GMT Saturday
Ends 2400 GMT
For amateurs around the world to contact other amateurs in as many
zones and countries as possible.
All bands, 1.8 through 28 MHz, except for WARC bands.
III. TYPE OF COMPETITION (choose only one):
For all categories: All entrants must operate within the limits
of their chosen category when performing any activity that could
impact their submitted score. Transmitters and receivers must
be located within a 500 meter diameter circle or within the
property limits of the station licensee's address, whichever is
greater. All antennas used by the entrant must be physically
connected by wires to the transmitters and receivers used by the
entrant. Only the entrant's callsign can be used to aid the
entrant's score. A different callsign must be used for each CQ
WW entry.
A. Single Operator Categories:
Single band or all band; only one signal allowed at any one time;
the operator can change bands at any time.
1. Single Operator High: Those stations at which one person
performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. The
use of DX alerting assistance of any kind places the station in the
Single Operator Assisted category.
2. Single Operator Low: Same as III A 1 except that the output
power shall not exceed 100 watts
(see rule XI. 11).
3. QRPp: Same as III A 1, except that the power output must not
exceed 5 watts (see rule XI.11).
B. Single Operator Assisted:
Same as III A 1 except the passive (self- spotting not allowed) use
of DX spotting nets is allowed.
C. Multi-Operator (all band operation only):
1. Single Transmitter: Only one transmitter and one band permitted
during any 10-minute period, defined as starting with the first
logged QSO on a band. Exception: One-and only one-other band may be
used during any 10-minute period if-and only if-the station worked
is a new multiplier. Logs found in violation of the 10-minute rule
will be automatically reclassified as multi-multi.
2. Multi-Transmitter: No limit to transmitters, but only one signal
and running station allowed per band.
D. Team Contesting:
A team consists of any five radio amateurs operating in the single
operator category. A person can be on only one team per mode.
Competing on a team will not prevent any team member from
submitting his personal score for a radio club. A team score will
be the sum of all the team member scores. SSB and CW teams are
totally separate. That is, a member of an SSB team can be on a
totally different CW team. A list of a team's members must be
received at CQ Headquarters by the time the contest begins. Mail or
FAX the list to CQ, Att: Team Contest, 25 Newbridge Road,
Hicksville, NY 11801 U.S.A.; FAX 516-681-2926. Awards will be given
to the top teams on each mode.
Phone: RS report plus zone (i.e., 5705). CW: RST report plus zone
(i.e., 57905).
Two types of multiplier will be used.
1. A multiplier of one (1) for each different zone contacted on
each band.
2. A multiplier of one (1) for each different country contacted on
each band.
Stations are permitted to contact their own country and zone for
multiplier credit. The CQ Zone Map, DXCC country list, WAE country
list, and WAC boundaries are standards. Maritime mobile stations
count only for a zone multiplier.
1. Contacts between stations on different continents are worth
three (3) points.
2. Contacts between stations on the same continent but different
countries, one (1) point.
Exception: For North American stations only, contacts between
stations within the North American boundaries count two (2) points.
3. Contacts between stations in the same country are permitted for
zone or country multiplier credit but have zero (0) point value.
All stations: the final score is the result of the total QSO
points multiplied by the sum of your zone and country
Example: 1000 QSO points ¥ 100 multiplier (30 Zones + 70
Countries) = 100,000 (final score).
First-place certificates will be awarded in each category listed
under Sec.III in every participating country and in each call area
of the United States, Canada, European Russia, Spain, and
All scores will be published. To be eligible for an award, a Single
Operator station must show a minimum of 12 hours of operation.
Multi-operator stations must operate a minimum of 24 hours. A
single-band log is eligible for a single-band award only. If a log
contains more than one band it will be judged as an all-band entry,
unless specified otherwise.
In countries or sections where the returns justify, 2nd and 3rd
place awards will be made. All certificates/plaques will be issued
to the licensee of the station used.
