Raw scores as calculated before log checking. Last update: 2024-11-04 16:07:55 UTC
Listing shows rank, call, score, and operators. Checklogs are not included.
Please report any errors using the Contact Form so they can be corrected during the log checking.
1 RA9P......(Y)..10,410,126 2 K6JO......(Y)...5,708,340 3 DM7XX.....(Y)...3,244,858 4 LY7J......(Y)...3,154,204 (LY1LB) 5 TM4Y......(Y)...2,029,702 (F4IEY@F6KGL) 6 YT9X......(Y).....993,990 (YT0C) 7 VE3FCT....(Y).....529,232 8 SA6NIA....(Y).....513,774 9 DK1YH.....(Y).....433,693 10 DL0MT.....(Y).....424,426 11 OK1LEV....(Y).....336,015 12 KC1SDD....(Y).....285,615 13 9A3BWP....(Y).....122,436 14 KK7QHF....(Y)......83,232 15 DF7TR.....(Y)......73,584 16 AF0AV.....(Y)......56,940 17 HA3MAR....(Y)......48,790 18 KZ4BE.....(Y)......46,148 19 OE3OGC....(Y)......23,976 20 KO4ILS....(Y)......12,240 21 9A/KQ4GUI..(Y).....11,430 (KQ4GUI) 22 IU1LTD....(Y).......3,150 23 YC3CZV....(Y).........814 24 OE9SEV....(Y).........272