Raw scores as calculated before log checking. Last update: 2023-12-05 12:30:58 UTC
Listing shows rank, call, score, and operators. Checklogs are not included.
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1 HG1S..............296,240 (HA1DAE) 2 LY2OU.............142,000 3 UA4FCO.............99,964 4 N6MZ...............97,664 5 HG3C...............80,855 (HA3HX) 6 SP2QOT.............69,269 7 4Z4UO..............38,110 8 OH1Z...............35,392 (OH1LEG) 9 PY2CER.............16,272 10 NK5G...............16,170 11 JR1LLD.............14,840 12 CB3EW..............10,255 (XQ3WD) 13 JK8VPQ..............5,425 14 9A5MP...............3,549 15 EC2AFJ..............2,294 16 YF3AJJ..............1,056 17 BA3TM.................912 18 YC3AHD.................70