- Single Operator, All Band
- World: Dave Rosen, K2GM - WA2RAU Memorial
- World Low Power: Slovenia Contest Club
- World QRP: Lew Sayre, W7EW
- World Assisted: Snake River Contest Club
- U.S.A: Potomac Valley R.C. - KC8C Memorial
- U.S.A. Low Power: North Coast Contesters
- U.S.A. Zone 3: Bill Fisher, W4AN
- U.S.A. Zone 4: Bill Fisher, W4AN
- Canada: Niagara Frontier Int'l DX Assn. - VE3WT Memorial
- Caribbean/C.A.: Alex M. Kasevich, VP2MM
- Europe: Potomac Valley R.C. - W4BVV Memorial
- Europe Low Power: Scott Jones, N3RA & Tim Duffy, K3LR
- Africa: Gordon Marshall, W6RR
- Asia: 2 AM Dayton Pizza Gang
- Japan: Japan Crazy Contesters Club
- Oceania: Northern California DX Club
- S. America: Yankee Clipper Contest Club
- S. America, Mainland: Jose Bachmann, ZP6CC, & Cesar Ivaldi, ZP5K
- Single Operator, Single Band
- World-28 MHz: Joel Chalmers, KG6DX
- World-21 MHz: Robert Naumann, N5NJ
- World-14 MHz: North Jersey DX Assn. - K2HLB Memorial
- World-7 MHz: Fred Laun, K3ZO - K7ZZ Memorial
- World-3.8 MHz: Fred Capossela, K6SSS
- World-1.8 MHz: Bob Wruble, W7GG
- USA-28 MHz: Donald Thomas, N6DT
- USA-21 MHz: World Radio
- USA-14 MHz: Southern California DX Club
- USA-7 MHz: Stanley Cohen, W8QDQ
- USA-3.8 MHz: Arnold Tamchin, W2HCW
- USA-1.8 MHz: World Radio
- Carib./C.A.: Snake River Contest Club
- Europe-28 MHz: CQ Magazine - VP2ML Memorial
- Europe-21 MHz: Tine Brajnik, S50A
- Europe-14 MHz: A.G. Anderson, GM3BCL
- Europe-7 MHz: Roger Burt, N4ZC
- Europe-3.8 MHz: Marconi Contest Club - I3MAU Memorial
- Europe-1.8 MHz: Robert Kasca, S53R
- Oceania: Bruce D. Lee, KD6WW
- Japan-21 MHz: DX Family Foundation
- Japan-14 MHz: Take Yokoyama, JL1BLW
- Multi-Operator, Single Transmitter
- World: Southern Calif. DX Club - W6AM Memorial
- U.S.A.: Carolina DX Association
- Europe: Bob Cox, K3EST
- Carib./C.A.: Eric Scace, K3NA
- Oceania: Junichi Tanaka, JH4RHF
- Africa: CQ Magazine
- S. America: Victor Burns, KI6IM
- S. America, Mainland: T. Zappini, ZP5AZL, & R. Bellucci, ZP5XF
- Asia: Edward Campbell, AH2BE
- Multi-Operator, Multi-Transmitter
- World: Dave & Barb Lesson, W6NL & K6BL
- U.S.A.: Paul Hellenberg, K4JA
- Europe: Finnish Amateur Radio League
- Japan: Ryozo Goto, JH3JYS
- Contest Expeditions
- World-Single Operator: National Capitol DXA - W2GHK Memorial
- World Multi-Single: Dieter Loffler, DK9KD - DJ3NG & DJ4EI
- World Multi-Multi: Tachio Yuasa, JA9VDA
- Special-Single Operator Award
- World-All Band Under 21 years old: Gene Zimmerman, W3ZZ
- World-All Band YL: Yutaka Tanaka, JH3DPB - KA6V Memorial
- CW
Single Operator, All Band
- World: Albert Kahn, K4FW - W9IOP Memorial
- World Low Power: Slovenia Contest Club
- World Assisted - Snake River Contest Club
- World QRPp: Gene Walsh, N2AA
- U.S.A: Frankford Radio Club
- U.S.A. Low Power: North Coast Contesters
- U.S.A. Zone 4: Bill Fisher, W4AN
- U.S.A. Zone 3: Bill Fisher, W4AN
- Canada: Jim Fisher, Jr., VE1JF
- Caribbean/C.A.: Chuck Shinn, W7MAP
- Europe: Edward Bissell, W3AU
- Europe Low Power: Scott Jones, WR3G & Tim Duffy, K3LR
- Scandinavia: Charles Weir Jr., W6UM - Charles Weir, Sr., W3FYS
