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484 results found
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#CallQTHYearCategoryScore  QSOsZnCtyHoursOperator(s) Cert
401OH0NHOH01964SO HIGH ALL3,510721629  
402WB6CUUW61964SO HIGH ALL3,397332023  
403DJ7PBDL1964SO HIGH ALL3,37587720  
404W1PLJW11964SO HIGH ALL3,312341927  
405HA0LGHA1964SO HIGH ALL3,280631426  
406W3ISEW31964SO HIGH ALL3,268291824  
407DM2ATDDL1964SO HIGH ALL3,162821120  
408WA2IZSW21964SO HIGH ALL3,150351725  
409SM6CKU/2SM1964SO HIGH ALL3,124531628  
410CR7HCC91964SO HIGH ALL3,016411415  
411UA3KLDUA-31964SO HIGH ALL2,952501328  
412OK2TWOKOM1964SO HIGH ALL2,925531326  
413UW3CXUA-31964SO HIGH ALL2,888541127  
414YO5KDGYO1964SO HIGH ALL2,85269922  
415SP9YPSP1964SO HIGH ALL2,788641125  
416JA4AKLJA41964SO HIGH ALL2,755491316  
417YO8HGYO1964SO HIGH ALL2,730681025  
418UA1BTUA-11964SO HIGH ALL2,686451222  
419SP6UKSP1964SO HIGH ALL2,565581233  
420WA5ABGW51964SO HIGH ALL2,485261322  
421EA7LYEA1964SO HIGH ALL2,432361319  
422YO7VFYO1964SO HIGH ALL2,345621025  
423JA8BBJA81964SO HIGH ALL2,312341618  
424YO3JFYO1964SO HIGH ALL2,301591324  
425VK2RAVK1964SO HIGH ALL2,296321315  
426UB5WOUR1964SO HIGH ALL2,279331528  
427SP1KJWSP1964SO HIGH ALL2,250591119  
428OK1ZWOKOM1964SO HIGH ALL2,200491030  
429W6YLLW61964SO HIGH ALL2,200301144  
430UB5NWUR1964SO HIGH ALL2,144511121  
431DJ2UUDL1964SO HIGH ALL2,116451531  
432HA5AIHA1964SO HIGH ALL2,11288618  
433VE6VOVE61964SO HIGH ALL2,079281215  
434UA1DGUA-11964SO HIGH ALL2,030551019  
435UQ2FJYL1964SO HIGH ALL2,00661727  
436UA2WJUA21964SO HIGH ALL1,998451017  
437HA2MJHA1964SO HIGH ALL1,960401322  
438VE8BBVE81964SO HIGH ALL1,8906496  
439OK2BCZOKOM1964SO HIGH ALL1,880411129  
440YO2AAFYO1964SO HIGH ALL1,86062922  
441EI2ATEI1964SO HIGH ALL1,855571025  
442OH3QCOH1964SO HIGH ALL1,768342329  
443UA0CCUA01964SO HIGH ALL1,740571010  
444UA0MLUA01964SO HIGH ALL1,72052812  
445DM2BJDDL1964SO HIGH ALL1,680241216  
446UD6FA4J1964SO HIGH ALL1,68028820  
447DL4IODL1964SO HIGH ALL1,560461119  
448UB5KMXUR1964SO HIGH ALL1,55040922  
449JA4FMJA41964SO HIGH ALL1,376241616  
450W7POUW71964SO HIGH ALL1,326171313  
451OH2ACOH1964SO HIGH ALL1,22537817  
452YO5YTYO1964SO HIGH ALL1,200231213  
453UC2TAEU1964SO HIGH ALL1,10040916  
454DJ2ELDL1964SO HIGH ALL1,092191214  
455UW3CMUA-31964SO HIGH ALL1,09230818  
456DM3RBMDL1964SO HIGH ALL1,080181314  
457OK1AAOKOM1964SO HIGH ALL1,050251119  
458W7JRIW71964SO HIGH ALL1,0442099  
459YO2BZYO1964SO HIGH ALL1,02534916  
460WB6BBCW61964SO HIGH ALL1,0052378  
461UP2OKLY1964SO HIGH ALL99041814  
462SP1HUSP1964SO HIGH ALL98830917  
463JA6YBRJA61964SO HIGH ALL950291312  
464SP9ECSP1964SO HIGH ALL92434615  
465OH0NIOH01964SO HIGH ALL780221115  
466UA0LLUA01964SO HIGH ALL7442275  
467OH0NJOH01964SO HIGH ALL67235615  
468UB5KVFUR1964SO HIGH ALL63825616  
469LZ1KPBLZ1964SO HIGH ALL63033615  
470UA3AMUA-31964SO HIGH ALL616181315  
471ZS1OZS1964SO HIGH ALL5521675  
472UB5FLUR1964SO HIGH ALL550251015  
473UC2BBEU1964SO HIGH ALL49613610  
474UA9SHUA91964SO HIGH ALL4591198  
475W4UWSW41964SO HIGH ALL44210710  
476HB9UDHB1964SO HIGH ALL44012812  
477UB5ESUR1964SO HIGH ALL41812811  
478DM2BBEDL1964SO HIGH ALL2761557  
479UA6JBUA-61964SO HIGH ALL1651347  
480I1ERI1964SO HIGH ALL105732  
481W3DRDW31964SO HIGH ALL100655  
482OK2KFKOKOM1964SO HIGH ALL601237  
483DM3YFDL1964SO HIGH ALL56834  
484UA1DIUA-11964SO HIGH ALL56834  
484 results found
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Scores in italics were received after the 5 day deadline and are not eligible for awards.

Rookie (R): licensed less than 3 years
Classic (C): single op, no assistance, 1 radio, max 24 hours
Youth (Y): Operator 25 years old or less

Please report any errors through the Contact Form.


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