Detailed scores for ARKTIKA in the 2022 CQ WW Contest. Click on any column header to change sort order.
Callsign | Category | Mode | Score | Operator(s) |
RA9SN | SO LP ALL | CW | 198,440 | |
RA3NC | SO HP ALL | CW | 170,660 | |
R9XS | SO LP ALL | CW | 145,432 | |
R1ZM | SO LP ALL | CW | 50,920 | |
R1ZM | SO LP ALL | PH | 34,013 | |
R1IV | SO LP ALL | CW | 6,760 | |
Total Score | 606,225 |
*Club scores calculated from information in the score database. May not match what was reported in the magazine results article.
Multi-Distributed category entries do not count for club score.
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