- Africa: Gordon Marshall, W6RR
- Asia: Chuck Shinn, W7MAP
- Japan: Japan Crazy Contesters Club
- Japan Low Power: Western Washington DX Club
- Oceania: Peahi Contest Club
S. America: Venezuela DX Club
- Single Operator, Single Band
- World-28 MHz: Joel Chalmers, KG6DX
- World-21 MHz: Don Busick, K5AAD - N5JJ Memorial
- World-14 MHz: North Jersey DX Assn. - W2JT Memorial
- World-7 MHz: Alex M. Kasevich, VP2MM
- World-3.8 MHz: Fred Capossela, K6SSS
- World-1.8 MHz: Kenneth Byers, Jr., K4TEA
- USA-28 MHz: Wireless Institute of the Northeast
- USA-21 MHz: Wayne Carroll, W4MPY
- USA-14 MHz: Northern Illinois DX Association
- USA-7 MHz: Jan Perkins, N6AW - W6AM Memorial
- USA-3.5 MHz: Bill Feidt, NG3K
- USA-1.8 MHz: World Radio
- Canada: Radio Amateurs of Canada
- Carib./C.A.: Snake River Contest Club
- Europe-28 MHz: Jay Pryor, K4OGG
- Europe-21 MHz: Robert Naumann, N5NJ
- Europe-14 MHz: Maud Slater - G3FXB Memorial
- Europe-7 MHz: Ivo Pezer, 9A3A/5B4ADA
- Europe-3.5 MHz: Frankford Radio Club - K3VW Memorial
- Europe-1.8 MHz: Pat Barkey, N9RV & Terry Zivney, N4TZ
- Japan-21 MHz: DX Family Foundation
- Japan-14 MHz: Mitsuhiro Nishimura, JA7WME
- Multi-Operator, Single Transmitter
- World: Anthony Susen, W3AOH
- U.S.A.: Douglas Zwiebel, KR2Q
- Canada: Eastern Canadian DX Assn.
- Carib./C.A.: Octorino G. Villa, PY2KC
- Africa: Harry Booklan, RA3AUU
- Europe: Bob Cox, K3EST
- Oceania & Asiatic Pacific Rim: Junichi Tanaka, JH4RHF
- S. America: CQ Magazine
- Multi-Operator, Multi-Transmitter
- World: Douglas Zwiebel, KR2Q - Hazard Reeves, K2GL Memorial
- World SSB/CW Combined: Alpha/Power, Inc.
- U.S.A.: Bob Ferrero, W6RJ - N6RJ Memorial
- Europe: Finnish Amateur Radio League
- Japan: Ryozo Goto, JH3JYS
- Contest Expeditions
- World Single-Operator: Yankee Clipper Contest Club
- World Multi-Single: Carl Cook, AI6V
- World Multi-Multi: Bill Schneider, K2TT
- Special-Single Operator Award
- World SSB/CW Combined: Hrane Milosevic, YT1AD
- World All Band Under 21 years old: Chuck Shinn, W7MAP
- Club
- World SSB/CW: CQ Magazine - W1WY Memorial
- Non-USA SSB/CW: N. California Contest Club - N6AUV
A station winning a World trophy will not be considered for a
sub-area award. The trophy will be awarded to the runner-up in that
1. The club must be a local group and not a national
2. Participation is limited to members operating within a local
geographic area defined as within a 275 km radius from center of
club area (except for DXpeditions especially organized for
operation in the contest; club contributions of DXpedition scores
are percentaged to the number of club members on the
3. To be listed, a minimum of 3 logs must be received from a club
and an officer of the club must submit a list of participating
members and their scores, both on phone and CW.
1. All times must be in GMT.
2. All sent and received exchanges are to be logged.
3. Indicate zone and country multiplier only the FIRST TIME it is
worked on each band.
4. Logs must be checked for duplicate contacts, correct QSO points
and multipliers. Submitted logs must have duplicate contacts
clearly shown.
