Raw scores as calculated before log checking. Last update: 2023-12-05 12:30:58 UTC
Listing shows rank, call, score, and operators. Checklogs are not included.
Please report any errors using the Contact Form so they can be corrected during the log checking.
1 RA9P......(Y)...7,089,390 2 9A/N4XTT..(Y).....420,888 3 DM7XX.....(Y).....239,994 4 ZP0X......(Y)......64,214 (W3MLJ) 5 YT0C......(Y)......17,385 6 9A/TA7AZC..(Y).....11,169 7 IU1GHC....(Y).......7,392 8 9A/KF0GVX..(Y)........744 9 JQ7AXT....(Y)..........24