Raw scores as calculated before log checking. Last update: 2024-12-04 22:32:48 UTC
Listing shows rank, call, score, and operators. Checklogs are not included.
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1 RM9A...........21,163,589 (RG9A R8AEC RL9A RK9A RO9A RA9AO RN9A) 2 OT7T...........19,195,680 (ON4DS ON5OO ON7TK ON4AMX OP4K ON4CAS ON4AMI ON7ZB ON4EM ON6MG ON5JT ON7IO ON5GB ON6VL ON9EEE OO7J ON4LG ON4ALY ON4CAU) 3 PV2K............6,000,560 (PY2KNK PP1KV PY2KJ PY6HD) 4 YU1A............5,042,250 (YU1EA YU3TA YU0U YT1AA YT1WA YT5RA YU1RA) 5 DP5X............1,444,198 (DJ3CQ DL5JQ DL1EAR) 6 RT4D..............609,664 (R4DK RG4D RA4CMP RA4CON RA4CTR RA4DX R4CR) 7 7E3E................1,728 (YB3GFN YC3PW YF3CYT YG3ASG)