5. We want an electronic log. The Committee requires an electronic
log for any possible high score.
E-MAIL: Required Content: We strongly recommend you submit
the Cabrillo file created by all major logging programs. If
Cabrillo is unavailable, then: (1) A SUMMARY sheet in plain-text
ASCII, and (2) your LOG in plain-text ASCII. These files may be
sent in either one message or in separate messages. Be sure to put
MODE in the "Subject:"
line of each message.
Your log should be sent in plain-text ASCII format. Every logging
program has the option of producing an ASCII text log. Examples of
the ASCII log file names of the three most common logging programs
are the following:
= YOURCALL.DAT. Acceptable submissions can also include all
other fixed-column ASCII formats. If you must send a binary file,
it will have to be encoded. All popular encoding schemes are
acceptable, including UUencode, Base64, and BinHex. Your software
may automatically encode your log as an attachment.
Your e-mail log will automatically be acknowledged by the server.
You will also receive a personal access code from the server. Use
this code to view your log for completeness and later to retrieve
your computer analysis. If we have trouble reading your file, we
may ask you to send a disk. Submit your CQ WW SSB log to
ssb@cqww.com and your CQ WW CW
log to
DISKS: If you use a computer, please send your IBM, MS-DOS
compatible computer disk. A disk containing your files may be
submitted in lieu of a paper log. All disks MUST be accompanied by
a PAPER summary sheet satisfying all logging instructions. Label
your disk clearly with YOUR CALL, files included, the mode (SSB or
CW), and your category. The format we require for the most common
logging programs is your CT.all file (e.g. HSØAC.all), N6TR.
DAT, or NA.QDF files. Name your file correctly (for example,
6. Use a separate sheet for each band.
7. Each entry must be accompanied by a summary sheet showing all
scoring information, category of competition, contestant's name and
address in BLOCK LETTERS, and a signed declaration that all contest
rules and regulations for amateur radio in the country of operation
have been observed.
8. Sample log and summary sheets and zone maps are available from
CQ. A large self-addressed envelope with sufficient postage or IRCs
must accompany your request. If official forms are not available,
make up your own 80 contacts to the page on 81/2" ¥ 11"
9. All entrants are required to submit cross-check sheets (an
alphabetical list of calls worked) for each band on which 200 or
more QSOs were made. All other entrants are encouraged to submit
cross-check sheets.
10. Duplicate contacts and broken QSOs penalty: three (3)
additional contacts removed.
11. QRPp and low power stations must indicate same on their summary
sheets and state the actual maximum power output used, with a
signed declaration.
XII. DISQUALIFICATION: Violation of amateur radio
regulations in the country of the contestant, or the rules of the
contest; unsportsmanlike conduct; taking credit for excessive
duplicate contacts; unverifiable QSOs; or unverifiable multipliers
will be deemed sufficient cause for disqualification. Incorrectly
logged calls will be counted as unverifiable contacts.
An entrant whose log is deemed by the Committee to contain a large
number of discrepancies may be disqualified from eligibility for an
award, both as a participant operator or station, for one year. If
an operator is disqualified a second time within 5 years, he will
be ineligible for any CQ contest awards for 3 years.
The use by an entrant of any non-amateur means such as
telephones, telegrams, internet, or the use of packet to SOLICIT
contacts during the contest is unsportsmanlike and the entry is
subject to disqualification. Action and decisions of the CQ
Contest Committee are official and final.
1. All entries must be postmarked NO LATER than December 1, 2000
for the SSB section and January 15, 2001 for the CW section.
Indicate SSB or CW on the envelope, disk, or e-mail.
2. An extension of up to one month may be given if requested by
letter or other means. The granted extension must be confirmed by
letter sent to the contest director, must state a legitimate
reason, and the request must be received before the log mailing
deadline. Logs postmarked after the extension deadline may be
listed in the results but will be declared ineligible for an
Send your SSB log via the internet to
ssb@cqww.com and your CW log to
Paper logs and disks for
both Phone and CW logs should be sent to CQ Magazine, 25
Newbridge Road, Hicksville, NY 11801.